
A Lead (1)

Mary sat there by herself for a few minutes before getting up and going to the field. Even though she was thrown off by Zeke's lack of a reaction, she still had to go and support him. She arrived in the stands just in time to watch them finish warming up. Zeke was already out there, fitting in with a group of serious looking young men. She glanced to a separate group that were sharing a laugh and looked like they were having fun.

She sighed to herself. She loves her sons all the same, but sometimes she wished they weren't so baseball crazy. Just a mini side hobby would make her feel that they're more balanced.

A ding from her phone alerted her that she had a text.

From Wayne: I found out why the boys went to a party on Saturday night=girls. Specifically, Kyle and a girl from the softball team. He's trying to use this to get out of being grounded so he can go on a date. Lord help us.

Mary brightened up. Just what she wanted. She sent her husband a reply.

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