
Leaving - Part 1

Hidden Leaf Third training ground…


*bz!* *bz!*

*bz!* *bz!* *bz!*

Sasuke's eyes widened seeing the purple arcs of electricity flashing across Kakashi's hand.

"Use your Sharingan," Kakashi said as he looked at the tree ahead of the duo.

Sasuke immediately activated his Sharingan not daring to waste a single second. As soon as Sasuke opened his eyes, he was able to see Kakashi's chakra flow which was a lot calmer and more docile by nature as compared to the aggressive chakra flow that he or Kakashi would experience if they were to use the Chidori or Raikiri…

("Go!") Kakashi announced in his mind, focusing on the tree.

Sasuke squinted his eyes, barely able to notice the chakra flow before the jutsu was executed.


An intense burst of purple flash instantaneously struck the tree.

"huh?" Sasuke stared at the tree seeing it was perfectly all right.

"Wait for it," Kakashi said.


The trunk of the tree suddenly split following which the upper part of the tree lost its balance…


The tree fell on the ground causing a minor shockwave on the land around with Sasuke staring at it in shock.

*bz!* *bz!* *bz!* *bz!*

("huh…") Sasuke then quietly turned towards Kakashi only to see his hand glowing with the purple lightning.

("He's not done yet!?") Sasuke exclaimed in his mind.

("Go!") Kakashi sent another burst of purple lightning.

(Bang!) The part of the tree that was fallen on the ground was struck, except this time, there was an explosion.


Sasuke stared wide-eyed at the explosion that took place.

"You can control the power easily and can use it from a long distance. This technique does not require the Sharingan to be operated." Kakashi explained with a smile as he turned towards Sasuke.

"…" Sasuke remained speechless from the excitement that was welling within him.

"That's the new purple lightning technique in a nutshell," Kakashi said.

"I see…" Sasuke replied slowly, trying his hardest to regain his calm demeanor.

"There's a reason why I am showing you this," Kakashi said suddenly.

"…" Sasuke stared silently though internally he frowned, knowing there were certain expectations of him.

"Strong weapons require time and patience to learn and can have dangerous consequences when not wielded properly. More importantly, they drain a lot of power leaving you nothing if you use it as a last resort." Kakashi explained.

Sasuke nodded having already witnessed his limit being three Chidoris. The third one could suck his chakra dry leaving him on the verge of death leaving Sasuke quite disturbed. Sasuke learned Sage mode to combat this, however, Sage mode also had a limit, which could backfire on him from either observing too much and turning into a stone or risk losing a battle and die from running out of sage mode.

"I see…" Sasuke replied.

"In short, I want you to stop practicing the Raikiri for a while and master this one first. As the training from learning this style might also play a major role in learning Raikiri in the near future," Kakashi said.

"Hmph, I will learn this technique…" Sasuke said.

"hmmm??" Kakashi was piqued from not hearing an end to the sentence.

"However, I will continue to learn the Raikiri as well," Sasuke said.

("Pretty much expected that to happen…") Kakashi thought.


A man wearing the Hidden Leaf Flak jacket landed a few meters away from them.

"Hm?" Kakashi looked towards the man.

"Orders from the Hokage,"

"The Jōnins are to assemble at the village entrance," The man relayed.

"I see…" Kakashi nodded, seeing that it was time to leave for the Hidden Sand.

"Later then, Sasuke," Kakashi said vanishing from the spot he stood earlier.

Sasuke stared in the direction Kakashi had departed in, replaying the scene he had just witnessed.



"Seems like it is going to get interesting," Sasuke said as he lowered his head to stare at his left hand.


Hidden Leaf BBQ,


*Om* *Om*

*Om* *Om* *Om*


*Om* *Om*

*Om* *Om* *Om*

"Chōji, will it kill you to slow down," Ino shouted seeing chōji pick up a lump of barbecued meat that Ino had placed for herself.

"We will win the second prize no matter what," Chōji declared as he munched quickly.

"…" Shikamaru could only spectate silently as he turned his head to gaze out the window.

("It seems like they can handle this on their own after all,") Asuma felt relieved seeing Chōji taking up the reigns for the sports festival.

"huh?" Shikamaru's gaze was interrupted by a man suddenly appearing out the window.

Asuma looked at the man and understood the message immediately.

"All right, I'll be going ahead now," Asuma said as he stood up.

("Looks like It's time for Asuma-sensei to leave with the others…") Shikamaru thought.

"You are leaving already?" Ino asked.


"I'll see you three over there in two days. Make sure to get that prize," Asuma said the following which he paid his team's tab and left the place.

"Bye sensei," the three said at the same time.

(Whoosh!) Asuma vanished from the place he stood.

Ino took a moment to gather her thoughts and then sat down only to see her pieces were all taken again.

"CHŌJI!" Ino screamed.


Hidden Leaf Zeroth training ground…



An eagle swooped down swiftly closing in on a certain tree.

"Now," Jūgo shouted as he and Sai took off at the same time towards the target.

"Don't!" A voice shouted from behind.

"…" Sai turned around to glance but continued onwards towards the target, meanwhile Jūgo halted at where he was.

"What is it?" Jūgo asked.

"He is a clone…" Karin replied slowly.

*Kyarooo!!!* The eagle shouted as it started pecking at Yamato��s head, however it was being blocked by a kunai wielded by Yamato trying to block the beak from hitting.


Two snakes suddenly pounced onto Yamato from the lower tree branches.


A smoke cloud exploded.

"…" Sai stared silently at the smoke cloud from a few meters away.

Soon the smoke cleared up to show a wooden dummy version of captain Yamato tied up by ink snakes at the around the waist, restraining both arms.

("That was a clone huh…") Sai acknowledged the fact that he was duped.

Karin closed her eyes to scan the surroundings.

"There!" Karin pointed towards a certain tree.


A figure immediately rushed out.

"Hurry!" Karin reminded the two.

Sai and Jūgo immediately followed after.


"…" Sai, Karin, and Jūgo stared helplessly as a bunch of wooden pillars rose up in the air.


(Whoosh!) (Whoosh!)

The three jumped off of trees skywards but could only stare in horror as a ceiling of wood quickly appeared over their heads.

< Wood Style - Wood Prison! >

A prison held the three inside.

"Looks like we've failed…" Sai said slowly.

"Indeed…" Yamato said slowly as he came into view.

"Not bad for a quickly formed team, however, you've failed the moment your surprise attack failed to hit me," Yamato explained.

"…" The three stared silently.


A man appeared next to Yamato and immediately conveyed the message.

("If only I had more time…") Yamato thought.

(Bang!) The wooden prison was undone and the wooden pillars receded into the ground.

"That's all for today since I'll have to leave for the Hidden Sand with the others…" Yamato said as his eyes scanned the expressions of the trio, one by one.

"Before you all depart tomorrow, I want you all to think what mistakes you all have committed in today's training and reflect over them,"

"I'll be expecting you all to work together for the Sports Festival," Yamato said as he turned around and left the training field.

"…" Sai, Jūgo and Karin stared silently at the place their sensei was supposed to be and guide them.


Hidden Leaf Magazine store…

"So these are the works of art you have done before…" Deidara said as he stared at a magazine that had Guy-sensei in only his underwear giving a muscular pose as the cover, with the title reading, 'Handsome Beast'

"Impressive," Deidara said as he flipped the page.

"Indeed, It takes a lot of work to sculpt something that you are not able to directly sculpt," Guy said as he tried hard to flex his muscles.

"Senpai, Naruto once followed Guy-sensei's diet plan and was able to become instantly strong,"

"You should try getting some personalized diets and training regiments too," Lee recommended.

"I am interested…" Deidara said as he continued to flip the magazine.


A messenger landed outside the magazine store.

Gai had a tacit understanding that it was time for him to leave.

"Lee, looks like I'll have to leave your senpai to you so that I can join the others in heading towards Hidden Sand," Gai said.

"Understood, Guy-sensei!" Lee saluted.

Guy then turned towards Deidara.

"Looks like we'll have to set time to discuss some other day…" Guy said.

"Indeed…" Deidara nodded.

Guy then looked at Lee.

"Lee, get the team to be serious during the competition,"

"We'll show Kakashi's team that we are a force to be reckoned with!" Guy declared.

"YES!" Lee replied with over-enthusiasm.

"Prepare yourselves, I'll see you all there in two days," Guy said as he disappeared along with the messenger.


Hidden Leaf Village Entrance…

A few figures waited at the gateway for the final group of people, before setting off.

The figures at the gate included Hiruzen, Kurenai, Asuma, Kakashi, and a few other jōnins.

"Guy is the last one we are waiting for, correct?" Hiruzen asked.

"Yes…" Kakashi replied.


Guy landed right beside Kakashi.

"Hidden Leaf's Handsome beast has arrived," Guy announced.

"You're late," Kakashi said, which made Guy's eyed widen.


"Sorry for being late…" Guy apologized immediately.

"It's all right, The messengers can't get to everyone all at once,"

"So don't blame yourself," Hiruzen said with a smile.

"Hmm?" Kakashi was surprised.

"What is it?" Hiruzen asked.

"Isn't that…" Kakashi pointed his index finger towards the entrance.




"Oh, if it isn't Mr.Ta…" Before Kakashi could say a word, he was interrupted by the figure.


*cough* *cough* "We need your help,"

"The village, Hajime and Arata are…"

Chapitre suivant