

X-Mansion's Westchester County, New York

Charles Xavier and his students is in the living room with all their eyes glued to the television as they watch the news. "Wow! Nightwing, Spiderman and the other guy (Luke) are amazing!" one of the student's name Kitty Pryde exclaimed as the news start showing CCTV footage of the fight between the Defenders and the monster called Green Goblin.

"Professor the news is saying that they are heroes. Maybe we should not be hiding and make a difference too!" Jean Grey say in awe as all the other students nodded their heads in agreement.

Charles sat in silence for awhile before saying "Even though I believe that humans and mutant could live together in harmony but there are peoples that hate and want to cause us harm. I have an obligation to protect all your safety and you are to young to risk your life".

"No Professor! I do not agree!" shouted Scott Summers as he interrupted Charles "We can show that they do not need to fear us. By contributing and creating awareness of our existence, human will slowly accept us. If they can accept vigilantes as heroes, maybe they will be able to one day accept us!"

"Enough Scott! You are being rude to the Professor!" Logan warned as he entered the living room "He know what is best for all of you! Nightwing is not a good role model!".

Rogue raised her voice "You know he is a hero, Logan! The only reason you don't like him is because you lost to him in a fight".

Logan growled at Rogue, quickly silencing her.

"Oh! That is why you have been training in the danger room every night!" Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler) said to himself but he quickly hide behind Scott when he notice Logan was glaring at him.

"Okay enough!" Ororo tried to appease everyone "Kids go back to your rooms, it is late. It is still a school night. We will discuss more on this matter on a later date!" as all the students left gumbling and complaining.

As all the students left the living room, Charles is watching the television with frustrated look.

"What is it Chuck (Charles's Nickname)?" Wolverine asked as he saw Charles Xavier expression.

Charles slowly replied "I agree with Scott but we can't be involved yet, we are not ready. We might risk the life of other mutants and attract unwanted attention".

"Chuck, we are not as weak as you think. We are more than capable to take care of our on safety" Logan tried to reassured Charles.

Charles didn't respond to his words and remain in silence as he continued staring at the television.


Midtown High

Midtown High is rather uneventful as I attended class, ace my exams and have my usual group gathering. Felicia has been spending more time sleeping in class due to her training to become a superhero. Everyone in the Defender except Spiderman is pleased with her dedication to change herself and her motivation to become a hero.

Apparently she listen to all the Defenders advise and order in each training session except for Spiderman which deeply stressed him out. Each time Spiderman was in charge of Black Cat, Peter will come to school the next day deeply exhausted and stressed. (Told Oracle to record their training session and shared it with the other Defenders)

Flash has avoided causing any argument with me and has finally backed off from bullying Peter since he has learn of my father passing. The only reason I can come with his strange behavior is that he has loss a love one before. Since Flash has stop giving us trouble, the girls in Midtown High started becoming too friendly for Felicia liking. One such example is Jenny Carson and Sally Avril.

"Harry, do you want to watch a movie with me on Friday? There is a awesome horror movie out in the cinema recently" Jenny asked as Felicia lean her head listening in on our conversation.

I looked back at Jenny asking "Me? That came out of nowhere. Who is going"

Jenny giggle "Only both of us silly. I am asking you out on a date" as she playfully touch my hand as she flirt with me.

"Harry, did you forget that you have to tutor me this Friday!" Felicia quickly interrupted as she lightly push aside Jenny and stood between both of us.

Sally came out of nowhere saying "You are helping Felicia out in her studies? Can I join in, I need help in Math. Maybe you can give me a private tutoring" as she wink at me flirtatiously.

Before I could reply her, Felicia interrupted by saying "He is too busy helping with my studies and I am paying him" as I stared at Felicia wondering when did she ever pay me as she avoided my eye contact.

"I can pay for private tutorial too" Jenny say as she stared at Felicia in anger before giving me a gentle smile.

The conversation continued for half an hour without me being able to put in a word before Felicia quickly pulled me away from the girls which she call as witches. During all this situation MJ, Ned and Peter will be laughing in the corner as they watch the scene.

As we reach an empty classroom I asked "Felicia are you jealous?" which surprised her.

"No, as your best friend I wish the best for you. Those vultures only start appearing after Flash stop finding problem with you. I don't like them" Felicia quickly replied.

Looking into her eyes, I say "Are you sure? You know they are not the type of girls I like".

"Yes jackass! They just irritate me that all" Felicia replied as she slap my shoulder.

"I see. If you say so. I really thought you have fallen in love with me" I say as I walk back to the other.

As Felicia stand in the classroom answering "Ya" and stood in silence thinking to herself.

(Felica POV)

(Felicia knows that she like Harry now but she is afraid that once they start dating, she might not be interested in him anymore since it won't be mysterious and fun anymore. Felicia is still not sure how much she like Harry. She feels that her interest for him is due to her urge of wanting something unobtainable).


Baxter Building

Reed Richards is currently busy at work in his lab with numerous equations can be seen displayed on the holographic monitor. He is busy constructing a machine to reverse the effect of the cosmic energy on their body and turn themselves back into human.

The problem all started due to his research where he is convinced that human evolution is triggered millions of years ago on Earth by clouds of cosmic energy in space. His calculation has indicated that one of the cloud is going to pass by near Earth, so in order to proof his research he need access Victor Von Doom's private space station. Victor Von Doom is Reed's former classmate in MIT and is current the CEO of Von Doom Industries.

Reed with the help of his best friend astronaut Ben Grimm is able to convince Victor Von Doom to give them access to Doom's private space station to test the effect of the exposure of the cloud on biological samples. In return Reed has to give Doom full control of the experiment and provide Doom with all the profit if Reed found anything beneficial from his research. Doom's chief genetics researcher Sue Storm who is Reed's ex girlfriend and her astronaut younger brother Johnny Storm came along to help supervise the experiment.

At the space station, Reed realized he had made a miscalculation regarding the schedule of cloud materialization as it arrive much earlier exposing all of them to the cloud. Ben received a full exposure since he is outside of the station while the others receive limited exposure.

The exposure to the cloud cause all of them to develop superpowers with Reed being able to stretch his body like rubber, Susan can become invisible and generate force shields, Johnny Storm can control fire and is flame proof, and Ben becoming a rock-like creature with superhuman strength and durability.

Doom didn't exhibit any superpower since he claim that he was protected by the space station shielding (In actual fact, Doom exhibited superhuman strength, electrical manipulation, and energy absorption, while the flesh underneath his skin became a durable organic-metallic compound similar to the space station which he keep hidden from everyone). All of them except Doom decide to say together at Baxter Building to test their abilities and search for a cure for Ben.

Hearing the huge commotion outside his lab, Reed decide to have a look as Johnny can be heard shouting in the living room.

"We have all this amazing power but we are wasting our time in the building running test after test. This is stupid! We should be out there making a difference and becoming a hero like them" shouted Johnny as he pointed at the television's monitor as the showing CCTV footage of the fight between the Defenders and the monster called Green Goblin.

Sue shouting a warning towards her brother "Johnny!" as Ben grumbled "Easy for you to say that match stick, look at me. I am a monster!".

"We still have to run test to make sure that we won't harm anyone and to better understand our abilities. Reed is working to turn us back to normal" Sue explain.

"Who say I want to be normal! We need to let people know about our existence, if all of you want to turn back just do it but ignore me. I am happy with my power!" Johnny argued as

Reed walking into the room "You can keep your power but we have to make sure there is no side effect or other variables that will endanger yourself or other people. We have to make sure that our power is not evolving" Reed say as he try to reason with Johnny.

"Please try to be more understanding, Johnny. We can't use our power in public, you might burn somebody" Sue say.

Johnny shouted "I understand my own body and power better than you think!" as he run towards the balcony shouting "Flame on!" and fly into the air with Sue shouting "Johnny, wait!".

"Reed how long before the machine is up and running?" Ben asked.

Reed thinking for a short moment before replying "The machine is nearly done but once complete I need to run test to make sure the machine can turn us back without any side effect!"

Ben grumbled "Be quick! I can stand this anymore! I can't stand becoming a monster anymore" as he storm out of the living room leaving both Reed and Sue standing in silence.

"Reed, they are just under huge amount of stress since they are stuck in the building for too long" Sue tried to console Reed.

Reed replied sadly "I know" as he look at Ben's leaving figure in silence with Susan putting her hand on Reed's shoulder in reassurance.


Tony Stark's Mansion

As Nick Fury entered the building, Tony started complaining "What took you so long to return my call and can't you use your phone like a normal human being rather than coming to my house unannounced!"

"What is so urgent that you need to call me so many time? I was busy. Seeing the number of call you gave me, I decided to ignore you" Fury answered with a smile.

Grumbling Tony replied "Who is Nightwing? Of all the oddballs you are selecting, he is definitely not suitable for the team!".

Fury replied "Stark, so far he is more qualified than you and SHEILD has a habit of collecting a lot of oddballs. That is what makes us the best in the business".

"Damn it! Once I know who he is, I will shove his head so far up his ass! Seeing him everywhere is so damn irritating" Tony cursed.

"So you are saying that you call me only for this matter?" Fury asked in frustration.

"Yup" Tony answered in matter in fact tone.

Sighing Fury start thinking to himself (Not knowing who Nightwing is, makes him a huge liability to SHIELD! I need to get information on him soon. For SHIELD to not being able to get info on a person is deeply troubling).

"Stark next time you do this again, I will shoot you in the motherfucking ass! If you need anything just call Agent Coulson!" Fury barked as he walk away with Tony ignoring his response.

Both of them is deep in their own thought cursing Nightwing.

Ps: Please review, write, rate or provide feedback so that i can improve myself and story. thanks. vote if you like

The chapter I wrote is much longer then my usual chapter.... I edit already.. if I miss on anything I am sorry...too tired..lol. hope you enjoy this chapter guys.

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts
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