
Encounters and Planning

As i was running a top of buildings and performing impossible feats of parkour and acrobatic moves on the way back, i was excited on what i have done. Now it is time to start planning ways on how to improve my role as NightWing.

Thinking of the checklist of what is my next plan of action

5. Safe houses - create as much safe houses to resupply my equipment and ware houses to park my vehicles all across New York, states or maybe country. Abandon buildings, Hidden storm tunnels and nearby my companies. This will make it much harder for Shield or anyone from finding out my identity and place where I hang my cape. (This will be a time consuming and expensive project)

6. Oz Serum that my father is creating (Based on the Super Soldier serum and creates problems like mental problem example: Green Goblin). From the last I checked when I sneaked into Oscorp, they are having huge problems on trying replicating the same result or improving on the Super Soldier Serium . I think i should get sneak in and steal a canister and try my luck on it separating the problems from the serum.

7. Check on the genetic engineered spider (and yes I am going to name him Chucky) and check whether it will provide any extra benefits to me.

8. Flight - Using memory fabric and attaching it between arm and waist similar to Batman Beyond and jet boot ( This will be a problem for now since it will consume a lot of energy and fuel. The only method would be to get an arc reactor and reverse engineer it to fit my suit since Tony will be a bitch with his technology).


While I was thinking all this, I was running and enjoying the feeling of the wind against my face and my hair. When suddenly i heard i loud scream in one of the dark alleys. As i run towards the source of the sound, I saw four drunk men harassing a very beautiful mix race girl (Asian and Western mix) standing by a van that was apparently her house too.

Surveying the situation I have determined that the guys had bad intentions and was maybe planning to rape the girl. The girl struggle and scream "Let me Go!!".

Climbing closer and perch my self on the second floor and growl at them "You better listen to the chick and let her go".

Surprised by the sudden appearance of another party that was disturbing their fun. They shouted "F**k off, Leave us alone!!!" Ignoring the fact that a weird costume guy standing on the second floor wall due to their drunkenness.

"If you say so, Maximum Effort!!!" I said as I threw a smoke pelt in between all of them and jump down towards one of the guy giving him a fear take down , knocking him out. Punching the second guy on chin with an uppercut and knocking his lights out. The third guy, I web line his legs and pulled his whole body and sticking him on the first floor ledge with all this happening he scream in fear before i deliver i knife chop on his neck, fainting him.

With that I slide back into the smoke, seeing all this the last guy panic and started spinning around searching for me and screaming "Where are you?".

With that I step behind his back and said "Here" surprising him before I put him into a strangle hold. After all this, i net them together on the first floor ledge.

As the smoke disperse, I saw the girl looking shocked on what that just happen in the alley. "Are you ok, miss?". Looking at her the only i could think of was that she seems very familiar and i have seen her somewhere before.

Seeing that she have not replied me, i glanced at her and notice that she was distracted by my abs and body. "Ehmm!" I cleared my throat "My eyes are right here miss and are you ok?".

Noticing that i caught her peeping at me, she blushed and quickly replied "I am fine, My name is 20 and i am Skye years old".

Laughing at her mistake and embarrassment I replied "Nice to meet you Skye, can you please call the police to deal with guys and I advice you to park your van in a much brighter and crowded area next time". "Yes, no problem" Skye replied. (Then it hit me. Wait Skye!!! Quake!!! Daisy Johnson !!! Oh my god!!! She is hot!!! Play it cool Harry! Cool! Chill! Should i give her an untraceable phone!! No!! Not the time! Play it cool! Good wine is best left to age a bit! Wait i will surely meet her again once she join Shield!).

"Good, be careful ok! Stay safe, Skye!". As i get ready to depart she quickly said "Wait!!!, What is your name? Will i ever see you again?" with her face blushing red like a tomato.

Giving her my best boyish smile i replied "I'm NightWing. And it all depends on fate, but I believe we will meet each other one day in the near future. Great first date, Skye. Lets meet in better circumstances"(We definitely will). I left while showing off my best moves.


Looking into the the dark sky as Nightwing left, Skye was thinking to herself "I don't know is this lust or love but i think I am in love..... He has beautiful blue eyes, I got a feeling he is handsome and mysterious.... he has such a sexy body Greek god body". Realizing what she has just thought, she blushed and slap herself on cheek "Skye, you pervert" before finally saying "Hope I meet him again one day".


A month has passed since the first appearance of NightWing. During that time I as NightWing have rescued two kids from a burning inferno apartment that the firemen has deemed to dangerous to enter, destroyed an illegal gun trade group (part of Kingpin enterprise) which I provided to the police enough evidences to lock them up for a very long time and stopped a bank heist that has the robbers arm to the teeth aka Rambo wannabes.

Seems like the public is accepting my presence with Daily Bugle being semi accepting my presence but hating that i hide my identity(Damn J.Jonah). Spiderman is receiving his normal bashing (i only can give my solemn prayer and say "Sorry Pete"). (Not planning to tell Pete on my identity so soon, tag team with Spiderman is ok but not now). By the way Spiderman current costume is the plain common pajama Spiderman suit but he is doing a good job in helping to reduce the crime rate.


Of the checklist that have number 4a my vehicle "NightCysle" is nearly done, number 5 my safe houses is a work in progress (having to keep changing my routines and routes to prevent myself from being traced and followed) manly focusing in New York with plans to go check out Manhattan's Hell Kitchen due to increase in criminal's activity there and number 6 I manage to get my hand on one of the OZ serum canister but decoding it is a huge problem where I found out that by separating the negative issues of the serum it might greatly reduce its potency to enhance the physical attributes of the body (work in progress),

Number 7 Chucky is totally useless and after checking on its DNA coding I found out that it is only one time only (similar to devil fruit) since my body coding has slight similar coding with Chucky already (any further experimentation might totally turn my body into something not human at all but a monster) and finally number 8 flight concept retractable glider is working at 100% capacity (jet boot is idle for now due to fuel and energy issues).


School is great so far but it is confusing at times. During our friendly gathering or group study that consist of Me, Michelle "MJ" Jones (i think she has a slight crush on Peter), Ned Leeds and Peter (smart guy but just so blind at times) the only thing i can't keep out of my head is where is MJ aka Mary Jane Watson? Is this MCEU or Marvel Comics? So confusing. Gwen Stacy(same age and skip grades) is not in Midtown High but studying as undergraduates at Empire State University while her father Captain George Stacy is a NYPD (I double checked on the Stacy due to curiosity). Side note Flash Thompson is dating Liz Allen (just not my type) here.

While thinking all this Ned interrupt my thought by asking "Hey Harry, why i have never noticed you being interested in any girls in school? No disrespect but are you gay?".

Speechless at what Ned has just said i replied "No i am not gayI It is just that the girls here is not my cup of tea and i am still waiting my special someone (AKA Hot Sexy Female superheroes)".

Then all of them looked at each and MJ said "Picky!!". Hearing that the only thing i could do sigh and said "I am not picky, i just know what i deserved".

Hearing that they all looked at each other and replied at the same time "F**k You" while laughing together.

"Damn you guys". I cursed at them(15 year old male hormones damn you!!!)

Double checked!! Hopefully no typo... research on writing stories sucks....lol...

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts
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