

"Sorry, Lily." But your parents were very worried about you, even sending me to check on you.

Lilica calmed herself down and continued looking outside the car window as Ven drove her to her company.

Soon, they reached Valen Corporation and Lilica stepped down from the car, little did she know that there was a little devil looking at her from the floor to ceiling window.

Ven also stepped down from the car to send Lilica off.

"Good luck with your work! I'll pick you up again at 6!" The young man said cheerfully, trying to lighten up her mood.

"Okay! See you later." Lilica said as she turned her back to enter the building.

Suddenly, a strong force pulled her hand.

"Wait! I forgot to tell you that... Ouch!" Ven shouted as if hurt by something.

"Ouch!" The second Ven had touched her hand, Lilica felt a strong repulsion, as if she was electrocuted, similar to how she felt repulsive to other meals but this time, a lot stronger.

"What happened?" Ven mumbled, looking confused.

"... I don't know... I've felt like this many times but this time is a lot stronger..." Lilica, who was even more confused answered.

"Don't tell me..." Ven said as if he suddenly had an idea of what happened. His face became pale like something bad had happened.

Curious, Lilica asked, " What is it?"

Chapitre suivant