
Pokemon poachers

Alex rode on Pidgeot and headed towards the forest in which the poachers seem to carry most of their activities.

Alex had his Pidgeot land so he could calm down Snorlax after all he didn't have many pokemons with him now.

He after that returned back Espeon after explaining her that Snorlax don't like being interrupted in the sleep and are very violent towards those who disturb them from their sleep.

After promising that after he calmed him down he would release her back she returned to the pokeball. Alex had Bulbasaur, Pidgeot and Slowking out in case he is still in berserker state.

" Be ready in case he attacks and Bulbasaur ready the pollens."

She has prepared enough pollens to paralyse Snorlax after all he didn't know if he possess the ability of ' Immunity' or ' Fat Body'.

Since he is mostly known for sleeping so sleep powder wont work after all he might know snore or sleep talk.

After commanding the pokemons he released Snorlax. It was a huge, bipedal, dark blue-green Pokémon with a cream-colored face, belly, and feet. Its body is composed of mostly its belly, where most of its fat reserves accumulate. Its head is large, with small, pointed ears and two pointed teeth protruding from its lower jaw. It has large, hind feet with three claws and a circular brown paw pad, and its arms and five foreclaws are short.

It was about two metres tall and would probably weigh about 500 kg in weight.

After being released he seemed pretty calm and looked around curiously until his eyes fell upon their group.

He kept staring at them while sitting on the ground. Seeing this Alex started the talk.

" Hello Snorlax, I am Alex and I am the trainer who caught you."

Alex expected him to be angry at being caught just after waking up but he just nodded and didn't do anything.

Taking this as good sign he continued," I will be your trainer from now on and I would expect you to train deligently and not laze around

I won't expect you to train all the time but if you worked hard enough and listen to me I would reward you." Alex looked at his eyes and threw a cube shaped thing at Snorlax.

Snorlax smelled it and found it good and ate it. He happily ate it and was surprised to find that his stomach was filled about one-tenth just by one such cube. Also it was really delicious so he wanted more

He motioned at Alex for by sign of his hands towards his mouth and patting his stomach cutely. Alex seeing this smiled and tossed three more who ate them happily.

" Listen to me and you won't lack food in the future and get to eat more tasty foods. " Alex said

Snorlax nodded and came towards him and hugged him happily though not enough to crush him.

" ok Snorlax return now and later you will be rewarded."

Alex returned all his pokemons and started to head for the poachers area.

Alex has already planned the way for training Snorlax. It's defence must be improved as be would never become as fast as sound but he could be trained to tank moves of Pokemon.

Alex travelled through the forest for half an hour and he saw something odd. At this place he didn't find even a single pokemon. This was odd as even in the dried stream he cane across a pokemon every few minutes and yet until now he can't find a single wild pokemon.

This was probably a sign that the pokemon poachers were probably nearby. He heard some sound of steps as well as leaves around so Alex slowed down his speed and climbed a tree high.

After that he motioned Haunter in his shadow to see what it was. Haunter rose from his shadow smiled deviously and went into the trees shadow and scout the air.

Up on the tree, Alex was still on lookout and waited for Haunter's arrival. After a couple of minutes, Haunter arrived in front of Alex. Alex has sensed his presence due to his aura senses so he wasn't all too surprised.

Haunter told him that the poachers base was few hundred metres from here on the west direction and they were about fifteen people there.

He also flashed some Pokemon in his mind such as Mightyena, ariados, Crawdaunt, machoke, skarmory, etc. And in the tents were Pokemon caught in cages along with some Pokemon eggs nearby.

Alex knew this would be a big fight so he made a plan.

He released Pidgeot quietly and asked to distract them while Haunter would release the caught pokemons to create chaos.

This plan was immediately implemented as soon as Alex reached the periphery of the base camp.

Pidgeot commenced the attack by hyperbeam it brought down a few pokemons while as soon as this happened a roar came from the tents.

The pokemons caught were released and they started to attack the poachers. There were Graveller, Beedrill, butterfree, venomoth and primeape in this group.

They attacked in order to let the younger ones leave the camp and distract these poachers. Bulbasaur has started to paralyse the poachers with pollen.

Slowking was beside her to help take down close quarter attacks. He let them handle and he reached the storage there were about 16 eggs placed here.

The elder told him 15 eggs were stolen from the village and they all were green in colour. Among them was a plain grey pokemon egg along them. This egg was different from. others and sparked a desire in Alex

After thought of keeping this egg to himself after finding the amount of powers it held compared to other eggs. Alex took the egg in his pocket while taking out Espeon.

Espeon take these eggs out of here. Under the combined psychic of the two they transferred the eggs out of the tent but there luck wasn't that great as one poachers came to stop him.

This poacher was a female a few years older than Alex. She has short silver hair and she wore dark red clothes with black glasses similar to a Goggles.

Seeing her Alex felt as if he has seen her somewhere. She yelled at Alex," Where di you think you are taking my trophies?"

" You stole them so I am returning them to it's real owner. "

" So you are one of those good people who help people in trouble. You will then pay for being a good guy."

" Me pay. Look who is talking. Your people are already almost finished. You think you can escape. ".

" Who pay attention to dregs who can't even handle a few pokemons. Today you will know the consequence of getting in the path of Hunter J "

Hearing this Alex was shocked. It was the ruthless pokemon poachers from that time who went after priceless pokemons.

The poacher happens to be Hunter J team. Next will be the first battle between Alex and J . Stay tuned

to be continued

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Hunter J will be a recurring villians for Alex

currently the poll is:

1) larvitar

2) Dratini

3) gible

Darthnorthercreators' thoughts
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