

Other than that, Ark's [Intermediate Spearmanship] reached level 5, directly levelling up twice. This directly made Ark more adept at using the spear, as well as enhancing his power a little more. Since it was getting dark outside, Ark and the rest returned to their little camp and set up a campfire. Like before, Ark got ready to cook by withdrawing all kinds of spices and condiments from his storage space, and as he started to cook, Thufrat started to sing a dwarven song that he had learned as a child. 

It was pretty much a dwarfish lullaby, but neither Ephine, Atar or Ark had ever heard anything like it before, so they listened attentively. The lyrics weren't very profound, and Thufrat's singing voice wasn't the best in the world, but the song was quite pleasant in the dark night. After a while, Thufrat stopped singing, as he was distracted by the smell of the food that Ark was cooking. 

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