
Hidden Market and Evolution

The name of the town Rock Town is due to the much presence of Geodude and graveller in the surrounding areas. These often cause trouble around the area. In order to combat them most of the trainer here had grass, water or fighting type Pokemon. Also the gym itself is a Fighting gym. It has the authority to grant 2- star gym. Also in order to help trainers the Pokemon league has created a new system called task system which can be used in any Pokemon center. There they could get different tasks according to their levels and get rewards. Heck one could even get evolutionary stones for this.

In order to help his Pokemon get some experience fighting rock type Pokemon, Alex after reaching the town and getting his Pokemon deposited to nurse joy for their normal checkup he went to the task desk. There were many tasks posted. Each tasks had been distributed into different levels too for the sake of convenience and trainer at specific levels can take only certain level tasks.

The task levels are:

1- star level: Rookie trainer and those above

2- star level: Beginner trainer

3- star level: Intermediate trainer

4- star level: Advanced levels


5- star level : Elite like trainer

The 5- star level mission are only generated in the big cities of Kanto and are through the Headquarters of the league.

As for the trainer with 2- star gym badges can do upto 3- star task while those of 3- star badges can do 4- star task . Of course the top four of each league can also do this level task. Also this level task completion can help one get evolutionary stones .

As a rookie, Alex took a 1- star task. The mission was "There are a Group of Geodude blocking path to the Trench Town. Trainer is asked to drive away them. Any way can be implemented to do so." When one completes a task the people around are asked to confirm the task completion and the task is considered complete. The reward is then granted to the trainer.

For taking on Geodude Alex thought of using Charmander as he will be using him for the gym battle. It will also help him get accustomed to the fighting moves. After an hour of searching the route he reached the destination. He asked a nearby person," Where can the route to Trench Town be?"

" why are you asking this young man? Don't you know there are Geodude there. There were a few people who got hurt during their attack. Fortunately none were killed . you should leave . come back later when a trainer from the league clear them."

" Hehehe I am sorry I am the trainer the league sent. don't worry I will handle it. so can you tell me the way."

" Aren't you a bit too young. how could you do it if adult can even not do. you are still a kid. don't go to your death."

" Look here uncle I got four Pokemons. this shows at least I could protect myself if things go south. if necessary you could also come so you could see it yourself."

Seeing his confidence he agreed and took him to the place. There Alex saw five small rocks blocking the path. If not for the crease on the rocks if seen closely no one would find them separate from ordinary rocks. That's why Geodude line is so feared in caves because no one know under which rock is it and many are crushed to them in caves by them.

After seeing them he immediately called out Charmander. Seeing this Pokemon the person who brought Alex his eyes gleamed and he thought,' From the coat and the flame of it's tail it seems to be raised properly. Also the muscles also indicate that it is also physically strong. It seems this guy is at least intermediate level. He should not have trouble facing these geodude.'

Alex told Charmander to deal with the Geodude and oversaw the fight himself.

Charmander used flamethrower to attract their attention . After being attacked these Geodude threw rocks at it. After physical training it easily dogded them. He initially thought of using dragon dance but because of their attack he could not find time to use it. For current Charmander it takes about 2 sec to use it and in their attack he couldn't. Thinking briefly while dodging he suddenly swept it's tail and flame embers flew from the tail to distract them. This tactics is what Alex taught it if he get cornered so as to create room for it's maneuver as flame don't affect them much as it was not hot enough according to both Alex and Charmander.

After the moment time he quickly used metal claw he learned while clawing trees and because of his strong physic ( both due to linage and training) two of the five were instantly out of the game. Then he used flame claw on the other three this severely wounded them. The flame claw move was learned after he learned metal claw due to his flame control exercise. Also currently it is not mature enough to use and could only be used in conjunction with metal claw. Due to this Alex asked him to use flame claw after metal claw so he could have enough practice to use it.

Angry the Geodude used magnitude. This also hurt Charmander but it endured and then ended it with flamethrower. Now flamethrower was strengthened due to the boost from Blaze. Hence the first group battle of Charmander came to an end. After defeating them Alex quickly caught them this time not to train but for selling. every city has a black market where Pokemon are sold. This is done by transit understanding between league, city and the underworld. This keeps a semblance of peace around.

Seeing the battle the stranger felt his views confirmed as he saw Charmander defeat them without any instructions. This if not for seeing the coat one would think his is credited to Pokemon only and not trainer. But experienced Trainer train their Pokemon to act with certain autonomy and only command when necessary. Seeing some errors here and there all qualities are of a beginner trainer at least with 3 badges.

So he thought Alex was also one with minimum of 3- badges. of course these thoughts Alex didn't know. After battling Max he still feels he was still a rookie. "Congratulations on your victory young man. Ah m I am sorry I haven't introduced myself. My name is Marcus. And I am the gym leaders of Rock Town. And I believe you are here for the gym battle."

" Yes I am for the gym battle. "

" Your Charmander impressed me very much. how about we have a battle tomorrow and you could let him rest."

" Thanks. And can you help where I can trade them."

Although not directly asked but still," Are you not going to raise them."

" I have my hands full with my Pokemon and could not handle another until at least he evolved."

"Well take a right from Pokemon center then go straight for 300 metre another left and about 460 metres you would reach your destination. But be careful there . I don't have to say anything else I think." Marcus said the last sentence Seriously.

" Thank you for your help. I will have a battle Tomorrow. at your discretion." Alex said happily.

" Splendid. Then how about 10 at morning. I will be looking forward to it." and he left not before confirming the news of his task completion. This task was trick task he set. It was at least 2- star task so he oversaw whoever came for the task. If there was any problem he would help them out later. that's why Alex saw him there. While headed to the gym, Marcus thought,' He is very interesting. A young man with a mature mind and calm during battle. Tomorrow I am really looking forward to seeing him fight seriously.'

After Marcus left he too left the place and headed to Pokemon center for healing Charmander. After deposit for healing he headed and submitted the task for the rewards. He got 1000 pokecoins as well as a full heal. This helps one Pokemon completely eliminate status aliment. This is good rewards.

After taking Charmander he headed to the place. The place he was entering was Black Market. As for why here because he found the world was not black or white but a shade of grey. So he was here to sell the Pokemon. In order to not reveal ones identity he wore a mask and a cloak. After entering he saw many people selling many things from medicine to power enhancers and even Pokemon. In the black market the price of Pokemon is based on their racial values.

The price range was( in term of pokecoins):

Pokemon below racial value of 350 - 10000

<400 =25000

<450 =50000

<500 = at least 100000 and could increase more

As for above this value are not sold but auctioned and they reach as far as 1 million or even higher corresponding to the type or genre of Pokemon.

On the way he say some Pokemon even from Johto and hoenn area too. When he saw Gulpin he was tempted to buy it to upgrade the poison core of Gastly but endure as he had no money. So he headed to the transaction point. Here there are many booth where transaction happen. Since it has interest of many high level people in the league too so privacy was maintained.

After headed to an empty booth, he immediately said," Five Geodude , how much?"

The booth owner immediately smiled crookedly and said," 7000 each"

Alex countered " At least 18000 each. "

" Oh why so high do enlighten." Seeing the other party bargain and how he acted owner understood the other person knew of the matter here and for him to price so high he was interested," they all knew magnitude and explosion"

After hearing this "even so 15000"

" don't treat me as a rookie I know you would at least sell them for 25000 so up the price."

They both bargain for some time and later agreed at 17000 after selling them Alex got 85000 pokecoins.

' I now understand why so many people become poachers. They get money easily. Heck after nearly a month of traveling i got 5000 coins but only could save 1000 ' then he immediately asked," How much for poison type "

Owner listed,"

Ekans - 12000

Arbok - 36000

Koffing - 8000

Weezing - 15000

Grimer - 15000

Muk - 40000"

" Well give me 4 koffing and two grimer"

Alex instantly spent 62000 coins. This is due to requirements for Gastly. After month training Gastly stored enough ghost energy for evolution yet could not evolve so he thought it may be due to poison core. He felt if he could upgrade core he would evolve. So he didn't hesitate. After taking them he headed towards the forest and released Gastly, Charmander and Pidgey. Over time Gastly is now at least twice it's height about 7 feet and the Pidgey due to battle has started growing a plume over it's head showing in a week it might evolve. Then ordered them to stand guard. First he released a koffing and asked them them to knock them down. Then he asked it to devour the core but not integrate and asked to integrate it together. After killing all the bought Pokemon coldly and then devouring core Gastly looked pained with amount of poison in it's body. Later he told Gastly that while integrating them mobilise the ghost energy too. Because of his control training he was able to do so but barely.

After a few minutes the Gastly scream in pain and the nearby Pidgey and smaller Pokemon ran away from here. Some poison headed towards Alex and his Pokemon. So he asked Pidgey to blow it away. After Wing strengthening he was able to continuously blow wind for about 5 minutes. This is almost the amount an average Pidgeotto can do.

As he blew the poison in the center a white light shone and then a change occurred Gastly evolved to Haunter.

Haunter is a dark purple Pokémon with a gaseous body. It has a round head with a pair of disembodied hands. Each hand has three pointed fingers. Its head is flanked by three large, spiked protrusions on either side, and its eyes are large and triangular with small pupils. The gases composing its head curve down to form several pointed teeth framing a pink mouth and a long tongue. Its body tapers into a jagged tail.

His Haunter was nearly 8 feet tall. Much bigger the average. His Haunter had a deep purple body with some symbol probably related to ghost power. Alex said with his strong stance," Say ghas.. no Haunter did I disappoint you. Are you still willing to follow me and head the top." Haunter looked at his trainer . The words still boiled his blood as it did when he first heard him and this transformation affirmed his decision. So Haunter replied smiling," Hauu..nterrr"

"Well then why don't you greet your partners."

And this unique way our hero evolved his starter and is also in anticipation for his first gym battle.

to be continued....

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