
Chapter 22- Obsession backfire

Archie makes her way to the front door, letting Augustin carry the luggage's. Before Augustin could catch up, she playfully races to the elevator, watching him through the gap panting and giving up. As she takes a step back, she notices her legs higher in incline. Her eyes make their way down to her feet. She was standing on a pair of Big shoes. Big brick, leather shoes. Looking up behind herself, she gulps. Gazing down at her were a set of familiar eyes. Those same… opal green eyes.

Her heart beating out of control once again, her gaze was trapped inside those mesmerizing eyes. He had no expression of any kind. Just standing there holding a briefcase, looking down at her. Archie's stare made it way all across him, starting from his eyebrows to his chin, fluttering and trying to understand his mind. But no luck. He was simply looking down at her, almost having to lean down at their height difference.

Before she knew it, they had reached ground floor. She would have wanted for the elevator to stop working. Being stuck in there didn't sound so bad as long as it was with him.

They both take a step outside of the elevator and start conversing.

"The daughter of Raja Krishna. Should've told me earlier."

"Yeah. Haha." She replies nervously, praying that he doesn't interrogate her on why she had run away from her father.

"So, why running away? You must have lived a very luxurious life. How old are you?"

"17" she replies, ignoring the main question.

"Just 17?" Afsah asks, his eyebrows raised in disbelief

Every expression of his were just too lovely to ignore

"It's too dangerous. How old is that friend of yours?"

"Around my age too."

"No licence I assume."


He sighs in disappointment.

"You never told me your age."

"I'm 25."

That was younger than she expected.

Looking at his watch, stressfully he turns to the elevator just in time to see Augustin arrive with the luggage's. Afsah walks to his help and takes the suitcases, making his way outside the hotel as the two stand in confusion.

"He seems so familiar" Augustin says, scratching his head.

"Remember when you were realllly drunk last night?"

"Yes, don't remind me" He groans, holding his forehead.

"Well we met him there, and the usual stupidity of yours ruined my chances of-"Archie stops, thinking hard about how to complete the sentence

"Chances of?" Augustin continues, smirking

Still speechless, Archie's eyebrows furrowed as she walks away in confusion, biting her nails to join Afsah.

Reaching outside, she saw him already placing the suitcases on the stairs and staring before him. He was in deep thought.

"I'm going to be coming with you." Afsah says sternly at the notice of Archie standing beside him.

Archie was speechless for a few moments. It was true that she would want to be with him, near him for so long, but when put into reality, it just didn't seem like the safest option. And now that she observed carefully, he even gives off an underworld don vibe. She wasn't so sure about this but his tone was too stubborn for her to interfere.

Noticing Archie standing without reaction, he took his suitcases and loaded it into the jeep, noticing that it was theirs as he saw Augustin press the key. He then proceeded to take the driver's seat and looks at them impatiently gesturing them to fasten up. Augustin and Archie exchange confused glances before Archie feels herself growing angry.

"Who is this man and why is he taking over our things."

Augustin shrugs plainly, noticing her getting frustrated

"Augustin, do something."

"What am I meant to do? My legs start shaking the moment I go near him."

"What an idiot." Archie complains, crossing her hands and refusing to move

A few intense moments pass while Archie glares at Afsah through the glass of the vehicle and Augustin standing awkwardly, looking at both of them, waiting for someone to make a move already.

By passers stare at them anxiously, waiting for something to happen but nothing did. Growing bored of this drama, Augustin grabs Archie's hand and forces her into the back seat and places the remaining suitcases in the back before joining Afsah in the passenger side. Archie had nothing to say.

'18 hours and , (1150.4 miles) hotel Grand Hyatt Denver, Colorado to house number 0, Land of Hadraniel, San Diego.'

"I have never heard of such place... Land of Hadraniel? house number 0?" his eyebrows furrowing.

As Archie was unwilling to answer him, Augustin responds,

"Oh yes. Mr Raja has some… interesting locations of properties around the US, most of which is unknown to the majority of locals even in the area."

"I see." He says slyly before starting the engine.


Archie moved herself to the right so that she could get a clear view of Afsah's face.

Although she felt such a connection to him, she still didn't trust him at all. She hardly knew of him than what he claimed which was nothing really other than that he was a buisness man...

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