
chapter 55: The Tide arrives

Alex has enough of their buttering. His briws lowered, teeth were clenched. He was really angry and he thundered out," I am not finished speaking. If you bastards dare to escape or hide from even one of your enemy pokemons no matter how strong they are then I will label you as 'deserters' and I hope you remember how deserters are treated in Kanto."

This shocked not only Gold and his coharts but also Jean, Daisy , Jim and the other people around them. They all turned white on hearing that. Deserter isn't something to be taken lightly. The treatment of deserters is downright cruel.

Deserters are regarded as one of the worst scums on par with traitors in Kanto. The deserter himself, his family and aquatinted people are treated with disgust by the people. People fear being labelled as traitors or deserter more than they are afraid of the military tribunal.

This title isn't to be taken lightly and for someone to get it, they are thoroughly investigated. After all, everyone related to him will lose all sort of help from the league.

All the property they hold under the name of their name in the territory of Pokemon league will be confiscated and they will be thrown out of any city which is under the pokemon league administration.

They will neither get health facility, food, protection, nothing will be sold to them. They all will have only three options, accept death, compensate the league with something equivalent to the town and thirdly, join the dark side. In the underworld, their chances of survival will less than 5 percent too.

This was the trick used by league thousand years ago to prevent people from running from war when the situation is unfavourable.

In the war there I'd only two options for fighter, either win or lose and die. Of course if you are alive then they will be investigated to check whether he is a deserter or not.

A person could bear all the problems in the world for his family but if that family suffers the grievance due to him, then nothing will be more torturous than watching his family suffer.

It has been recorded that a few centuries ago thousands were hailed as deserters and millions become homeless due to this.

Over time the league has mellowed a lot and this type of situation is too rare nowadays.

It is rare but this practice isn't abolished completely. Many tried to have it removedon the ground that the punishment is too inhumane and cruel. And this punishment involved completely innocent people who have nothing to do with the crime.

The crime isn't inherited by blood and it will only encourage people to go towards the wrong side.

The removal process was headed by champion Alder of the unova league so it got much heat and coverage from media.

But the opposition, composed mainly the armed forces along with champion and elite of other regions. They simply said this keeps things in order. No matter how much they tried to remove it it wasn't removed. This caused much conflict in the league so the president Charles Goodshow himself came forth and let the punishment stand but the process for anyone to gain this is too laborsome.

This cooled down both sides. The punishment is too cubersome so many won't get punished too harshly and the other side was happy that with this sword hanging over their head, there will be lesser betrayal and the troops will act efficiently.

Even though these people knew that the deserters' punishment is not applicable nowadays in big number, with the Halo of genius that Alex yielded it would be enough for him to get some at least two or three to be labelled as such

This made them realise that how dire their current situation really was.

" If you don't want to be punished, you will be taking care of strongest Pokemon other than pseudo king out there.

As for how I will know you are working well, Xatu"

A Xatu appeared in front of all of them. Alex introduced Xatu to all the people present.

" Xatu, these people," pointing at Gold and his small band of misfits," are people disobeyed my orders and caused many deaths due to their neglect.

I gave them a chance and a mission to redeem themselves." Alex told Xatu.

When he heard 'redeem' he tilted his head sideways as if he misheard the word. Alex just rolled his eyes and continued," They will fight the Pokemons and continue to march forward no matter what opponent they face except the pseudo king.

In case they retreat even a single step they will be labelled as deserters so make sure they don't get away. I am sure you could handle it. I just want them alive, i dont care what condition they are in."

Xatu eyes shone with a cold gleam when he heard Alex regard this group of people as deserters.

*?"But sir what if… " Jim tried to speak for his companions. He wished that the captain can show some leniency.

Alex eyes twitched fiercely in anger at his interruption. he simply disclosed Xatu's identity to all of them," This Xatu is sent by the pokemon league to ensure that the sky Town's town hall can carry out the the arrangements of the league. So his impartiality shouldn't be questioned." This also made them aware that they are under league's eyes now and all their actions will be watched. The punished group were afraid. their eyes bulged and their feet shook. some even fainted on hearing this.

" I hope you will not disobey and try to harm my authority, Gold." Alex said softly but Gold prrceived that it wasn't a sentence but a warning from Captain's side.

" No sir. I would listen to your orders and follow it to the letter." Gold conveyed his mind .

The dense cloud seemed to arrive from the north direction. A little away from this dense cloud were the land Pokemons running full speed towards the north frontier.

On seeing the dark cloud, pidgeot seated at the town wall rose into the sky followed by other Pokemons of Alex and headed towards the tide which has appeared at the horizon.

Electabuzz, Slowking, Haunter and Espeon too disappeared from view as soon as pidgeot took flight. they teleported away.

Alex didn't bother to look at the disappearing Pokemons of his. His gaze was fixed at the coming pokemons. He was both excited and afraid. his heartbeat increased greatly now but none of such changes could be seen on his face.

He informed the Pokemon around him their task," Charmeleon, Ivysaur, poliwhirl and marill will be on my side protecting me from any attacks on my blind spot.

Piloswine and Snorlax, you could go wild but make sure that you don't target friendlies. Piloswine the area would be fifty metre around yourself. Don't exceed this range or it will affect the other Pokemons.

Onix you will make sure ground types don't sneak inside through underground.

and finally Nidorino, you will follow Onix and help him in this matter to deal with the pokemons.

In the battle, I will be fighting too. I won't have time to look after all of you. I can only say this to all of you : Protect yourself along with each other and stay alive. "

All the people and Pokemon around Alex nodded their head and were prepared for the final decisive battle of this Tide.

How will the battle go? Stay tuned….

To be continued…..

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