
Top Dogs

Wei Lan told René Alejandro that their new property would be ready very soon before the end of the year. "Your friends can staaaaaaaay in the guest house inside our property so that you booooooooys can have some privacy like you requested while you do your, well, boys stuff. Don't wooooooorry, my dear René Alejandro. I knooooooow that staying in a hotel for too loooooooong can get tiring! It's still better to have our own house, riiiiiiiiight? Just wait a little loooooonger, okay? Once we move in, we'll throw the graaaaaaandest housewarming party eveeeeeeer! It's going to be sooooooo much fun! Oh, how I wish your faaaaaather can come soooooon and live together with us. I miss him sooooooo much!"

René Alejandro allowed the woman's seemingly endless chatter and didn't interrupt her. He was preoccupied with his own thoughts and just treated Wei Lan's voice like background noise.

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