

In front of the three heroes the Elite Officer of the Shadows, Fang. Even knowing this put great pressure on our heroes but after Knowing the hierachy of the Shadows, it almost destroyed their hope. They felt utter despair and the thought of facing him and the plan to stall time wasn't even in their brain.

Along with them, even their pokemons were frozen solid in the presence of Fang. They were more sensitive than humans as their instinct helps them stay alive in the wild and they were shocked. This instinct helps them avoid their predator and stay safe. The Pokemons too felt despair.

But even in this pressure the eyes of Haunter, Dratini , Charmander, Lapras and Charmeleon still had a spark of defiance , a desire to overcome the obstacle and stand tall.

They attacked their Pokemon. Lapras used water gun on Lorelei soaking her up. Dratini and Charmander used flamethrower on Lance slightly burning him and Haunter and Charmeleon attacked with flame punch in Alex gut.

This shocked all the four humans present in the room. And the three trainers were shell shocked. First they had been stunned and trapped by Fang and now their Pokemon betrayed them, this was shocking to say the least.

Yes this is what they thought of , BETRAYAL , same was with Fang and he laughed," Hahahaha, now even your own pokemon stand against you, it would be best if you join us. After all you can't beat me."

But they ignored him and looked at their Pokemon. They were hurt by their betrayal.

Alex thought,' Was the pressure do much that you chose to leave me and stand against me. Was our bond so weak that a little pressure broke it.We will be the strongest. Wasn't this our dream?'

Lance thought,' Did I not raise you both properly and with love since you were born. Was our love and bond between us just a delusion.We promised to be the strongest dragon trainer.'

Lorelei ,' Lapras why , why did she betray me. We promised each other to be the best water type Trainer and most powerful Lapras in the world.why?'

But after looking at their pokemons they saw a fierce look adoring their face.This was directed at them as if saying how disappointed they were to have such weak trainers. To think a little pressure broke their spirit. The Pokemon were mocking them and their dream.

Then it dawned on them. The attack was not betrayal but a wake up call from. their Pokemon. They all had lofty dream and if they are stunned here than they might as well give up their dream.

Lorelei then stoke Lapras head and said softly," Thank you for your help,

Lapras. We will show him our determination."


Lance looked at them and said," You are too weak. See this attack didn't even make me flinch. We still have to train much harder for our goal." He didn't act affectionate to them knowing they don't like being loved in front of others. Their dragon pride won't allow it.

And Alex just kept staring at him Pokemon not saying a word. They were quietly telling each other they will not let anyone stand in front of their goal and every mountain in front of their path will be turned to dust.

" We will escape from here and we will reach our dream." Alex said to them and facing Fang ,"Thank you for helping us."

" So you are ready to join the shadows. Good . I will add some good words to the overseer of the Nightmare Island to look after you. We should now head out . League will be coming here soon. We should leave here or we will have some troubles." And he turned to leave and asking them to follow.

Seeing them not moving he turned ," what are you all Waiting for? Let's get going."

"I haven't specified what I thanked you for. I thank you for showing how big the world is and for reinforcing our dreams. Now I know how difficult the journey to the top is and now I am willing to do whatever it takes to reach it even if it meant death." Alex said all this with so much determination that every one even the Pokemon and Fang were shocked. The shear belief in his dream was astounding.

Earlier when Lance and Lorelei heard Alex thanking Fang, they believed he too was going to join the shadows now hearing him explain the matter they knew Alex too was ready to go.

Fang then seriously looked at the trainers and Pokemon in front of him and asked ," So you will not come with me easily. Are you sure you want to defy me?"

Their unwavering eyes revealed the answer.

" Fine then let me show you want despair truly means. " He fully released his pressure on them and then threw a pokeball in the air. From it revealed a black pokemon.

It has a sleek black body with four slender legs and crimson eyes. There are two pairs of pointed teeth visible when its mouth is open, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower. It has long pointed ears and a bushy tail, each with a yellow band around them. Its forehead and legs have yellow rings on them.

" Show them true despair, Umbreon."

It was an Umbreon. It's yellow marking glowed and revealed a scary aura around it. It's ruthlessness was revealed in it's murderous blood red eyes. It looked the Pokemon disdainfully. It was ready to crush it's opponent.

Now our heroes are ready to face Fang. How will the battle go? Stay tuned.

to be continued .....

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