

Remarkably, the other Senja knew the safest path toward the Mountain Sui Sword Sect. They didn't meet a single human at all along their journey for seven days straight.

At this time, Senja had gotten used to ride a horse for a long period of time, so she has only a little bit complaint about how enthusiastic the other Senja was.

Along the seven days journey they only stop when the sun had set, made the campfire and cuddled together until the sun rose again.

Outside would think about them as twin with different hair color, secretly, both of them treated the other as one as they grew closer. Senja had never had a sister while the other Senja couldn't call Rindi and Hikari with that tittle either.

"We are here." She told Senja with satisfied grinned.

"This…" Senja scrunched her nose when unpleasant memory jumped to the front fo her mind.

"The ravine when we fell." She finished her word.

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