

My strongest tentacle constricted tighter against Healer Maiden's throat, I was going to snap her neck in half, or entirely crush her cervical vertebrae. I could hear her bones cracking. She was kicking away in every direction, searching for a breath of air. In my instinct-mind, I wanted to kill her, but another part of me didn't. I was conflicted, so many things were running through my brain that I couldn't make up my damn mind. I have never killed anyone before, the only things I have killed was the many failed lab-test animals that Dr. Oaken had experiment on. I felt somewhat bad about the lab animals condition, so out of pity and remorse, I killed them without Dr. Oaken knowing. I remember as I slit their throats, that I felt nothing. Empty like a husk. Not many people know what it means to take a life. It doesn't matter the species if you kill a human people look at you like a monster. But in my past world, animals are slaughter like beast and devoured for pleasure. So I wonder who really is the monster now? I would be no different of a beast if I killed this girl. I squeeze tighter and tighter, "Garrrwghhh! Please stop!" Healer Maiden gasped for her final breathe of air.

I had, but one choice. In order to ensure my survival.

"HAK!GAAGGH! AACK!" Healers Maiden's mouth opens wide enough for me to insert one of my tentacles inside her throat. The long scaly tentacle shrunk in size as it entered her mouth. I made sure to shrink the size at the perfect diameter to enter in, if I had used slime skin then my plan wouldn't work, I needed all of my slime clone's body to access her brain for what I was about to do; Which is the most fucked up thing I would ever do in my life.

"Flmmpfff! Blahgggpf!" Gagged Healer Maiden, she was choking on my tentacle. I shifted the tip of my inserted-tentacle upwards inside her throat to release one slime clone. Surely enough the clone will make its way upwards to her brain, once it does I will create a mini-explosive by altering the slime with my mindscape. Or in other terms, I will bind her with my mindscape entirely. If memory serves me correct I couldn't control her with Mindscape, however, I can alert a few things here in there. To sum up, what just happen, I planted a slime-bomb inside her brain, in which I can change its property. I am a tentacle monster after all. I would assume that my race is good at camouflage, close combat, and seeing opponents every movement. However I forgot one thing, tentacle creatures like cephalopods can not only expand in size, but they can morph their bodies literally. Well, the ones on my planet could. Dr. Oaken regarded the cephalopods as one of the most important test subjects of our word, mostly for their regeneration abilities. He was obsessed with immortally and all that crazy stuff. But what stood out from the cephalopods species, was when one of the test subjects after being electrocuted by scientists wearing yellow lab suits, actually morphed into an entirely different species in front of my very own eyes. Miracles and powers exist in such fucked up ways. That's how I felt right now. Jaded, yet astounded of what procedure I just did. Sorry, Healer Maiden. But you made the surviving way easier for me.

I slowly take out my tentacle from the beautiful blonde girl's throat, to avoid damaging her brain or any part of her body. I then set aside everything else to help protect this girl. I use slime clone, infused with regeneration on her body and face. Her wounds from the goblins slowly disappeared and her skin became a shiny light pale color. She looked like she came out of a pool all soaking wet in a tight bathing suit. Godam she is gorgeous, but I have to stop. I can't think sexually about anyone, not like this I raise up my tentacles in anger of my body form. Fuck, why couldn't I've been reborn as some dumbass adventurer boy or a fucking slime at this point? Under any circumstances, I cannot think about having sex. Plus I am pretty sure my connection with Healer Maiden is beyond ruined. I mean imagine how your first date with the girl of your dreams ends up with you jamming your tentacle arms deep inside of her mouth and then shooting slime into her fucking brain. Yeah, I bet she loves me right now. I so badly wanted to burn in hell or whatever underworld this world of Zareth has. I wonder if the people even believe in God or heaven or hell, oh I remember that metal song. It's pretty good. Anyway, let's finish creating a barrier area for my resting spot.

As my mini-slime tentacles finished their healing duties on the maiden and disappeared, I scuttle to my burrow and take out a tiny rock the size of a human skull and start to drag it against the jagged ground. Small line marks were now seen on the rocky surface of where I was standing. Well, I think it is about time I cultivate. But first, I summon one slime clone and make it go over Healer Maiden to protect her. I then threw a rock inside of the slime and insert one of my tentacles inside the slime shield. I active tentacle shield and sure enough, the slime turned into a mini-version of myself, scales and thick octopus skin, now covered the slime clone. It's one large eyeball body was now the size of a human skull. My clone now performed tentacle shield around Healer Maidens body, this would protect her from any incoming predator and beast. I smacked my tentacle against my clone and use mindscape on it. Harden Shell, I commanded. The clone responds to my demand and hardens all of its scales including its own eyeball. I gently place the young girl inside my burrow. Over her mouth and face was another slime clone I summoned to give her oxygen. Good, that settles that, I close the huge boulder for extra protection. Once she wakes up, I can get all the answers I need and escape this dungeon. Most likely I will part ways from her after I am out in the open world of Zareth. Somehow I do feel like this a bad idea, to protect and save her, but I need someone who can help guide me through these caves. My system index Althera won't help me much since she doesn't know much about the open world. But if Healer maiden does betray me, then I wouldn't twice about exploding her pretty little head into bits.

"Hey! I heard that! Asshole! You know I can help you!" Althera's A.I voice blasts through my non-existent ears.

"Ha. But it's the truth. Good thing you're awake now. I need an update of my stats real quick."

"After you apologize. Mister." Althera pouts.

"What are you? My mom?" I snap as I keep marking the ground with straight lines with a tougher crystalized rock.

"No. But I could be your daddy." Althera teases, obviously pointing out her own gender issues.

"That was a pretty good joke. For an annoying gender confused A.I. But seriously bring up my stats."

"Ahem. You know you don't always have to summon me in order to bring out your system index."

"Oh shit. Your right." I blink my eye and inside my mindscape was my status screen.

"Wait! We can still talk—" Althera was cut off.

"Naw I am good. I think I can practice my skills alone." I take a look at my stats. Ha, I mean who doesn't like working alone? You get more done.

[System Index]:

[Neuron Bomb] Skill gained!

[Tentacle Clones] Skill gained!

[Harden Shield] Skill gained!

[Bind Spell] Skill gained!

[Harden Scales Evolution] gained!

[Class: Morhpher] gained!

Name: Unknown

Race: Tentacle Monster

Class: Morpher C+

HP:40/52 Shield:10

Level: 2

Rank: Bronze

Mana Force: 10/14

Cultivation Power: 2

Attack: 11+2 [13]

Agility: 2+2 [4]

Defense: 9

Magic:11+5 [16]

Intelligence: 7


Willpower: 5



[Tentacle Smash( Tier 1)] [All- seeing eye (Tier 1)] [Mindscape (Tier 1)]

[Absorb(Tier 1)] [Regeneration (Tier 1)] [Slime Clone (Tier 1)] [Wrecking Cannon (Tier 1)]

[ New Skills ]- (All tier 1)

[Neuron Bomb]: Triggers explosion of cells when clones are implanted into enemy. May be implanted in any part of enemies body. (Blast radius 1 meter, 10s limit)

[Tentacle Clones]: Slime clones will now mimic beasts or human form of the summoner (10s limit)

[Harden Shield]: All scales will crystallize to any mineral nearby or formed from Mindscape.

[Bind Spell]: Mind control over any enemy dead or alive by touching them. Can't be used far away. (2 ft radius for skill to work. If you pass this radius than skill won't activate.)


[Evolution Bloodline]:

[Slime skin]

[New] Harden Scales: Any part of your body will harden once you touch any object or living being with your tentacles. This is a copycat skill.

[Growth]: Body:[ Height:9ft , Width: 10ft] Tentacles :[Height 12ft]


Well, this is very interesting. My level bumped up by one, my HP is now 52, current is 40 after the maiden healed me, and my shield is back up and running, thanks to defeating those fucked up goblins and goborcs. I have finally gained my beast class by morphing my slime clone into a tentacle clone and by using neuron bomb on Healer Maiden, I believe that C+ is the rank of my morphing abilities. My magic is now higher than my attack by three points, that's perfect, I have been dying to test out neuron bomb since the moment it first came up on my stat alert. This skill was going to be my main weapon of survival, but not all the time. I have to switch things up to keep my enemies guessing. The three new skills aside from the neuron bomb skill, is my upgrade of slime clone, my new transformable harden scales, and at last, my first magic spell. Bind. My second, if not first greatest skill. However, the close range part is not good against an archer. Thank the lord I have long tentacles for that predicament. Well, that settles that.

Now let's test out some new skills.

I littered about half of the caves floors with line marks. I saw piles of purple colored snow in the corner of my eyes and thought about something brilliant. I jump in the pile of snow and started rolling around the snow. This was probably the happiest I have been in this strange new world. I have only been in the snow only once or twice in my past life. It was my favorite thing in the world. To know how powerful mother nature can be to make such an amazing substance such as snow. I roll and roll around in the snow like a gumball in a mount of powder sugar. The real reason why I did this was to cool off my tentacle muscles. I had strained my body way to much during the recent fights with the slime army and goblin mob. The clear option for anyone who was in my supernatural situation would be to rest. To be honest, I should, but when you unlock new powers which you could never have had in your past world, then you should take advantage. And that is exactly what I am going to do.

"Yawwwn!" I rumble out of my mindscape and rub my eyeballs. Come on! Wake up! I smack my own eyeball and throw some snow into my it. There we go, feeling better already. I stretched out my tentacles and proceed to crawl past all the line marks I made. This was my practice ground. I knew the goblins I knocked out were close, might as well make use of them. I can't waste a good science experiment. About a couple scuttles I come across the ancient pantheon building and sure enough, I see one goblin twitching. Half of his brain was sticking out of his cracked skull. The wretched green bastard must be going through a seizure. From a far distance, I extended and swirl my tentacle around the top of the goblins skull. I smash open its skull and discarded its pea-sized brain into the nearby waterfall. I had a far-fetched theory that I could morph my body into the goblins size. Why? Because my body is way too huge for close combat, during my fights I realized my greatest weakness was my agility. I couldn't dodge basic attacks, in which even a slime could. I didn't have eyes on my back, but I did have eight tentacles that can sense the faintness of sounds and vibrations, any movement could be heard, including breathing. So to counter my blind spot, which I am used too. Ha,get it.

*Complete silence* Only cricket chirps were heard.

Guess that wasn't funny. What I was going to say was to say, in order to counter my blind spot I have to morph into a smaller size. That is why I surgically remove the goblins brain, so I can have a husk and not gain any of its behavioral instincts, only its short and fast body frame size. I focus all eight of my tentacles on my new vessel and start using my absorb skill. My suction cups sucked up his body like a tornado wind, his green short body flung around the cave ceilings until it was sucked in completely by all of my tentacles in one split second. Chunks of bloody green meat filled the skies.

[Goblin Evolution gained!]

My tentacles begin to grow smaller as well as my eyes. My tunnel vision turned smaller and smaller by the second. In about 20s I felt lighter, shorter, and less wider than before. I also now had a pair of feet! As well as a pair of goblin arms. My eight tentacles dangled behind my spine and were now 6ft long. Dam this surely an upgrade, who knew that goblins could be so useful! Not to say that my original form was bad, but it did slow me. Put bluntly, if I encounter a larger beast like a dragon or cyclops then I would change size in a flash. For the time being, this should do fine. Since my size weakness was out of the way I harness all of my attention into the skill neuron bomb.

I grab another goblin who is still breathing and pierce a tentacle into his neck. I release my mana and let the magical energy travel into his brain cells, from within the goblins brain a tiny parasitic tentacle was growing, then more was cloned. I saw all this happening with my all-seeing eye. I couldn't help but to laugh, it actually worked. The fun part comes next. Bind I whisper into my mindscape.

The goblin's eyes open wide and it gave out a deafening shrill, "Garrrgrgrhrwwgwgh!" It stood up on its hind legs and ran aimlessly towards my target area. I smack my goblin hands down to activate the trigger. My vibrations traveled through the granite and into the goblin's feet.

An earth-shattering "BOOM!" and "POP! Brain- spattering sound was heard. The icy cave walls were painted in blood and goblin brain matter.

4 meters was the maximum distances, he exploded at 2 meters. Shit. I guess I can try again. I find the remainder of the goblins and goborcs lifeless bodies and continue the same experiment. The second goblin explodes at 2.5 meters, goborc explodes at 2.7 meters, next goborc explodes at 2.7 meters. Fuck! I can't reach a 4 meter blast radius. I slam my goblin fist against a nearby Greek statue. I see the last twitching goborc and decide to absorb him into my body. I didn't want to, but my mana force was running low and soon more predators would come. So I disregarded the chance and accept my loss. My goblin form slowly vanished and I was back to my good old powerful tentacle monster form. In all, I could only last 5 minutes tops in goblin form. Well, I cultivated enough, it is time to sleep for good this time. I open my wonderful boulder door off my burrow and quietly crawl in. "Ah, daddy's home." I rub my eyes with pride in my accomplishments of today and turn to see if Healer Maiden is alright. She is peacefully asleep, her curvaceous body looked oh so tempting, she reminded of me someone I once knew. Shit, I don't think I can resist any longerrrrrrr! Woah! What is this feeling!? I look below and just realized I had no dingus the whole time! Where is my fucking dick!? Curse the gods! Wait a minute I looked down again it feels like something gigantic is growing out. My lord. The feeling is like having the fattest bonner, while wearing the tightest fucking jeans a male human being could possibly wear. I scuttle as far away as I could from the sleeping beauty and close my eyes. I hope I never use my dick for the sanity of whoever dares has sex with me.



"Get off her!" Roars a boy's voice from the distance. Three bigger boys are surrounding a young school girl who is beaten up badly and lying on the floor of a grassy garden. "Tch. Haha! What are you going to do!? You're fucking blind!" Chuckled out one of the bigger male students.

The blind boy tackles the bigger bully and starts pounding away at his face with both of his fists. The other boys kick him in the stomach and the bigger bully shouts "Hold him down! I will make sure he never sees anything ever again!" A fist smashes down on the blind boys face, blood splatters across the pavement floors of the garden. "Tch.People who are weak as you should just die." The bully puffs up his shirt collar and spits on the blind boy, he then walks away. The high school girl runs over to the servilely injured boy and starts to cry over him. She couldn't do anything to help him. The boy spits out blood and angrily says, "Fuck this world." There was rage and hatred burning in his eyes.

The girl takes him to back his house and starts to treat his wounds. She takes off his shirt and rubs his wounds with an alcohol swab. "What you did was brave. Even when you couldn't see, you still stood up for me and fought for me. I am such a terrible sister! I wouldn't give them my SI-Index! And you were punished for that! I feel horrible! I wanted to protect you. Like you protected me." She stands and throws away the cotton swab.

The boy lies back in his bed and just closes his eyes. His sister goes on top of him, her soft and pillowy lips gently kisses him on him the neck.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" Cries out the boy.

"No one will find out." She takes off her clothes and puts her fingers on his lips. Her smooth fingers run down the boys bare chest, she goes lower and lower "I love you." She whispers.


"Healer Madien! Where ar ya!?" Shouts a Scottish female voice.

I will edit this chapter during the day. Free feel to ask me any questions if you are confused. I am still trying to get used to this new format for my charts. I will put skills all one box and try to avoid clutter. Don't worry there won't be billions of skills. The OP will come.

(More Power Stones will unlock future chapters at a faster rate).

Have a good day.

GhostyGodZcreators' thoughts
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