
6. Meeting the most beautiful girl 3

Guard 1: "hahahahaha look guys isn't she beauty..."

Hancock couldn't move a single part of her body it's like she is paralised in her sitting position, she is slowly closing her eyelid. The sleeping gas is taking effect on her. She want to scream for help, she couldn't understand how could she get this drowsiness in this serious situation. She hate it, this feeling of helplessness. She could guess what these men want from he. She was truly afraid, but the sleeping gas is further taking her consciousness now all she can do was hear there voices.

Guard 2: "man you lucky son of a bitch sigh...how much I want to be in your place.... "

Guard 3: "wow those other girls are also quite a beauty aren't they."

Guard 12:"Hey hands off, it's my chance to shine I am the 2nd winner mu ha ha ha... "

Guard 3: "Then it's my chance."

Guard 20:" Lets go check the other cellar here is only 3 girls. We might get lucky and get our hands in some nice woman."

The guards did not realise that there were two people were aware of what was happening...

Hancock :(They are going to **** us move my body i have to protect us, my sisters are in danger, move please.....no..... no....no ....i can not lose consciousness now)

Guard 1 :(slowly touching the face of hancock) "she is beautiful I am lucky today for....."

Suddenly he heard a voice from behind...

Jazz :"you bastard let go of her "

All Guards turn to the voice at the voice at the same time before they could react to the situation, an impact of shock wave force through their body, the shock wave didn't harm there body but when it reach their brain, their body went completely limp and brain numbed. All of the guards fall at the same time on the ground totally unconscious.

Jazz: "What.... the....hell my body..... my strength is leaving me....why do I feel this much weak....what happened to all the guards..... why are they unconscious.... huff..... huff "

Suddenly someone came in front of him.He heard a cold voice with authority, like a king is addressing a peasant....

Hancock:"Who are you?"

Jazz:(Damn now i understand what happened it's her she did all this)

He kept staring at her, he was captivated by her beauty and demenor. They kept looking at each other for quite some time.....

Hancock :" I asked you a question are you a deaf who are you? "

Jazz:" Wait let me calm down a little, it was you who did this to me i can't stand properly, can you help me up...." he says as sweet as possible.

But the reaction he get was still cold eyes....

Jazz :" Sigh.... you are quite ungrateful person, I came to save you and you in return attack me with your HAKI.

Hancock :What this person is saying when did I attack her" You still didn't answer my question, and why would I attack you"

Jazz: " What it was you who blast your HAKI toward me i am not among them, why did you attack me? "

Hancock: He is annoying instead of answering me he is asking questions in return. " For the last time I am asking. Who are you, and I didn't attack you and this time if you answer my questions by returning questions I will beat you"

Jazz: What the she didn't have to be so much rude, look like she didn't know of her Haki may be she just awakened it, in the anime it showed that she also has Conqueror Haki alright I should answer her question before she decided to strangle me " You know it's quite rude to ask someone their name before giving yours"

Hancock: " That's it, I don't need to know you name "

She turned around going back to her cellar.

Jazz: Woah Woah Woah... what'up with her all i did was ask her name " Ok ok since you want to know the name of your saviour... listen.... it's DON JAZZ, JAZZ name was given to me by my mother and DON name is from my long distance Father."

Jazz: "Hey are you listening, you can't ignore your saviour"

Hancock: "Shut up... i heard you... and I don't care.... and when did you save me.... i only heard you screaming something, by your cloth I can tell you are a slave here."

Jazz: "You are quite a petty person, minding small details like that. You should at least thank me you saviour, I did come to save you after all after seeing you were unconscious. That reminds me how are you conscious, you should be sleeping like other people. "

Hancock :He is right how am I awake. " I don't know I couldn't see or hear anything I was losing my consciousness slowly but I could feel them even though I couldn't see them, when this bastard touched me i was awake suddenly" she said grinding her teeth and kicking the unconscious guard on the floor.

Jazz: Jeez talk about over reaction all that Guard did was touch your chicks and BOOM you got Conqueror Haki. Talk about unfair if some girl will toch me like that all i would get a 'Tent in the Pant '

If she could hear his thoughts he probably will cut his little brother.

Jazz:" Who are those girls " looking at 2 others girls lying on the floor.

Hancock :suddenly panicked she left the guard alone ""Marie, Sandersonia are you okay... Hey wake up, why aren't they awake what happened to them"" she starting crying....

Jazz :" You don't have to worry about them they are just unconscious, guards before entering the chamber used some gas to knock their victims out."

What the hell they are the gorgon sisters in anime their adult form in quite different, there is little cute girl with orange hair that is sleeping like a cat her face is also cute which shows that she hasn't seen the world the world she must be Sandersonia, and that green hair girl is Mariegold. i will not miss this chance there is 3 beatutiful sisters.

I must lead them to the correct path of beauty, believe me i will not allow them to get over weight like the anime. while i am here might as well make a move on them. who knows i might get lucky for that I need a concrete plan. This is no joke to make a successful harem i need to start from somewhere and after all i promised to my Long Distance Father to give him lots of grand kids.

He sighs ..... what a difficult situation you put me in father , the hurdle is high you have forced my hand to start with "The Most Beautiful Girl In The world.'

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