
Finding an Elder (Part 2)

After they had set up camp, the army started to search through what was brought to find themselves something to eat. They had brought enough food that can last an entire week, if portioned correctly. Yu helped out with portioning out the food, making sure that each demon has enough of the food that was brought. "No seconds, but if you do get hungry again, you can go hunt for meat." Yu tells the army, who listened to her very carefully.

They ate their slowly so they can savor it, knowing that seconds is not allowed due to the how many demons, half-human and mages are being fed. As Yu ate, she did want to spar with Dai, but she figured that he was probably too tired from the day's journey to even stand up.

However, she was wrong. Dai was stretching his muscles out. He was wanting to spar with Yu as well. He was just waiting for her to work up her courage to ask him to spar with her. Until then, however, he was content with training by himself. Yu gazed down at her sword and she was willing to spar with Dai. "Dai?" She called out to him. Dai turned and he used his arm to block Yu's oncoming attack. He smirked as he was proud of her attacking him head-on. Yu wasn't using her sword just yet as she was waiting for the perfect time to use it.

"You attacked me." Dai was proud of Yu and he took notice of Yu's stance. The way she looks, she looks as if she's going to use the sword. He thought, gazing at Yu's hands. Yu was itching to use the sword and so, she ran at Dai. When she was close enough, her hand found the hilt of the sword and she pulled it out, almost striking Dai with it.

"To learn how to use the sword, I have to use it." Yu says, holding the sword to her side. Dai smirked at Yu's words. She is ready to fight me for real with her sword. He thought, smirking at Yu. He was ready to fight Yu.

Yu ran towards Dai and she raised her sword up. She then smashed the sword down onto the ground, causing multiple shockwaves to crack the ground. Dai was affected by the attack as it made him flew due to the shockwaves hitting his chest. Yu was shocked at this and she felt weak all of the sudden. Her strength was drained from the last attack she had used, but she stood up and she swung her sword over her shoulder. She ran towards Dai and Dai knew Yu was done. He smiled at Yu. She did the best she could. He thought. "Yu, it's alright. Just faint." Dai advises Yu, knowing that she couldn't stand any longer.

Yu reached Dai and she fainted onto the ground as she was already falling when she had reached Dai. "The fight is a draw." Yu mumbled and she was silent as she slept.

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