
X-Mansion Under Attack (2)

Inside the X-Mansion

Wolverine sliced his claws into soldier's chest before hurling him out of the window.

After seeing this scene, all the soldiers in the room start running away but before they could flee any further a stream of ice blast hit all of them and encasing their bodies except their heads in ice.

Iceman intimidatingly said "Who said you could easily leave?" before transforming back into his human form.

Just as Wolverine was going to praise Iceman, he suddenly stood still and started sniffing the air. Seeing this Iceman quickly transformed himself back into his ice form and took a defensive posture before saying "Looks like the soldiers have not given up!".

Wolverine detecting the scent growled "Get ready! This time it is not soldiers!" before turning his body towards the source of the scent.

As soon as Wolverine completed his sentences a large feral figure in black leather pant and jacket come burst through window and slammed himself into Wolverine's chest. The attack send Wolverine flying across the room and smashing into the wall.

The intruder glance toward Wolverine's direction in contempt before glancing at the Iceman growling "Growl!" before leaping toward Iceman's direction.

Iceman quickly jump away and started shooting ice blast toward the intruders shouting "Who are you?" with no reponse except an animal growl from the intruder.

The light shone on the intruder revealing a feral mutant named Wild Child. Wild Child's mutation and DNA have been tampered with and enhanced many times making it very difficult to determine whether his powers are due to his natural mutation or artificially enhanced.

Wild Child's mutations involves superhuman smell, sight, hearing, speed, agility, reflexes, endurance, coordination, balance and healing factor. His physical appearance is similar to Sabretooth which mutations include fangs and claws, cat slit eyes, fur and leaf shaped ears.

Wild Child leapt forward and dodging Iceman's attack at the same time while snarling in an animalistic manner. Slashing his claws into Iceman's chest and slicing deep cuts into the young mutant.

"Argh!!" Iceman shouted in pain but despite the injuries, Iceman retaliated by creating an ice blade on his right hand and plunge it into Wild Child's chest.

The feral mutantsnarled in pain due to the attack when Iceman used both of his legs to throw Wild Child off of him.

Iceman quickly retreated and covered the large cuts in his chest with ice. Iceman sighed in relieve mumbling to himself "Damn that is closed! If I was not in ice form, I could have died".

Wild Child's chest healed itself as growled angrily at Iceman. Iceman quickly unleashed a blast of ice towards Wild Child while trying to maintain his distance shouting "Freeze Asshole!".

Wild Child leap to the side to avoid the attack before dashing towards Iceman and aim his claws towards Iceman's neck. But before his claws could reach Iceman's neck, Wolverine leap toward Wild Child shouting "Not on my watch!" as Wolverine tackled him into the ground.

Both Wild Child and Wolverine quickly got back onto their feet after rolling on the floor. The feral mutants stared at each other growling with their claws unsheathed.

"So I will slice you into ribbons!" Wolverine growled angrily since Wild Child appearance reminds him of Sabertooth.

Both Wild Child and Wolverine leap towards each other and started slicing into each other with their claws in wild frenzy as Iceman stood aside getting ready to give Wolverine support.

Before Iceman could attack, two long retractable tendril-like coils made of carbonadium caught Iceman's hands from behind. Iceman exclaim "What!" but before he could do anything, Iceman is thrown smashing through the wall.

"Bobby" Wolverine shouted before Wild Child stabbed his claws into Wolverine's chest continuesly before throwing him against the wall.

Wolverine grunt in pain as he stuggle to get back up before two long retractable tendril-like coil quickly grabbed both of his arms.

"Weapon X, it has been so long!" said the new intruder sneering as he reveal himself as the retractable tendril can be seen connected on both of his arms.

"Let me go!" Wolverine snarled at the man as he struggle at his restraints.

Wolverine struggling in futile with his restraints while the man laughed at his attempts.

"Who are you?" Wolverine grunted back feeling slightly weaker than usual.

"It is me, Omega Red" Omega Red replied arrogantly.

Omega Red is a mutant with superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes with ability to secrete pheromones from his body typically referred to as Death Spores. The death spores can cause weakness or death of humans in his immediate vicinity but the severity of the effect is based on the endurance, health, and relative of his victims. Omega Red's arms is implanted with a long retractable tendril-like coils similar to whips is made out of carbonadium, an artificial alloy similar to adamantium.

"I have never meet you before" Wolverine argued back feeling weaker by the moment.

Hmm... Looks like you don't recognize me any more. Don't worry we will remedy that" Omega Red replied as Wild Child snarled angrily at Wolverine.

Suddenly they hear a loud exposion outside, coming from the X-Mansion's front gate.



Outside the X-Mansion

Marvel Girl floated towards Hank quickly and check on his condition while Storm and Cyclops faced Maverick preparing for any of his attacks.

Storm asked in concern "Is he alright?" as she floated down to the ground.

Marvel Girl lifted the Beast off the ground with her telekinetic power replied "He is unconscious, he crack several ribs but he seems fine" as she glared angrily at Maverick.

"I can't read his mind, something is disrupting my power" Marvel Girl continued.

"Jean bring Beast into the mansion while Storm protect the mansion from any approaching enemies! I will stall him until you get back with the others!" Cyclops ordered while staring at Maverick.

Maverick approach them slowly said in a cocky tone "I will be easier if all of you just give up!".

"Go!" Cyclops shouted towards them before glancing at Maverick and unleashed a powerful blast of red concussive energy that send the ground cracking towards Maverick while shouting "We will never give up!"

Both Storm and Marvel Girl wanted to argue back but they decided to follow Cyclops's wishes as they quickly retreated. Marvel Girl shouted "We will be back! Be careful!" as she flew away with Beast while Storm quickly flew towards the X-Mansion's roof.

Maverick crossed his arms to take the full brunt of Cyclops's attack.

As the dust cleared, it reveals Maverick still standing unharmed with his hands glowing with energy. Seeing this Cyclops decided to avoid using his powers against his opponent.

"Why are you attack us if you are a mutant too?" Cyclops shouted at Maverick as he dodge the blast of Maverick's energy blast by rolling on the ground before running towards Maverick.

"I have my orders" Maverick replied casually as he charged towards Cyclops and delivering an energy powered fist towards Cyclops.

Cyclops barely avoided Maverick's attack by ducking and delivered a knee strike towards Maverick's stomach.

Maverick let out a short grunt before striking back with a fist fist toward Cyclops's stomach followed by a knee towards Cyclops's face sending him falling to the ground.

Maverick said "You can't win against me" as he walk toward Cyclops who is struggled to get back on his feet.

Suddenly a loud explosion coming from the front gate could be heard.



'ACDC song Thunderstruck'

An explosion shook the whole compound as I blew up the X-Mansion front gate with Wingmobile's missile. The dust filled the air as my vehicle hummed angrily surging forward and skidded into the X-Mansion's ground.

Grinning to myself, I said "Hasta la vista, Baby!" and I started firing Wingmobile's weapons.

Despite being separated by hundreds of meters, with Oracles's help in the aiming system I started firing Wingmobile's weapons towards all the helicopters surrounding the X-mansions. Barely few seconds has past when all the helicopters is all shoot down with terrifying wave of explosions start rocking the skies as one after another helicopters started falling from the sky.

"Damn I wish there are more enemies to shoot down" I groan to myself in disappointment.

Noticing two figures in the compound, I said "Oracle, I am heading out! Defensive Mode!" as I leap out of the Wingmobile.

Cyclops looked over at me in shock with mouth agape while the other man stop whatever he is doing staring at me like a statue.


Storm nearly fall off the roof in shock as she watch the destruction happening around the X-Mansion that caused the intruders' helicopters to explode and start falling to the ground like flies. Storm mumbled to herself while sweating profusely "I am glad Nightwing got our backs but is this over excessive force?".


Approaching Cyclops who is still on the ground and the man in the mask standing nearby, I pointed towards the masked man asking "Enemy?".

Cyclops blankly stared at me in disbelief and quickly nodded his head saying "Err.... are your weapons legal?".

"Nope!" I answered quickly before delivering a flying kick toward Maverick's chest.

Maverick grunted "Guuurgh!" as he is send flying.

Please review, write or provide feedback.... so that i can improve myself and the story .

Sorry I have been really busy, will try write more asap

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts
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