
chapter 33- the Evolution

When all of them left, Alex closed his eyes to calm down his nerves. The pressure that comes with being a leader is too much and it makes him understand why Professor Oak and Red gave up the champion position as soon as they got the title.

The position of power is not as attractive when you gain it as it seemed from far away. At least it was not for him.

" Enough of these, now I have to increase my strength so that I can overcome the situation without losing any of his pokemon." He mumbled

Even when some people survive the tide, their pokemon aren't there to accompany them any longer or they are so injured that they can't fight or move around anymore becoming a cripple for the rest of their lives.

That's why he sent all the pokemon who may be sacrificed in this tide or cannot fight for long. It will not be a quick battle, but a long one which may last for a week if they can hold on.

At situations like this, stamina is very important. The troops would be swapped every few hours to rest and eat and even heal their pokemon while another group would take over their place.

And as a captain cum zone commander, he cannot rest for even a single moment at that time. He had to be a lookout for any pseudo-king pokemon which might arrive to disrupt the defense line and cause disorder among the troops.

As for the elite ones, they can be handled by the other Second Lieutenant and Officer Cadets. Some of his Pokemon could even deal with them without his command and if they are injured, claydol could teleport and bring them back to rest and heal themselves while preparing for the next round.

After claydol evolved he has learned teleport and on Alex's command joined Ralts twins in their game of catch where they teleport around to avoid being caught.

This is a good way to train their Psychic power as well as master the teleport move easily. When Mew joins them for her special treats, she too enters their game of catch.

The other kid Pokemon after getting accustomed to being caught by teleport can evade now with their senses and their evasion skills increase.

This way all of them learn and grow while playing among themselves.

He needed to evolve male nidoran, female Bulbasaur, female azuril and male poliwag.

These would be good battlers in this Tide.

He has thought of training his nidoran to Nidoking while imitating " Whitebeard from one piece". With each punch he would rain tremors on his foes.

He made a small note of different anime characters from his past life so he won't forget much. He only remembers their key point or main attacks and has forgotten most of the details over time.

Although Nidoking won't teach world destroyer level, he can still thrive to reach mountain destroyer. With each full power punch, a mountain range is destroyed or eradicated.

Nidoran could evolve by the use of poison vine he bought and azuril and poliwag through the water gem he got from Suicune.

Although they can't absorb its power, they can try to sync their energy with it and purifying their energy and making it denser. And under its influence, they may evolve.

It would only accelerate their evolution. They would have evolved in a months time if he didn't apply this trick.

These two are part of a deal with water types around his new home. If by any chance, they died or even crippled, Alex wouldn't feel too sad as they didn't stay with him for long. The water types at the farm won't protest as they died or got gravelly injured in the fight.

Tide happens because the wild pokemon have a lack of resources and food in their places and so they attack the human settlement and take control over the areas around it so they could survive.

That's why many pokemon who live in the town or around town help humans to protect their home because if these pokemon settle here, they would be eradicated too to reduce competition among themselves.

As for his Bulbasaur, she can evolve anytime he wants her to evolve. She has accumulated enough strength and power to evolve but the everstone he gave, stopped her from evolving.

He wants her to be similar to Hashirama after her evolution to Venusaur.

So at this early stage, she must at least grow a few branches or promote growth.

He had her spread the seed from leech seed around and facilitate its growth remotely. It has been successful but only if she uses growth and in that stage she can only do five seeds.

So Alex set a threshold for her to reach this level without direct use of growth if she wanted to evolve. She knows Alex was training her to be powerful as her strength increases in his training and she followed his orders.

Over time she has managed to grow two seed remotely without using growth. And this too when she does her physical as well as move training.

Alex felt when she evolves into ivysaur she can increase her powers and can be at a much closer contact to nature due to the flower bud on her back. This can increase her control more and she can at least control ten seed vines from far.

The frenzy plant move which is called the ultimate grass type move is a trick similar to this. So it can also be regarded as a premature frenzy plant.

Alex released these four pokemon out for their evolution process.

He first went to Bulbasaur and said," We won't have much time to let you master the five vine seed control so I will be evolving you now.

Use its power to strengthen the body first because the body is the foundation of everything. " And he removed the everstone necklace hanging on her neck.

She shines brightly and her form enlarged. She grew twice her former height and the former green bulb has shown the semblance of turning into a beautiful pink flower soon as a pink bulb appears on her back.

She has become stronger too. Another advance level pokemon was added to his group. And her powers would grow even higher after she reaches her final form. The reason the grass type is quick to grow is because of their relationship with nature.

Nature grants them higher energy absorption especially when they are in forest areas. And it slightly simulates them to turn desert areas green once more.

There is often conflict happening between grass type Pokemon in the forest and desert Pokemon as they try to destroy their homes.

" How are you feeling girl?"

" Ivy.. iii… vvyyyy. .. Sssauurrr." She explained her mood with a pleasant smile on her face.

" Good. You move around the room while getting acquainted with your new body and I will talk to the others."

She started to roam around to get herself accustomed to her stronger legs and the bigger bulb and weight on her back.

He bent on the poliwag and azuril level while giving them the blue gem and said," Poliwag, azuril you both try to sync your body energy with this gems energy. It will help you simulate your evolution."

They took the gem and happily nodded to follow his instructions and then sat down while touching the gem.

He went to nidoran who has followed him since Giovanni gifted it to him. He is a very naughty pokemon who often joined Haunter in his pranks and annoy others but also very protective of his friends.

Once a Beedrill roamed inside the farm and almost attacked his siblings who were playing around. He immediately attacked it before anyone could react and protected them. He was very grateful to nidoran for it and often thinks of different ways to increase his powers.

He could increase Haunter's poison potency by letting him absorb others poison core, he could increase bug types poison potency by breeding them and training the strongest one left behind or survives to reach a higher level.

But for Nidoran he requires a much more poisonous substance which can increase his poison potency over time but the most effective one was poison vine.

It can only be used for nidorino and Nidoking or their female counterparts but not for nidoran because of the poison present.

If used it may destroy their young body but Alex came to a conclusion that if he used Earth gem to counter poison from the vibe like he was doing with Haunter he may succeed so he decided to do this now.

He crushed the gem and lingered it over the vine carefully. Then he gave it to nidoran and said," eat it slowly nidoran. It will give you great powers and even help you evolve so be patient and don't let this power surge go to your head."

Nidoran did as he was asked and munched a few pieces of vine. After he took the fifth bite he began to shine and when he reached ninth bite, he glowed and his body began to change.

When the glow subsided there was nidorino but he has some changes in his appearance.

What changes does nidorino have? How will his first meeting with the troops go? Stay tuned

To be continued

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But his nidorino had a different appearance. Because of intake of Earth gem along with poison vine from Nidoking graveyard, the darker purple spots now had brown spots while their ears to have some brown spots on it's edges.

Their legs have brown tattoo type brown marking from the Earth Gem.

Darthnorthercreators' thoughts
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