
Evil Goddess and lightning bolts

When Tsarck woke up he was in some sort of temple,he looked around for a bit and saw that it was actually a temple dedicated to the goddess that sent him here.

Tsarck:HAHAHA...Well i think i really hit the jackpot, who thought that my wish would be granted so easily.It's gonna be funny!

While Tsarck laughed madly,he suddenly felt pretty weird.Like something wanted to get out of his body,and being the mad genius he was he immediately understood that it had something to do with his abilities.He pointed his hand towards the wall and relaxed.For unknown reason,some memories entered his brain, memories about a certain lightning fruit(Tsarck can be hit by any Qi attack because no one knows haki in this world and it would be too overpowered if no one could touch him, but if someone attack him with just a physical attack it would be nullified which is still op because the lower cultivators can only train their body)

A lightning bolt was shot by his hands and even though it was still weak, tsarck was extremely happy.

Tsarck:HAHAHAHA Ah Goddess i like you so much!!

Goddess:I know, i know

Tsarck was quite surprised when he heard the voice of the goddess, he looked around but didn't found her.

Goddess:I'm in your mind Tsarck.Sometimes i will come and look at what you're doing since it's better than just watch from my current position.Also sometimes i will give other gifts when i think you deserve it, but for now the Goro Goro no mi should be enough to become really powerful since it doesn't use Qi, by the way you can't use Qi but you will be able to use any ability as long as i gave it to you.Don't think that you can shoot lightning infinitely because i made it so that you still have a limit which would become larger as you become stronger.For now i think you should train in your basic ability and try to summon your Zanpakutous,but knowing which one i gave you it's gonna be difficult.

Tsarck:MEH!For now i have no goal'except for killing people'so i should have enough time to train,but i'm still gonna go explore to find a city or something like that ,after my training.You know i may be a killer, but i can still be interested in other things than killing,or atleast i hope so HAHAHAHAHAH.

Goddess:You really laugh to much, you know that .

Tsarck:I think that everything should be taken lightly,after all what's the point of being so serious huh ?We should all live with a small on our face.HAHAHA

Goddess:Yeah Yeah, whatever just be sure to train enough, so that you don't get killed by the beasts that live in the mountain.

As she said this, Tsarck no longer sensed her so he just shrugged it off and went to explore the temple.

It seems that this Goddess was Hexia the goddess of death and sister of Gaia goddess of Life.She seemed to be quite the evil goddess and the paints on the walls showed that this temple was created in order to give her some sacrifice in order to stop her from taking lives.People offered anything she wanted and in exchange she would not kill their loved ones,the habitants of this world were really into religion and they regarded Hexia not as an evil goddess that should be hated but as a being that they would have to respect and pray to.

Tsarck:Well i've never been too much into religion so i don't really give a fuck but well it's good to know.

Tsarck decided to get out of the temple so he could go and to take a look at the mountain he was on.It was a little mountain,really easy to climb but the access to the temple was a broken bridge,the gap was too big so only powerful cultivators could reach the other side.

Tsarck:With the bridge broken, no one should interrupt me in my training.Hmmm.....I should also go and hunt some beasts when i'm strong enough,after all even if i can't kill humans,beasts are still a good alternative.

He went back to the temple and began to concentrate in order to use his lightning,it was pretty natural for him to use it.In the start he could easily cover his whole body with lightning,but a problem soon appeared.

Tsargh:ARGH!!FUCK!!!Why can't i shoot that damn lightning?!

He tried to shoot lightning like he did the first time,but there was something that blocked the lightning and it couldn't be shot.

Tsarck:OH!!I think i know!!

He exclaimed and this time he didn't tried to shoot it,he concentrated in order to bring more lightning and condensed it in the palm of his hand .

Tsarck:1 million volt Vari!!

A bolt of lightning less big and less powerful than the first one was shot.

Tsarck:HAHAHAH!!So that was the problem!!The lightning was to tiny and wild, i had to use more and condense in order to use it,but damn it's quite hard!!

He was kinda annoyed at the difficulty of using such a simple technique but a thought made him smile.

Tsarck:HAHAHA!!Soon i will become a god like Enel!No one shall stand in my path!!!

A living nightmare that can use lightning and soon a soul sword of incredible power.....THE WORLD IS FUCKED!!!

Hope ya enjoy it .

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I will try to write the most i can, so next update should be about 3 or 4 chapters.

Glasgow2creators' thoughts
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