
Chronicles of Lyra: The Last Elf

Auteur: lkratzy
Actuel · 24K Affichage
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Discontinued until I get some feedback on if it’s worth writing more. Thx Picture: Beautiful, not done by me, found on Pinterest. In the world of Elgasia, Elves once lived and ruled. After years of them having vanished, one elf named Lyra was found as a baby. Raised as an outcast, she has lived fending for herself. Dragonmen, dragon riders and the protectors of Elgasia, come to her village looking for potential riders and find Lyra. She is then brought to their new headquarters to train and become the first elf Dragonwomen in thousands of years.

Chapter 1Chapter 1

The streets hummed with excitement as the merchants bustled around their stalls, eager to make a bargain and sell their wares. Lyra crept around to her favorite stall, making sure not to be seen by anyone. She was an outcast. A stranger in her only home. Lyra had been raised by an old spinster. She had found her on the side of the Crescent Main Way. The biggest road that ran through Elgasia. Lyra had long silver-blue hair. Her eyes were large, hazel and slightly angled. Her cheekbones accented her face perfectly and her nose was straight except for it lightly turning up at the end. Her ears ended in a point at the top. Lyra was an Elf. No one had seen one in thousands of years so, naturally, they had feared the little Lyra, casting her out once her guardian died, and treating her like a deformed, ugly child. She was twelve when her guardian died. That was seven years ago.

Lyra eyed her favorite item that always seemed never to sell. It came back to her town, Mountfell, every year with the same merchant who was impatient to sell it, each year getting a little more desperate. She yearned to have the item, or even hold it. It was a sword. A beautiful sword. The hilt was a dark blue crystal and the blade a light blue crystal. Silver was laid into the handle and branched down the blade. It was so beautiful and was masterly made. Twice, Lyra had asked a price but each time the merchant spit at her and chased her away. She had decided to steal it tonight. Right as he slept. She knew where kept it. Right under his cot. Lyra watched as the merchant attempted to sell the blade to Barren, the towns baker. She knew it was going to go badly. Barren was a tall stocky man. Dark short hair with a medium length beard matching the color of his hair. He had a hardened face, weathered from many difficult years. It always seemed to be in a permanent scowl. Barren hated anything to do with war, including beautiful swords.

"You must be crazy, I would never even touch such a sword. Do you know where it could have come from? The elves and their odd followers. " Barren spat, "Get that… thing away from me." Barren threw up his hands and stomped away. The merchant slumped his shoulders and put the sword away.

"Will I never be rid of you?" He whispered to it.

The merchant got up and started to close up his stall, the time to recover the sword was soon coming.

Lyra sat crouched in the same spot she had been hours before. She pulled the hood of her woolen cloak further over her head, hoping to stay more hidden. She was very good at remaining unseen since she depended on it to survive. She had heard the merchant go to bed an hour ago and now she decided it was time to move. Lyra closed her hazel eyes and took a deep breath. Listening very closely, she heard no movement coming from inside the stall or from anywhere else in the town. She had noticed early in her life that she could hear much more than anyone who lived in her town. It was a prime ability for someone who must stay unnoticed. Once Lyra was satisfied that nothing could go wrong, she started to move towards the door of the stall. Opening it just a crack, she slipped through silently. The room was a cluttered mess. Random objects were sprawled around the room. Lyra had no idea how anyone could make sense or live in this. Lyra had scouted out the stall the night before. Everything seemed about the same as she saw the first time. She carefully made her way to the cot where the merchant was fast asleep. Any normal human would have tripped on any number of the odd objects cluttering the floor but Lyra could see perfectly. Looking under the bed. Lyra saw the box that contained the sword. The box was almost as beautiful as the sword. It was made of cherry wood with a perfect furnish. The wood was carved with many vines and leaves. The vines were filled with gold leaf and the leaves were silver and gold. Lyra reached towards the box and traced a vine to the latch. Resisting to open the box and gaze on the blade that called to her ever since she saw it, she knew she spent too much time here and must leave. She pulled the box out from under the bed. Cringing as it grated across the ground. The merchant changed position but did not wake. Carefully, Lyra lifted the box, surprised at how heavy it was. She then made her way out the door and closed it. She had done it. A smile grew on her fair face. She listened for a couple of seconds then quickly made her way to her home.

She had built a small shack up in a large tree above the waterfalls that flowed above the town. Having more endurance than most nineteen year olds, she made it in less than two hours. Lyra stood by a large oak tree that was near her house and listened for any trouble. Once she was sure no one was there she ran to her the base of her home. Looking up at the moon. She estimated that the sun would rise in an hour. The merchants would be leaving then and she knew one of them would be running around yelling thief. Lyra smiled to herself and entered her home. Once the door was latched and she was sure no one had followed her, Lyra set the box on her table. It looked even more beautiful in the well lit room. Following the vines to the latch, Lyra opened the box. Lyra couldn't believe her eyes. Her sword was really in front of her and it really was hers. A smile spread across her face as she reached for the sword. As soon as her hand touched the blade, her vision went black.

Lyra opened her eyes to see that she was no longer in her home. She was lying on the ground of a stone room of some sort. Sitting up, she looked around and saw a young man sleeping in a large bed. Glancing around the room again, she saw a sword resting against a armchair that was placed near the bed, a fireplace that was well stocked on the opposite side of the room and a large wardrobe that was place on the left side of the room. A desk also rested on the left side of the room. Lyra got to her feet and made her way silently over to the bed. She studied the man and decided he was very much asleep. She then wandered over to the desk and tried to make out some of the runes that were on the papers. Her guardian had taught her how to read the language that she spoke, but this wasn't the same. Lyra next walked over to the sword. It was similar to Lyra sword made of crystal but it was shades of green instead of blue. The special metal was gold instead of silver. Curious, she lifted it up and unsheathed it.


Lyra jumped, the sudden voice frightened her and she dropped the sword, slicing her hand as she did. She gasped and pressed her hand into her stomach.

"Who are you? If you're an assassin, than you're a lousy one at that. Don't touch my sword again or you'll get more than that little scratch." the young man said, slightly mockingly.

Lyra panicked and tried to run to the door but the man was too fast. He jumped up from his bed, grabbed her arm and threw her on the ground. She let out a yelp and moved across the floor towards the fireplace.

"Hold on, are you a woman?"

The young man walked towards her and crouched on his knees. His face grew from confused to amazed.

"My God you are beautiful. I'm sorry I was so rough, I thought you were here to hurt me. Who are you and how old are you. Fifteen?" the man guessed.

Lyra was slightly offended by his uneducated guess. The man looked about twenty, and he had short blonde hair. His face was cleanly shaven and he had bright green eyes. He's nose was perfectly straight and in the firelight, his skin glowed a golden color. He wasn't wearing a shirt either. "I am nineteen, and you can not flatter me, I know very well I am not beautiful, I-I am an outcast. Do not mock me sir. You do not need to know who I am, I don't know how I got here but I do know I must leave. If you'll excuse me." Lyra made to get up but was stopped by the man.

"No wait, at least let me heal your hand." He said, reaching out towards her. Lyra looked at him hesitantly but presented her hand to him anyway. He took her hand and started to talk. "I did really mean it when I said you were beautiful, you know. I wasn't making any fun. I don't know why you think you are ugly or who told you but you are not. " he said. Lyra studied him as he concentrated on her hand. Her hand started to itch where her cut was.

"How are you doing that?" Lyra asked.

"Magik," He said and then looked up from her hand, "Have you never heard of it? Only few can master it."

The man narrowed his eyes a little and studied her closely. His eyes then suddenly widened. "Are you an elf? You are, aren't you?"

Lyra snatched her hand away and said while glancing at her hand, "Maybe I am but that is not important, I must go." Lyra again tried to get up.

"No please wait. Please." He got up with her and grabbed for her arm but missed, he stumbled and fell, bringing Lyra down under him.

"Get off me! Sir, get off me!"

The young man pushed himself up but not enough for Lyra to move, he kept looking into her eyes and then moved his face closer to hers.

"What are you doing, stop, get off!" Lyra was fighting him but not to her full extent. She was curious. No one, especially a handsome man, ever paid so much attention to her.

The man kept moving his face until it was nearly less than a centimeter from her face. Lyra's face felt hot and she knew she was blushing. He seemed to be about to pull away and before Lyra knew what she was doing, she moved up and kissed him.

Lyra woke up laying on the floor of her shack. She groaned and sat up. The sword! Lyra stood up and saw that her sword was still sitting on the table. She reached out her hand hesitantly and touched the blade. She still remained in her home this time. Strange… I wonder why I went somewhere else the last time. What is this sword? Lyra picked it up and was surprised by how light it was. It seemed like it weighed no more than a feather. I wonder who he was. Why had he think I was beautiful? He must have not seen very well. He was definitely attractive. I kissed him… that was my first kiss… or was it only a dream… she gasped and looked at her hand. She forgot she had cut it and he had said he would heal it. She studied her left hand, it had a pink line running down the palm, right where she cut it. Lyra also looked at the cotton shirt she was wearing and saw her own blood when she had pressed her injured hand against her stomach. It wasn't a dream… Lyra gathered herself and put the sword away.

Latching the box, she placed it under one of the boards in her shack. Once she was sure it was secure, she started getting ready for the day. Lyra needed to go hunting today. If she didn't catch anything, she would have to go into town and forage what she could. Lyra went to her makeshift closet and grabbed her dagger and her bow. Lyra walked over to the door and made her way down to the ground. Lyra strung her bow and grabbed her walking staff and ventured over the falls. Lyra found that she caught the best if she crossed over the roaring falls and traveled deep into the Fallen Forest. Lyra walked into the forest until it barely any light could be seen, then she sat down, closed her eyes and listened. The silence of the forest grew louder and louder until a breath broke it, then a twig snapping, and footsteps echoed through the forest.

Lyra opened her eyes and crept towards the footsteps. Slowly drawing her bow, she knew her prey was close. It was a buck, aimlessly walking around the forest. Lyra nocked an arrow, crouched and listened again. A single sigh gave him away. In one swift movement, Lyra moved and let the arrow fly. Three seconds later, she heard a thump about 10 feet away. Score. Lyra trotted to the animal and started to gut and prepare him for the trip back. Lyra cut the deer up the best she could and wrapped the meat up in the spare cloth she had. She then made a makeshift sled and placed the wrapped up meat, antlers, and hide onto the sled. After burying the unneeded parts of the deer, Lyra made her way back to the falls, pulling her sled behind her. It was almost mid-afternoon as she neared the falls. She heard a roar sound throughout the forest. Lyra did not hesitate. She started to run as fast as she dared without losing the meat she dragged behind her. I need to just get out of the forest, then I will be able to cross the falls and I am home and hidden. Right as Lyra exited the forest, a large shadow fell across her. Lyra froze and dropped the sled. Behind her, Lyra heard a large thump as something landed behind her. Lyra slowly turned around. She was face to face with a dragon. Lyra had heard of dragons and how they ruled the sky in the North, but she had never actually seen one. The dragon slowly curled up its lip, letting out a growing growl. Lyra quickly tried to recall what she knew of dragons. They were intelligent creatures, proud…. and meat eaters. Lyra looked at the wrapped deer and then back up to the dragon.

"Oh great dragon! Please spare me. You may take what you please from what I hunted but please wise dragon, do not harm me." Lyra pleaded.

The dragon grunted and spoke, sounding amused.

"Do not fear girl, I will not harm you, I may have to take your offer on the deer though, I am quite exhausted from my flight, but no, I won't hurt you. I have come to tell your people that it is due for them to be inspected by my rider and his companions. You were the first human I saw. If you wouldn't mind, please tell the rest of your people because I honestly don't feel like flying down there."

"I wouldn't mind, great one, but I doubt they would listen to me. I am not like them. I am not a human. They would laugh at me." Lyra said, brushing her long hair behind her ear.

"Ah, I see, I have not been around a she elf in a long, long time. I don't know why I didn't sense it before. You were letting off a brighter energy than most… Where did you all go? Very well. I will tell them myself. Do not let them mistreat you, young one. Your race was great when it was here." The dragon said. He then started to turn and unfurl his wings. The mention of her race startled her. She did not think any creature could have been old enough to know her ancestors.

"Wait!" Lyra ran up to the dragon, "Please, how could you possibly have known or been in the presence of another elf. You would have to be more than a thousand years old. It's impossible…"

"Do you not know? Dragons only die when they are killed. I am one of the oldest dragons, as is my rider, the oldest of the Dragonmen. I must go. Keep your meat. I will return with my rider in three days. Be there, he will want to meet you." The dragon said, baring his teeth, he scowled as he prepared the energy to take flight and took off.

Lyra watched the dragon fly down to her town. She now noticed he was a deep red. Like a ruby. His eyes were also red, from what she remembered.

Dragons and their riders. I almost forgot about them. They are protectors of the North and keep a watch on the South. They never come down though. I wondered why they are actually traveling to the South, and to my town. Lyra suddenly realized she was still standing in the fields before the falls. She picked up the sled and made her way to the edge of the falls. Lyra then grabbed a pack from a tree where she hid a couple for after hunting and placed the meat into it. After making sure it was secure on her back, she journeyed across the water. Once on the other side, she removed a stone from under a small waterfall. Inside was what was left of the last hunting trip. She placed the new meat in the space and removed the older meat and placed it her pack. She then put the stone back. The water from the falls kept the area that she had dug out and cleaned the perfect temperature for keeping her meat for up to four days. She would dry some of it if it wasn't almost gone by the third day. Grabbing her pack, she made her way to her cooking station and made a fire underneath her pot that she stole from Barren. She fetched water from the falls and filled the pot and let the water come to a boil. Once it was ready, she placed her meat in and a bunch of vegetables from her garden. She let it boil for almost an hour and then put the fire out with extra water that she had gotten from the falls. She stored some of the contents in a bag made of a hide of a deer, and then prepared herself a portion in a wooden bowl she made. After she finished, she washed out bowl and pot and went back into her house.

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