
If only

After dropping Yue Ling off at the new house, Liu Shan did not return home to enjoy the rest of his day like everyone else. He stopped by a convenience store to buy beer and cigarettes. From there, he drove in the opposite direction of his apartment.

Through the bustling streets of Imperial, he did not stop for thirty minutes until he arrived in an almost secluded part of the city.

Parking his car on the side of the empty road, he grabs the things he bought and stepped out of the car.


Although the sky was clear, one can see the small, misty cloud of his breath when he sighed.

Holding the case of beer in one hand, he places the pack of cigarette in his coat pocket and walks away from his car.

Coming to a path with dried leaves on the ground, he can tell that maintenance hasn't been here for a while to clean the place.

Through his steps, he arrives in front of a black metal fence. Pushing the door part open, his lonely figure enters.

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