
Robert Bedford

The military headquarters were rebuilt from the grounds up with the new 'Dae' material used for the new buildings in the city. Now, the headquarters had been moved away from the castle so it would not disturb the urban development of the new city as well as not disturb the public.

In one dorm room with bunk beds used by the knights, one individual was sitting while looking drawing something in his notebook. Suddenly, a knight came into the room.

"Hey, Vincent!" The knight said.

The entering knight caught a glance at what Vincent was drawing. "Vincent...are you in love with that elf you've always hung out with?" He said.

The man in question looked up at the knight in anger. "Cut it out, Brad. What do you want?" He said in irritation.

Brad flashed a teasing smile in return. "Captain wants us to find a man named Robert Bedford somewhere in the city and bring him to the elven territory."

Vincent jolted up after hearing about the elven territory. He had never been there as he was not allowed to go anywhere he pleases in the military. More than that, he could perhaps meet Merith again, the elven woman he fell in love with. But Vincent also realized something about the name that Brad just mentioned. "Robert Bedford...? the famous detective?" He said.

"More like infamous. If he's somewhere in the city, we should be looking at the alleys or perhaps the sewage hahaha." Brad said while giggling.

"We don't know where he is? How are we supposed to find him, then?" Vincent asked.

Brad showed Vincent a file he was carrying. "Apparently his wife also survived and was brought here. We know where her house is so we could probably ask her." He said.

Vincent stood up and started to wear his armor." Alright then. Let's go." He replied.


Knight Vincent and Brad walked to the new housing district that was currently under construction. The houses were all built identical to one another with one door, a front lawn, a garage for any animals, and a backyard. The houses themselves were all two stories high fitted with an indoor toilet, multiple bedrooms, a living room, and kitchen. The construction was far from finished though and only some houses were nearly complete. But still, it was the two knights' first time in this district so they were amazed.

"The young king is something huh...for us to be able to built something like this in three months," Vincent muttered.

"It's....weird, though. It's so far away from the castle and the new city layout has some sort of grid-like formation to it. I don't know if it's strategic in case of invasions..." Brad replied.

"That's why our jobs are not the one building these stuff, Brad. Our job is just to protect the people and the city...leave the construction to the people on top." Vincent replied.

The two then finally arrived in one of the identical houses.

"Block C....number 41...this is it. Impressive. I wonder if we could also get one of these houses?" Brad muttered.

"Perhaps. Let's not waste time." Vincent walked up to the door and knocked. After a while, the door opened to reveal a beautiful silver-haired woman.

Brad blushed and whispered to Vincent. "Hey, you sure it's Robert's wife? Him? You sure we didn't get the wrong number?"

Vincent ignored Brad and talked to the woman directly. "Are you Mrs. Valentina Bedford? We are from the royal army."

Valentina, Robert's wife, started to frown. "Yes...are we in some sort of trouble?"

"Ah, no. Rest assured, you're not in trouble. We are looking for your husband, Robert Bedford." Vincent replied.

Valentina's face suddenly contorted angrily. "My husband made trouble for you, again? That no good son of a—"

Vincent cut off Valentina before she started to shout. "No no no, please calm down. It's the opposite, the kingdom needs his ability for something." He said.

Valentina stayed silent for a bit before saying. "*sigh* He's upstairs...Probably drunk out of his mind again. Do you know when it was time to evacuate to the castle what did he bring? Just bottles and bottles of boozes! I don't know why I married that man." She said while making way for the knights to enter.

"Thank you, ma'am." Vincent and Brad entered the house.

They both walked upstairs to find a room that had a putrid smell to it.

Vincent and Brad covered their mouth and opened the door. The room was completely dark. The only source of light was coming from outside when they opened the door. They found a man completely passed out with a mountain of empty alcohol bottles next to him.

"Mister Robert Bedford? The kingdom has summoned you." Vincent said but there was no response.

Brad entered the room and poked on the man's body but he just fell over even more.

"Is he dead?" Brad said.

Vincent also entered the room and put his finger on Robert's neck to check for pulse. "No. Just hungover. Let's just carry him to the elven territory by Pegasus. I heard the higher-ups want him immediately. You know how to ride, yes?" Vincent asked.

"Pegasus...I have a small fear of heights..."Brad muttered as a reply.

"Knock it off. Order two Pegasus to come here and we'll ride it right away. I'll stay with him." Vincent said.

"Alright," Brad replied and left the room to call for the Pegasus.

Valentina approached the door of the room and said. "Knight...bring him back safely. He is no good but unfortunately, he is still my husband."

"Rest assured, we will protect him and I'm sure he'll be rewarded handsomely," Vincent replied.

"Handsomely? He'll just request for more booze!" Valentina said angrily.

Vincent just flashed a nervous smile in response.

Sorry for the short chapter I have to go somewhere now. If I make it back maybe there'll be another chapter but no guarantees.

KingSquidwardcreators' thoughts
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