
V2 ch38

We didn't go back to sleep in fear of the twins waking up before us. Noah played video games as I reviewed my essay for English. At 5:30am, Zeke made a surprise appearance, opening our door slowly, and scaring us half to death. 

Noah sighed in relief at the sight of his big brother. "Oh, it's just you." 

Zeke showed a small smile. "You guys are already done?"

We nodded. 

Noah grinned. "Did you see their hair?"

Zeke nodded. "Kyle's is pink. Dave is just a light pastel pink. Kyle must have left his in longer. Did you paint Kyle's nails then?"

"Even better, I applied those fake nails. Mom had some for me to use so technically it was with her consent." Noah turned off his video game and stood up. "Do you need help with your prank?"

Zeke shook his head. "I just finished. I wanted us to leave early before they wake up. You guys get dressed and meet me in the car."

"What about Mom and Dad? ...and breakfast?" Noah asked. 

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