
The Bandits Annihilation (1)

(Regaleon's POV)

<A few hours before the bandits' attack>

I called on Brad who was leading the team of mercenaries to guard this village. It was best to make counter measures on the bandits that planned to attack tonight. My men and the mercenaries were banded together to form a plan.

"What did you say, your majesty?" Brad was surprised with information. "So those bandits are outside the village just waiting for nightfall to attack?!"

"It is what I have said." I said with a calm demeanor. "The bandit group that are notorious of the crimes of thievery, rape and murder are outside of this village, just waiting to attack."

Brad was clearly furious in learning of this news. "Those f*cking b*astrds did not learn their lesson in our past confrontations."

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