
Ivan / New Crime Boss

Ivan Vanko is the son of disgraced scientist Anton Vanko, a Russian physicist who helped Tony stark's father Howard Stark to design the Arc Reactor. Anton Vanko was deported from the United States due to Howard Stark accusation him of selling Soviet-era weapons-grade plutonium to Pakistan. This cause Anton to served 15 years in Kopeisk prison, fell into poverty and alcoholism, and also abused his son for many years. Ivan obtained the knowledge in the fields of physics and mechanical sciences has also adopted his father's hatred for the Stark family.

Few months back....

As living in their broken home, Ivan cared for his father Anton who has became older and more frail as their many years in exile went on. Anton is in bed watching the news footage of Tony Stark confessing to the world that he is Iron Man.

Anton called out weakly "Ivan".

As his son Ivan approached his bedside, Anton weakly gestured towards to television said "That should be you".

Ivan adjusting his father blanket replied "Don't listen to that crap!".

Anton Vanko with his last remaining strength said "I'm sorry.... All I can give you is my knowledge" before coughing and finally dying in his son's arm.

Feeling distraught, Ivan took a swig of vodka before screaming into the air in mournful rage "Arghhhh!!!".

Pulls out blueprints for an arc reactor based on his father's and Howard Stark's design, Ivan is able to create his own miniature arc reactor. With only revenge in his mind, Ivan also designed and constructed an exoskeleton with two electrified whips powered by the miniature arc reactor that could cut through almost anything. Wearing the exoskeleton, Ivan used the whip and slash at the television which is displaying the image of Tony Stark, destroying it.


Nightwing Base, Sunday

Tony is in the news, as he is attacked in Monaco racetrack by Ivan Vanko in his Whiplash Armor. The news showed the footage of the fight between Ironman and Whiplash.

As Ironman wore is suitcase Ironman, Oracle said "We should build some armor similar like Ironman for you too, Nightwing. What do you think?"

"Sure why not! Seems fun" I replied as I watch the fight between them with Ironman winning due to his better armor.

As Ivan is being drag away by the police, Ivan can be heard shouting "You… You lose. You lose Stark!".

Oracle called out to me "Nightwing, there is some chatter about a large shipment of drugs coming into Harlem's Shipping Docks tonight. Do you want to take it?".

While watching the monitor, I replied "Sure" as I pondered how much should I help Tony in facing his opponent, Whiplash or should I deal with him myself.


Shipment Docks in Harlem, New York, Night

I am currently on the rooftop of the building near the docks stalking a small group of people heading towards the shipping docks. Oracle has notified me of their illegal activities where a large shipment of drugs is coming in.

"The shipment is already here! We need to hurry! If we are late, Hammerhead will kill us!" said one of the man.

"Shut up! We don't want any of those vigilantes to notice us" one of the man responded in anger as he check his surrounding carefully.

The group approached the dock while I carefully tailed them in the shadows of the darkness.

They entered a nearby warehouse at the docks which is filled with armed men with machine guns doing watch out and a group of men unloading boxes from the container into the truck.

Hammerhead, a tall bulky Italian man in suit is giving out orders "Hurry up! The Boss don't want anything left behind".

"The Boss? Who is that? Oracle try to find out more about this person?" I whispered

"Sorry, Nightwing! There is no info. Everything is run by Hammerhead and they are really very careful when discussing about the person. Currently they are not carrying any phones and all their hideouts does not have any cameras" Oracle replied.

"Looks like we need to get more info about this person" I whispered back.

After making checking the surroundings, I said "Oracle inform Captain George Stacy to come for the cleanup" before hiding back in the shadows.

"Will do!" Oracle replied.

I stealthily went from one dark corner into another as I quietly took out one henchman at at time starting with the watch out. I slowly thin out my opponents by knocking them unconscious with one hit each and webbing them up against the wall.

Hammerhead and his henchmen continued to loading the drugs into the truck when one of his man came running into the warehouse shouting "Boss, something is not right! A number of the guys is missing".

"Four of you! Go check it out. Make sure to kill anyone you see outside there. Everyone else get your weapons ready" Hammerhead ordered as the pointed towards few of his man.

The men went towards the entrance of the warehouse and went around the warehouse. I quickly jump down from the ledge and knock all of them out with electric stick before webbing them up.

"John is everything okay out there!" shouted one of the man nervously. With the deafening silence, the men in the warehouse started looking nervously at each other.

I throw down several smoke pellets causing some to start squealing in panic. Before any of them could react, I leap down within their midst and started hitting each man unconscious by beating them up while jumping from one opponent to another.

Hammerhead noticing that he is the only one left shouted threateningly "Come out and face me like a man, asshole!".

Leaping behind Hammerhead, I kick his back sending him crashing into the wall. I said "Tell me who is your boss and where is he?".

Hammerhead emerged unscathed from the wall, charged towards me head first shouting "Never! I am not a rat! You have to kill me!".

I side step Hammerhead as he smashed into several crates headfirst. Hammerhead lunged towards me again, I dodge by jumping over Hammerhead before grab him by the back of his neck and smash him into the ground.

Lifting him up and smashing in the ground several more time, I ordered "Tell me who is your boss?"

"I am not afraid of you! You heroes don't kill people!" Hammerhead replied chuckling.

"I see. Lets try this again!" I said as I quickly brought him to the rooftop and dangle him out in the air by his leg.

"Talk!" I said threateningly.

"You can't do this" Hammerhead said slightly afraid.

"Getting tired here" I replied as I let my hand slightly drop him.

"Wait! I will talk!" Hammerhead quickly replied.

"Who?" I asked again as I pretend to let him slip slightly.

"I never seen his face! I don't know! I swear!" Hammerhead said feeling afraid.

"How do you contact him?" I asked

"He contact me with a drone! I swear!" Hammerhead replied.

Looking at Hammerhead's eyes, I knew he is telling the truth. Bringing him down to the ground, Hammerhead let go a sigh of relief.

When I took out my electric stick, Hammerhead shouted nervously "Wait what are you doing!".

"Knocking you unconscious!" I replied as I use it to electrocute him, sending Hammerhead who is struggling to drop to the ground unconscious. I web him to the ground.

Hearing the approaching sirens. I decided to leave.

Oracle said "Captain George Stacy is calling you!"

"Put it through" I replied as I glided away.

"Where are you, Nightwing? I need you around to do the paperwork! Get back here!" Captain George complain.

"Some emergency came up. Sorry, the line is breaking... Captain.... crrr... I can't hear you.... crrr....what..crrr" I answered as I quickly escape as to avoid to do the paperwork.


One of the police officer approach Captain George Stacy said "He is avoiding the paperwork again?"

Sighing to himself, Captain George answered "It is good to have the heroes around to help out but Nightwing will do anything just to avoid in helping with the paperwork, is really pissing me off!".

The police officer replied chuckling to himself "Maybe I should be a vigilante to avoid doing paperwork too".

Noticing Captain George Stacy glaring at him, he quickly look away saying "Hey, Bill! You need help! Let me help you" as he quickly run away.


"Oracle, is there any drone nearby the warehouse, just know?" I asked.

"No, Nightwing" Oracle replied as she did her scans.

"Keep track with Hammerhead and see whether is there any drone following him or anyone contact him. If there is any unidentified drone at any crime scene, please keep tabs on it!" I said as I glided away, I started wondering on who is the new crime boss in town.

Please review, write or provide feedback so that i can improve myself and the story .

sorry been busy ....preparing a new enemy

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts
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