
don't dare to hurt my people.....

the three had a good sleep that night so the next day will be new day .

warrior wolf high ...

was bustling as usual with students, who were in corridor, parking lot talking and playing.

there was loud noise of bikes which attracted students who were in their own world in the parking lot ,three unique bike enterd the campus .

they parked their bikes and got down the first were to remove their helmet were twins, attracting others due their Greek gods body ,next was a sara .

who locked her bike and moved in between the twins.

every one's eyes were on them and whispering started around them ,as they start to walk to the office to pick their schedules...

sara:"are we breaking any rules???"

mind linked them ...

jake :don't think so ...

sara:then why are they gawking on us ?

james : due to our entry, I think.

sara:oh !!!

they reached the office where a lady welcome.

"good morning ,how can I help you?." she questioned them with a smile ...

"we are transferred students ,here to collect our schedules"..

"oh ....yes ",she got up and walked away and came back in few "here you go,this is your I'd cards which will be help full in library, and also to stationary if you want ,we will provide every necessity required for your studies and I suggest you all to stick to rules ,and have a nice day ".

she handed them their necessity and locker number.

"I think we are in same classes,first is math ".

"yup"...both said in unison.

then sara moved towards her locker and found it near to the twins.

"james check for the higher ups in the school ". sara mind linked james."okay that an easy job"

james closed his eyes and spread his invisible power to check the people around after few minutes.

" every one are here except werewolf alpha ,only his beta and worriers are here" .he replied and got a smak from jake."you missed delta muddle head".

james once again tried and answered them.

"nope ,he is not here ".

Sara just nodded and started to walk towards her first class.

as they entered every one stoped what ever they were going and gazed towards them .

they moved towards the last where they can sit close to each other, sara sat at extreme end where her chair was near to window,twins sat beside her.

every one attention was still on them when warring bell rang indicating every student to enter the class.

and followed by second bell ,when teacher entered the class .

"we have new students today ,but I know you all will eventually know everyone so I am gonna skip that .let's get started with lesson".

teacher said and turned towards the board doing math problem .

sara got a glimpse of something flew towards her she caught it .

it was a paper ball, she opened and there was a note .

after reading it sara was raging with anger ,which shocked james and jake .

her anger was kept on going up ,from which the glass on the window started to crack .soon james shook her arms and snatched the paper and placed a dark chocolate bar in her hand while he started to read the paper. sara anger depleted and she started to munch her chocolate, while james passed the paper after reading it to jake.

'Hey new girl ,I think you have more fun with those Greek gods ,making us envy about you and also imagine their intimacy with you, if you don't mind ,can suggest few more for your amazing night.

anyway I think many will want you in their bed I think slut '

was written on it which made jake to smile, and use his power to detect the person who sent this paper message .

he found a girl who was smirking at sara ,who was looking as if oblivious of this and eating her chocolate. "I think she is sexy may be you should bed her ,who knows she may be good in bed ".they were utterly shocked,and blinked before glaring at sara ,when she mind linked them .

'you are so shameless'. they said in unison to which sara was trying hard to control her laugh .

the bell rang indicating end of first class,but fear filled jake and james because of their curiosity about what gonna happened for the girl who dared to test Sara',because they are sure that she will not be quite .she mainly hates it when it comes to her people.

"sara please control your anger ,don't do something ,which we gonna regret. "james said while packing his bag pack to move to their second class.

"I will definitely show her what happens to some one who provoke me,but not now ".

she replies,and took her belongs soon followed by twins.

second class and third class was peacefull ,next was lunch ,they entered the cafeteria. they searched for empty places but found only one in the corner ,they kept their bags on it ,and moved to stand in queue to collect food .sara got her food first and moved towards her place to sit ,but some one laid their leg across to make her fall .but due to fast reflexes she skipped them and sat in her place .when jake was on the way some girls surrounded him started to tease him,jake was little shy type .

'girls you should stop this ,my brother here is not that friendly '.james gave his billionaire smile which made girls around jake to squeal. and he safely escorted jake to the bench and sat opposite to sara .

"they all look sexy ,why don't you just try to flirt."

sara said it as a matter of actuality.

"sara you know we are waiting for our mate ,and others are just a mist ".

"okay.....wait what do you mean by both ."

sara looked confused.

"obviously we gonna share our mate ".

then it hit to sara that they are inseparable twins so obviously they gonna share everything.

but now her thoughts were cutted shouted when some one threw something on jake ,sara lifted her empty plate and stoped it,before it hit the jake head.

this flared her but this time she was in control.

after that she just glared at the person,to the luck it was a gang of girls and their head was same one who threw paper ball before.

"boys what is next hour".

"self defense ".james said smirking

sara lips curved upwards in a small smile which makes her look like devil.

after lunch they all ,moved to changing room .

where they changed to their PE uniforms and entered the place which was surrounded by gym instruments.

as expected they were said to choose partners to practice.

most awaited person was chosen to pair with sara who was called as lexa . they started to circle around each other finding their weakness.

lexa sprinted toward sara to punch her face ,sara easily dodged her ,this frustrated lexa she turned again and tried to kick but sara cought her and spines and made her to fall on her face .

she started again but sara dodged her every time . it looked like it was never ending so sara cought lexa when she was near to her and with a quick move she was tangled lexa in deadly position,"I don't want you near me nor near my betas, if I found you I may kill you so keep this in your mind don't dare to hurt my people .if you did I will kill the willpower of your to make sure you are living dead". sara released her aura around lexa only for her to know that she is an alpha and slowly whispering in her ears. this made lexa to shiver in fear and also her body started to ache every where but none of the injuries were visible.

"go to you pack doctor".sara said with out looking at her .she left tucking her tail between her legs ,

every one was shocked because lexa was not only a queen bee but also strongest worrier among the pack. sara just ignored their gaze and got into changing room .

Chapitre suivant