
Brewing Storm

When Takeo looked at the clock, the day had long ended but he was cooped up in Tsuzura-sensei's office going over new theories and ideas to improve 'Lighting pillar' sadly however they haven't found anything concrete.

Standing up he excused himself and left the office, his teacher didn't even look up from the research in front of him and simply waved him away. Using his mobile terminal he sent a message to Mio, telling her that he is making his way towards the front gates.

He was in a good mood, talking to a bonafide professional magic researcher opened a whole new world to him, the level of knowledge he possessed was immense and it wasn't just theories but coupled with a vast amount of practical experiences. He needed to find a way to hire a few for the G&G Group, ever since they lost the original research department they've had to shuffle members of other lower divisions that weren't relevant.

The state of the groups research department was laughable at best, he probably was the only member worth a grain of salt. Since taking over the group, they've only managed to produce 12 magic sequences and all of then were done by him alone. At the sad reality of things a frown could not help but make it's way on his face, that had to change, no it must change and soon.

While making his way towards the door leading outside the building, a voice called out to him "Ichinose-san please a moment" as soon as he heard that voice his frown got even deeper than before, nonetheless he turned around but didn't bother hiding his displeasure. "What do you want with me this time saegusa? I got better things to do than waste my time talking to you." his voice was cold and devoid of emotions, the clear displeasure was not shocking to her but it still caused her to feel guilty.

Mayumi looked down at her feet, grasping the hem of her skirt, after taking a deep breath she looked up and said. "I know we did not get off on good terms and that you do not want anything to do with me, I understand that but please may I please ask you for a favor?"

Scoffing at her words Takeo said "You right about that, and I dont think we will ever be in good terms that ship has sail there is an old saying in the USNA that says 'fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me'. I will say this it's not only you, considering how Juumonji acted it has ruined my perspective on most if not all members of the ten master clans and eighteen assistant houses. After all you are all cut from the same cloth, as for Watanabe just like Morisaki she has damaged the view I have for the hundred families too but luckily I have a friend and a colleague who are members so it hasn't totally ruined it. Anyways as for that favor that will be a hard no, just being in your presence is sickening enough so good bye."

Leaving Mayumi in the hallway by herself, Takeo made his way out the door without even looking at her. When he arrived at the gate, Mio was already waiting for him. After getting in however he noticed Kana was also inside, raising his eyebrows he said "Well this is a real surprise, so to what do I owe this visit my darling?" Cupping her right breast and giving her a kiss on the neck he whispered in her ear "is this business or pleasure ?" At his action a blush couldn't help but creep up her neck, she immediately lowered her head and said in a mosquito like voice "business"

Upon seeing her reaction Takeo couldn't help but smile, teasing these girls should be a crime because they're reactions would cause any man to put hands on them. Despite her being here on a business related agenda Takeo continued taking advantage of her by pinching her nipples every now and then which in turn caused her to let out cute moans every time he did so.

When she finally got towards the end of her report, Takeo finally got a bit serious and stopped teasing her. Apparently the group of squatters were members of the criminal organization called 'Blanche', they were an anti-magic group who would use any and all means to achieve their agenda including killing and bombing.

One of the sleeper agents on the police force said that a subordinate organization who's members are mainly youths called the Egalites have popped up and are spreading throughout the nation. And possibly are already inside First, second and third high schools since they are the only ones with course 2 students.

After hearing this Takeo went silent for bit, this was not a joking matter. As a former member of the Ghost unit he knew that terrorist organizations always had other smaller groups who helped fund then both financially and with personnel, often they were organized crime syndicates that specialized in prostitution, human trafficking, drugs cartels, smuggling rings, and weapons trafficking. Hell sometimes it is the opposite where it is the terrorist organization working for the crime syndicates.

The chaos allows them to thrive, since there is a much bigger threat around this allow them go unnoticed by the authorities, so for an organization like that to infiltrate this country out of no6and spread to the schools who specifically has frictions between its student body was not a coincidence, it was well planned attack. One that was executed with extreme precision, which means there will be future attacks and they will be escalating rapidly.

After a brief moment, he looked at Kana and said " I need you to tell the lab to create 16 male subjects all must possess exceptional magical abilities, and I want them to be combat ready by end of the week. All of them must receive specialized training, further more immediately after they're ready for mobilization have them start creating another 50 men this time I want them to focus on unit cohesiveness and teamwork." Kana nodded but still sent a questioning gaze towards Takeo, in her opinion Blanche and The Egalite weren't that much of an issue. Sure they could resort to some dirty tricks but to have an entire platoon made specially to combat them was absurd.

Seeing her face Takeo smiled and explained "The reason why i need so many combat magicians is not because of Blanche, but it's because of the organization behind them. You see i think they are part of a much bigger group, The Egalite are the bait so to speak. They create havoc and chaos while the much larger organization in this case Blanche to reap all the benefits, if Blanche's members are the knights than The Egalite's are the pawns. Then who is behind Blanche? you see they are also here to shift our attention away from the leaders of an even higher organization.

Kana look at the state of Asia as a whole, The Great Asian Union is one of the four great military powers of the world. But their Magic Technology lacks due to the loss of the Kunlunfang Institute, which was once their nexus of magical knowledge. They also have difficulty in terms of natural resources due to the fact that they are stretch thin, they have the largest military in the world but have difficulty maintaining it. And to the north they share borders with another great world power The New Soviet Union.

The South-East Asian League is made up of a coalition smaller nations in desperate need of help in both resources and technology. To make matters worst they are under constant threat against the Great Asian Union and The New Soviet Union who sports two of the largest land military world wide.

Then you have japan, a prosperous land of milk and honey in they're eyes. We have stability, technology and what we lack in quantity we make up for in quality. We have the ten master clans, eighteen assistant houses and the hundred families whom are all recognized world wide for they're combat abilities. We have repelled the attacks of two of the major world superpowers both The New Soviet Union and The Great Asian Union, who managed to overlap they're attacks in order to catch us off guard. Yet suffered a crushing defeat on all fronts, looking at it this way what do you think would be the next course of action? They cannot beat us head on so they will use psychological warfare and Asymmetric warfare. Do not be surprised if a group of insurgents decide to attack in the near future, that's why i need troops darling war is close."

After saying this Takeo simply closed his eyes, and started formulating contingency plans. Elsewhere at the Chiba family's dojo Erika was on one knee holding her left wrist in pain, her bokken laid on the floor next to her. She had shocked expression on her face, her long awaited rematch against Eiji barely lasted three moves. She was utterly crushed, she felt like crying yet tears couldn't come out, a pair of cold eyes stared at her like a beast eye an injured prey.

After a few seconds she was suddenly felt light headed before being assaulted by a wave of nausea, unable to bear it she fainted soon after. Seeing this Eiji sent his older brother to find help, being unfamiliar with the surroundings he found a smaller building nearby and knocked. Soon a slender young woman with waist-length chestnut hair opened the door, She wore a pink yukata with red sakura on it. She also had big dark brown eyes that matched her hair, Her beauty would definitely attract numerous men.

Behind her was a man, he could be best described as someone with delicate features, enough to label him a beautiful young man. He has a medium build with brown hair, one could easily see the family resemblance between the two of them. The woman looked him up and down asked with a questioning tone, one neither rude nor arrogant just plain.

"Can i help you?"

"Hello my name is Nobuhiko Chizaru, i am in need of assistance you see someone in the dojo has fainted. She is a member of the Chiba family hence i decided to come here." Upon hearing that the man behind her rushed out the door as fast as his legs could carry him, leaving the two behind looking at the direction which he disappeared to in a daze. Shaking her head the woman turned to him bowed and said "I apologize for my brothers behavior, my name is Chiba Sanae it is a pleasure to meet you."


breaker13creators' thoughts
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