

Because of issues with time, they had to split up once they left the dungeon. The three adventurers didn't know their dilemma, so they were a little disappointed, but when Ephine offered to meet up later to eat dinner together, their mood improved significantly. After deciding a time and place, the two groups split up and headed in separate directions. Although they were going to the same place, Ark's group decided to take a different route, just to avoid any suspicion of their identities. 

Since Lillia, Lily and Kanan all had horses of special breeds, they were bound to travel back to the city swiftly. Since that was the case, Ark's group just took a different route and travelled leisurely, to make sure they didn't bump into them somehow. Because of their leisurely pace, it took them almost three times as long to get back to the city, but it didn't really matter that much, since their trip was rather enjoyable either way. 

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