
The tabloids - I

And it was unimaginable how true the words were. Obviously no one knew what reach that Salvatore really had.

"Please," she begged. "Please don't do this to me. You can do anything but give those things to anyone else." 

Having things being taken away from her that were gifted to her by Salvatore would make a huge statement on their relationship. Not only would it mean, he was taking everything back that he had given her, it would mean that their relationship was effectively over for her. 

"Please don't do this.." 

He chuckled before sobered up. "Marco!" He screamed at the top of his voice making Evelyn jump. 

Moments later Evelyn heard footsteps of two people. Marco descended down the stairs along with the woman who Salvatore had brought into their house. This time the woman looked ready to leave the house fully dressed to the nines. 

Evelyn could not help but move her eyes on the woman to take in her appearance. 

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