
Can I love you more than I am loving you right now?

Jeremy was sweating all over as he massaged her legs carefully. His pounding heart was so loud, that he could no longer hear anything else. It was torture but he reminded himself several times that it needed to be done to make her feel better.

He quickly went into the bathroom for a long cold shower once he was done. However, when he was about to return, with only a huge white towel wrapped around his bottom half, he paused.

Her front side hasn't been massaged yet!

He gulped hard.

Could he survive today?


Maybe it was a huge mistake but he did not regret any moment of it. He wanted the best for her and if he had to suffer in order to make her feel better, he would do it again if the time turned back.

He took a deep breath as he looked at the still wet shower head. Should he take another cold shower? He looked down at his little brother sadly. He was really sad to see how 'small' his little brother was. 

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