
Chapter 192 Baron Vs. Xuan Feng

Baron was a bit scared to go against Xuan Feng again so soon. After all, he had never suffered such a humiliating defeat before. Xuan Feng had utterly outthought him at every opportunity, everything that Baron thought he was doing right was actually a trap set up by Xuan Feng. Even if it was a rematch, Baron would be hard-pressed to come out with any more of a win than he did last time. All of that was behind him now, and if he could not produce any results in this battle then there would be no way that he could forgive himself. The true high stakes game started now, if the coalition of alliances were not able to push back the all-stars of Lian Po, they would almost certainly be wiped out. If the all-stars won and left them alone, then that would only be adding insult to an already stinging injury.

In this case, Baron was on the defending side, so he did not really have to go out and attack Xuan Feng's army, that role belonged to Xuan Feng. All he had to do was sit back and wait for his enemies to come to him before he got started. As Baron waited for his enemies to begin, he happened to see that to the left and right of his position, his temporary allies were going on the offensive and meeting their respective opponents in the middle of the two armies. It was fine, Baron thought to himself, his allies could hold out for at least a few days.

Then, Xuan Feng sent in his first wave of soldiers and war vehicles to meet Baron's soldiers. The first thing that they met though, was Baron's doublestrikes that were able to accurately target the incoming wave and do some real damage. These missiles of Baron's were fairly quick and before the wave even reached the halfway point, they were so decimated that they were forced to retreat. It wasn't that the deepstrikes were deadly accurate.

However, Baron's army now had thousands in his arsenal compared to the few hundred that he had when he fought Xuan Feng last time. As soon as his enemies turned tail and ran, Baron stopped the deepstrikes from firing any more than they had to. The reason he had so many this time around was that he was given ample time to prepare, and he didn't have so many with him last time due to him mostly conquering while he preferred to use deepstrikes for defense.

That being said, he couldn't have them all be on at the same time so he only had 2,000 firing at the same time at most. He had limited ammo and plus, he had soldiers that could be utilized. Once the remains of the first wave were successful in retreating, it took a little while before the next wave would come out to rush Baron. This time, Xuan Feng opted to have a bunch of his tanks and fighter aircraft move forward. The tanks rushed out first in small groups of 20 but totaling close to over 1,000. They would move in short repeating diagonal directions zigzagging to Baron's army.

Baron entertained the idea of what he thought was going to go down and decided to test something out. He had a few hundred of his deepstrikes fire at the enemy tanks to see if he would be able to take out any this way, but after firing a couple of hundred missiles, he gave the order to stop as the tanks just was a bit too agile. Then, Baron saw that in the distance were fighter aircraft that were flying in at breakneck speed. If Baron took a guess, he would say that it was a blitzkrieg style tactic that Xuan Feng was going for, but with a twist. They were not followed up by infantrymen, only tanks and fighters were used in this operation.

Now was the beginning of the actual battle, Baron could not lose now, he refused to. He quickly ordered all of his frontline men to stand by for further orders. The soldiers would get their chance to fight, but for now, there was one more trick up Baron's sleeve. While he was waiting for the incoming tanks to approach closer, he happened to take a look at his adjacent battlefield and saw that the two commanders' first army was struggling with a comically few amounts of soldiers holding them back. He realized that these were likely all fighters, and well-trained ones if they were so effective to such a degree. Instantly, he knew that this was a tactic that he had not considered before and immediately went to go get Meng Wu and the strategists under him, plus all of their other fighters into one group to try and replicate Lun Hu's bizarre take on warfare.

He got most of these fighters suited up and with quality weapons, some preferred melee while others went for the guns that Roxi had given the blueprints to Baron. Either way, they all got into one of many transport vehicles that transported them to an area that the tanks would have to go through in order to get any further. The two sides were aware of each other's presence and neither was willing to back down. Meng Wu was the leader of this group and he led them to build simple defenses and wait for the tanks to come within range.

Once the two sides clashed, it was clear as night and day which side was going to come out on top. It was Baron's as each group of 20 tanks that came to fight were quickly overwhelmed and destroyed shortly after. After the enemy realized that they would not be able to advance like this, they had all of the tanks split up into two groups, one would go directly for Meng Wu while the other would try to circle around flank this group of fighters. The real fight was about to begin.

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