
Clearing The Grey Rot 7

Cold Summer revealed his features, which turned out to be… 

Surprisingly very masculine! 

What? Don't tell me you sick fellows were expecting this to be some mind blowing reveal that he was actually a beautiful woman all along?! 

See, this is the problem with the youth of today, always filled with wrongful thoughts like 'man I wish that dude was a girl I could bang' rather than 'I should write a 10 page essay about how much I love Guild Wars'! (Editor's Note: Or at least a 300 character review to increase the reader base.) 

Cough cough, anyway back to the action. 

Cold Summer was still locked in his dilemma of lackluster performing due to a Law that did not synergize well with the situation. Water was destructive, but mostly in specific situations and this was not one of those situations. 

As such, he revealed his very pale face as and his nose that was normally hidden, his sharp but most surprisingly… 

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