
It Happened Again?!

Although Wulin got his teeth filled out he never felt the same, in the middle of puberty and entering a new school filled with new people, Wulin's state of mind was never able to get out of its decline. When he tried to make friends with the students from older grades they would bully him viciously, calling him names and pushing him around. Possibly, due to a combination of his traumatic brain injury and the excessive bullying Wulin started to feel as if he was losing the ability to experience various emotions and distanced himself from others. Now, Wulin no longer started conversations with others and simply sat in a corner of the room in a world of his own, talking to himself and simulating how a zombie apocalypse would play out in his mind.

When he tried to study he felt he could not concentrate on anything and his mind would keep talking to him about irrelevant things. When listening to teachers he would feel like a fish net with a huge hole in the middle, making it impossible to retain anything useful. Luckily though, he maintained his genius comprehension abilities and was able to re-teach himself during tests through deduction and simulation. When at home Wulin still sometimes interacted with his family but mostly stayed in his room, searching for something that can make him feel alive. Eventually, he came across the world of fantasy in the form of anime and novels. He completely immersed himself in the world of fiction and regressed even further as an introvert.

Living like this, Wulin was able to scrape through high school, while not at the same level as he used to be but still passing.

Although unwilling, due to his parents' encouragement Wulin started going to University where he could get a higher education and a better job. During his time, he would ride his bike to University every day, sit down and start reading his web novels while listening to the lecturer. For some reason wherever he sat down nobody would sit in the same row as he did (A/N: This is true and idk what to do). He was currently reading the Douluo Dalu series and would fantasise what it would be like in that world and if he could reincarnate there he would become the strongest with his unimaginably strong spirits.


Three years go by and Wulin is in his final year of university. He successfully made zero friends but did not feel lonely because he was able to read and imagine himself in the lives of all the characters in all the novels he read. Although he read many books, his favourite never changed from the Douluo Dalu series and instead refined what his life would be like in that world. It was currently the final day of Wulins exams and this one would decide whether he gets his bachelor or if he must repeat another year. Like any other morning Wulin gets out of bed, brushes his teeth and got ready for another mundane day where he will simply exist. He eats his breakfast and gets ready to go to his exam, putting on his helmet and riding his bike towards the university. Riding his bike alongside the speeding cars Wulin was thinking about some equations to remember for the exam when suddenly, his vision starts to get darker. His body slumps down making his bike lean to the right and right onto oncoming traffic.


Wulin was unlucky enough to have blacked out on his way to University and tried testing whether his body was strong enough to stop a truck, it was not. His body completely broken and strewn across the road, Wulin finally died.

Wulin POV: (Before the crash)

'This exam is probably going to be boring as hell, these equations are too easy. I mean how come the people in class always seem to have so much trouble with these things.' I ride my bike down the busy road while thinking such things, when suddenly my visions starts to darken. 'Fuck! Not this shit again, lean left, lean left, for the love of god lean left' I desperately pray as I black out. Not long later, I open my eyes again and look around. It seems to be a jungle, with no end in sight. Slightly confused, I was about to call out to see if anyone can hear me, but before I could I was confronted by a sudden rush of emotions, overwhelming me, panic quickly settles in as I yell, "What the heck is happening to me!"

So... I didn't die, congratulate or console me, probably just ignore me. As promised since I lived Wulin must die.

I think my upload schedule will be 1 per day around this time give or take an hour, if I get better at writing and more creative then I might increase, but I'm pretty dead inside so don't count on it.

Thanks for reading anyways.

The_Wulincreators' thoughts
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