
Chapter 44

Later that night,

Alex and Bill are eating their dinner in the most expensive restaurant of the cruise ship S S Smith. They are currently in a VIP room eating their dinner.

His Pikachu, swablu, dratini, Horsea and riolu sat on the other side and enjoyed their meal while sitting on the table.

By their side are Snorlax, Piloswine, electabuzz, pidgeot and Espeon eating their own food on the floor.

" You were pretty ruthless back there. You didn't give him any moment to fight back." Bill said while sipping the soup in front of him.

Alex looks over his dinner and replied," Hey, what can I say. It is all professor Oak's fault. Because of him, I have become like this.

Let's just say, my past experience has quite an impact on me. Due to that, I don't hold back against my opponent especially against people who annoyed me."

Bill is a bit confused by his words. He inquired," Why? I thought it is Elsa who annoyed you."

" Hey, I don't like two faced bastards like Julius. He acts all Kind and sweet but is most ruthless. You don't know it, but let me tell you something, the human blood on his hands is much more than the ones in my own.

He is someone who cut down anyone who threaten, irritate or anger Elsa. In the past years, he has killed many for their foul remarks regarding the royal family.

How can you like someone like that."Alex said passionately about him.

Although it seems like Alex doesn't like the ruthlessness and cruelty of Julius, Bill doesn't think something like this may affect Alex.

Bill is the only heir to the biggest company in Kanto with it's branches all over the world. He like most top people regard life and death of most people like numbers.

He will only care about their death as long as they are his aquainted or it happens around him. He isn't a philanthropist who will put his life in danger for others.

Bill himself feels Alex is like him. Although Alex doesn't regard human life and death with same views as him, the death of strangers who he never met before would have any sway over Alex.

Bill feels that may not be the true reason for his disdain for Julius," So what's the real reason?" Bill asks Alex not at all affected by the details of Julius ruthlessness.

Alex gave him a look that he was saying the truth bug seeing him unmovable he sighed and said," Five, the reason I don't like him is because he is a coward. He is a complete waste of time, space and even air according to me."

" Why?" Bill asked while twirling his glass around as one does with a wine glass although it is just a fruit juice.

" He seems to be all polite to me. That's what angers me. If not for his loyalty to Elsa, I may have crushed him completely.

His bootlicking made me nauseous. He has decent strength for his age but the lack of inner strength and that faux kindness along with the number of masks he wear in front of people, it is too annoying."

Bill just laughed at Alex and his words," It is good thing for you. At least this trip can be considered educational for you. After you reach your peak the number of people who will act like him may be in thousands.

They will try to praise you and butter you, like they usually do to me to get their job five easily. It is also an aspect of life Alex."

Alex knows what Bill is saying is true. But, it doesn't mean he had to like it.

" You don't have to like it Alex, but must accept it for not everything can be solved with violence, sometimes diplomacy is the best option for everyone.

As for violence, if diplomacy doesn't work then it is an option ." Bill said knowing what is running through Alex's mind.

Alex know what he is saying is true but the Pokemon Tide incident has made him hot headed. He likes to use strength to solve most of his problem unlike before.

Alex sighed to himself," you know Bill, sometime when I see myself in a mirror I cannot even recognize myself, with his much I have changed.

At home, I am fine being all caring and doting big brother for my siblings, but after I have left, I have many violent tendencies in myself. I guess I too have become what that Marian said 'A Brute'." While he laughed at himself with self ridicule.

" Don't mention that woman in front of me. We have already signed at contract about not insulting trainers like that in public but it seems she is too proud thinking that the coordinator council will protect her from any problem.

Just you wait, when we reach Hoenn and our contract expires, she will pay for breaking the contract. She will find why these contract are life-saver for them, and why they must be followed." Bill thunders while thinking about her.

" Hey, don't be so angry. The trainers have always crushed other professions and now that coordinator are in rise, they try to show off a little.

After all, we both know no matter how important A coordinator becomes he or she can never replace trainer with coordinator.

In the end, as long as Pokemons in the wild exist, trainers will exist.

Hey remembering about then, Lance called me last week and told me about something funny."

" Oh what did that cloak man say?" Bill asked curious.

" You know how coordinator show off Pokemon beauty and Elegance." Bill nods and Alex continues," A coordinator made a flygon into a joker. He made him lose all his powers to show off useless tricks.

He showed off his trick in public and tried to attract people towards coordinator, but it seemed to backfire.

The Wataru clan as well as many dragon masters have rushed to the league for punishing that person as he tarnished the proud image of the dragon type."

" Wow , talk about courage. But I don't think league will intervene much as it doesn't want to take sides between this trainer and coordinator debate!" Bill expressed his thoughts.

" Of course they won't. But, Lance mentioned how some wild dragon Pokemons may attack that trainers and seize his pokemons to ' educate them in the ways of the true dragon'." He made quotes in the air to stress the last words.

Bill laughed what it really meant but thought about something. "Alex what do you consider a trainer and coordinator as? Father often say that there is a link between the two but what is it really?" This question has haunted bill for a long time.

Alex took a sip of water from the glass and then started his explantation," a trainer is someone who trains a Pokemon in his strength, power, moves and try to maximize his strength in a battle.

Meanwhile a coordinator is someone who emphasise on beauty, elegance and different combinations.

According to me, a coordinator is someone who can control the moves and it's power behind that trick. They help in learning control over ones strength to prevent destruction.

Because of this , I think that not every top coordinator can become a league Champion( indigo league champion, not region Champion), but every league champion do possess the qualifications for The top coordinator.

They possess the skill and control to gain it. "

" So how much of a fact is this ?" Bi asked

" I cannot verify if it is true or false but some who is both a coordinator and a trainer can answer your question."Alex told him.

Alex and Bill are their dinner together and left the restaurant, and after parting to their room decides to rest for tomorrow's match.

But Alex doesn't feel sleepy and decides to take a walk around the cruise ship.

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