


Hey, I am the one who saves her you should be thanking me commander says (silence you are remaining silent until king order) and that all they all grab me and with a sword in my neck I have a bad feeling about it.

After a while in some guards come take me with them this time they didn't look so forcible they take me to the place where the king is when I enter the room, I know how to deal with royalty I read into many book's anyways I bow down the king I don't think I did it right but still I try. The king says (young man I apologize for my rod behavior and thank you for your kindness and saving my doter I guess you see our prison first so let me show you how we treat our gust my daughter told me everything and once again I apologize for my doter action). I say (My lord, I didn't know she's your daughter, I thaw she is just a city girl who stuck herself in some kind of trouble so I help her it's not much my lord). King says (that's why I am doing this, my son, I mean if you or anyone know is a princess I tell you they try to save her no matter what but you young boy you save her because you thaw she is a citizen of my country not many people do that you know. So feel free to ask anything). I say (thank you, my lord, I think about it). Oh MY GOD, that sounds exactly like the book "namiron" when King talks to the farmer whose farm destroyed because of a war that is so awesome.

After that, she wants to give me a tour of the castle I don't know why, but she sees happy about something as long as she happy I am cool with it. During the tour, she says (sorry if I made some trouble for you) I say's (it's fine, we are friend aren't we that kind of thing happened between friends so don't worry about it what's wrong) she is blushing right now and say's (we are friendlier) I say (yes, what do you think I am not worthy to be your friend) she says (no that's not it I am feeling bad because I didn't tell you my real name).

I say it fin you can tell me now

My real name is "Eliza" when I heard the name I say sorry, what was your name again "Eliza Marathon" Daughter of the "King Marathon" OH MY GOD it is impossible it can't be her there is no way she is her. it can't be I don't believe it the storybook that I always read it about her life, it's how painful it was in the book she is ending up killing herself and now that I think about it maybe I over thinking it but it may be a coincidence or something.

And then I remember the first chapter of the book when the princess kidnaped from the city after 2 days royal soldiers send to save her they save the princess, but 4 solder's die during the rescue I mean that didn't happen right. Yeah, it there is no way I changed the history without knowing it, yeah, that must be some coincidence right.

By the way, everything in this book is fantasy

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