
An unusual invitation

The early evening of Halloween began actively.

As celebrated to ward off evil spirits, from every street to all households, buildings and billboards heightened the spooky touch to its visitants. People allowed the mischief night to play pranks on each other.

Hollowed-out pumpkins lit by candles hung everywhere, little kids dressed up as monsters, ghosts, and beautiful witches roamed with their parents. Meanwhile, the enthusiastic adults who took the tradition seriously ended up wearing hideous costumes to scare everyone.

The boisterous city of New York, known for its global popularity, did not fail to attract visiting tourists to play in its dungeon.

Everyone soaked into the city's passion and had a great time.

Meanwhile, Giselle seems to struggle with a sulking child.

"Lia, listen to me! You have to do this. It'll be fun. I promise," Giselle begged, standing outside Lia's room.

Without her father, Ethan, who is a resident candidate and partner in crime with whom Lia went trick or treating every past year, the child refused to take part this time and remained stuck to her bed.

The new place and new environment also added to her fears of going out to meet new people. Giselle promised to accompany, but since it is the first time she would participate, Lia doubted her mother's company.

"Please, mom, I don't wish to go without daddy," Lia grieved from the missing absence. Living in the states already began to influence her to its way of communication. Little by little, Lia started to lose her British sound as the American slang is gently getting stronger.

Giselle tried confronting to boost her courage, but the kid would not submit.

"Sweetie, it is going to be fun. I will be there with you! I even prepared costumes for you," Giselle begged.

She tried to lure her child by revealing the costumes prepared beforehand. Her plan successfully worked in sparking an interest to the disinterested child, and Lia took a daring glance at the colorful clothes displayed to her sight.

"Lia, your father asked me to send him a picture of your costume," Giselle said, forcing the child to the edge.

Lia's straying gaze returned to seek her mother's words.

Until now, she never thought of her father anticipating for a picture of her in her Halloween costume. As if enlightened finally, Lia appeared more cleared in her head. Now, she took a focused look at the options open to her.

Out of all three displays, Lia lastly found her favorite.

'A long Victorian Vampire gown with a dramatic stand-up collar. Wearing this bloodsucker costume could be a fun choice for the night. Lia picked the red dress to examine its lacework, admiring the cute frills galloping below the waistband, short sleeves with long black tulle, etc.'

Impressed with its intricate details, Giselle signaled her to try.

Lia hesitates at first, but with another gentle push, the mother managed to get her daughter moving.


The late evening finally began for Lia and Giselle, where Lia dressed as a little vampire was acting shy to play pranks for anybody. Giselle did not dress up for the event but chose to wear black to go along with her daughter's attire.

"Let's take a photo in this costume and send it to father! We don't have to go trick or treating!" Lia suggested. Her British tone subjugates the growing American slang when she gets too nervous.

Giselle ignored. She requested Lia not to give up as her father won't like the attitude. Lia admits to the bitterness, and the two then went around the building.

By the time they returned to their apartment, Lia had her bin filled with several candies. She regretted slightly for skipping a few doors, but it was honest fun.

Giselle praised her bravery. At first, Lia exhibited shyness in speaking to strangers. She got reminded of going with her father, who would initiate the trick, and Lia joins him shortly to make a successful attempt. Without her father there, Lia appeared extremely concerned to talk. However, noticing her withdrawal, Giselle filled the absence of Ethan with her presence. She greeted the people warmly, which would ease the child to do her best. After a few successful attempts, the little one grew comfortable.

Finally, returning home, Lia released her pant in joy. She still felt proud of her candy collection and unwrapped a random one as a reward for her effort.

Giselle made sure to snap pictures in her camera. She already made a promise to Ethan to send him the photos of Lia in her Halloween costume.

Little Lia, after two or three candies, posed for her mother in her outfit with a big, happy smile on her face.

As the two indulged in their private photo session, they heard someone at the door.

Giselle paused the photoshoot to answer and found a surprise guest.

"Call Lia," one of the guests whispered, and Giselle obeyed.

When Lia came running, she saw somewhat an eccentric duo, standing as they held each other close.

The man and the woman appear tall and bathed in white skin.

With a thick mustache and sleek hair, the jolly man looked optimistic and in full enthusiasm. He wore a black suit and had a dark grin in his face as he stared back at the child.

In fear, Lia hid behind her mother, slightly peeking out to recognize them, if it's possible.

"Lia?" Giselle called as she sensed the child lurking behind her back.

"Come out, it's uncle Jake and aunty Anna," she said politely, and only then did Lia appeared out to see their painted faces.

Her eyes immediately widened in surprise, and Jake, having addressed as Lia's uncle, took pride to bend and give a hearty hug to a little one.

"Look at you, dressed up as a vampire!" Jake commented on her look. Meanwhile, Anna greeted Giselle with a soft squeeze.

"Come on in," she invited the surprise guest inside their dwelling.

"Thank god, finally, a home," Anna exclaimed, "You know Jake doesn't allow it and he goes to an extent to decorate our house with his creepy dolls and caricatures during Halloween. I never thought I would be scared of my own home!" she added to explain.

Giselle listened. She revealed that only Lia's father took the role actively to play while she doesn't bother with frills as well.

Serving them with drinks, Jake had Lia on his lap when she soon escaped his embrace to collect her candy bin. She returned to give each one of her candy for scaring her triumphantly.

Jake and Anna beamed, receiving the fruity candy. Moved by her gesture, Jake couldn't wait any longer, and he revealed her present for dressing up: more chocolate boxes! Anna warned Giselle to keep an eye as it was a large box for an eight-year-old.

After a brief chat, Giselle inquired about their surprise visit, and Anna explained it not only to celebrate Halloween, but there was another reason for their coming. Giselle wondered while Lia admired the huge chocolate box.

"We are here to invite you and Lia to our thanksgiving dinner," Anna said.


Jake drove Anna through the thick traffic where cars moved an inch every minute.

"We should have thought about it, Anna. It's a rush hour and a holiday. People are going crazy," Jake groaned as his nerves popped on his forehead in unrest. Anna, listening to her Halloween playlist, looked ignorant of Jake's cry and watched the outside view in the awe.

Jake shortly retired from complaining, and he focused on how to get to their destination faster.

After two hours of slow drive and an almost empty fuel tank, they reach the spot and park their car to visit.

Taking the lift, Anna and Jake joined another group, dressed for the party. They looked at the couple with strange eyes, but since it is a day that allows playing mischief, the strangers overlooked to the craziness and praised their looks.

Reaching the twelfth floor, slightly sighing from the prolonged tour, Jake worked himself to appear excited as he and his wife walked outside of the elevator.

"Hey, kid! Where are you going?" a boy wearing, Sullivan the monster costume, shouted.

Jake and Anna's attention fell on a bunch of kids in a group in the hallway. The two staring at each other paused to overhear their conversation as they seem to face the direction of the place, the visitors are heading for to meet.

"Treat or treating!" the kid who dressed up as batman replied.

"You have to refrain from that spot!" the rest of the kids answered in chorus, pointing at the direction.

The new kid froze in fear of not knowing the reason. He raised his doubts and eventually received an answer.

"No one goes trick or treating to that place because the person who lives there hates it and yells if disturbed. You should take the other side of this floor," the boy who wore a zombie disguise said, and they all soon left together, scouting the new kid to new spots for more candies and fun.

Jake and Anna watched the kids running to the other side of the hallway, ringing the bell of the first house they discover. When the door got answered, they all acted to their characters, receiving more sweets.

"Banned from trick or treating!" Jake exclaimed at his wife with questioning eyebrows.

"She used to love dressing up for this when we were kids," Anna sighed aloud.

Jake's look almost doubted the words of his wife, and Anna expressed herself strongly to prove, also adding more details to her memory.

"At first, she used to dress up as funny characters, but ever since learning the meaning behind celebrating Halloween, she got serious and made bloody choices to her selection every year. She would be so terrifying that we would scream and refuse to go trick or treating with her."

"However, things became completely different now. Lillian hates these events, and are you sure we are doing it- like this?" Jake pointed out.

"She can hate it very well, but not us. Let's go," Anna urged.

Jake stopped her in the middle of knocking on the doorbell.

"Let's not mention the place we just visited," he said.

Confused from his sudden decision, Anna looked perplexed.

"Why?" she asked.

"If we say, then chances are there that Lillian would come up with an excuse in the last minute to ditch us. Let's not tell her and let it be a surprise. She could come and meet Giselle on the spot. If she happens to run away, we can get hold of her. You don't want her to bunk this dinner, do you?" Jake sounded sincere and thoughtful that Anna agreed instantly to his valid judgment.

They pressed the bell and waited.

There came no answer to it.

Pressing it again for the second time and patiently waiting, still there came no response.

The running kids stopped to stare at them cautiously and even suggested leaving that house.

Nonetheless, Anna, now clearly angered, destroyed the doorbell by smashing it nonstop, and finally, it got answered.

"I said don't disturb me, you little devils," Lillian shouted as she opened the door, anticipating a bunch of kids in their sleazy costumes and lame impressions.

However, to her surprise, it was never kids, but two adults who still behaved like kids.

Glancing them from top to bottom, Lillian expressed her discontent.

"Is this supposed to be a prank?" she said.

"Why?" Jake cried.

"Jake, you are too tall for dressing up as Gomez Addams and-" Lillian said to glance at her dear friend, Anna, "- and you're supposed to be, what? Morticia Addams!" she guessed.

"Everyone thinks of Romeo and Juliet when it comes to a passionate romance, but we stan the Addams family. Gomez and Morticia are the best spooky couple!" Anna states proudly.

Playing right into their tale, Lillian Grey asked about the Addams kids, Wednesday and Pugsley. Startled from hearing the word kids, Anna flinched. However, Jake stood steady, bringing her closer to him.

"Wednesday and Pugsley will soon arrive," he replied confidently.

Lillian's face froze from hearing, and not giving her a second to ponder, Jake added more, "Not that we have an announcement right now, but-" the guy stuttered, "we- we will work hard to c-r-e-a-t-e- them!"

Jake heard as he said, and his face flushed from his choice of words. He couldn't spare a look at Anna as he could feel the heat radiating from her body.

"Bingo! Trick or treat!" Jake suddenly yelled, and the couple allowed themselves inside and immediately dispersed to a hideout.

Lillian saw to find the other end of the hallway packed with a group of kids, happily playing and having a good time.

Without her knowledge, she thought of Lia and imagined how she spent her Halloween. Then it hits that she doesn't have Giselle's number or knew the place she was staying with her child.

The very thought brought tension and added pressure. Nevertheless, the appearance of these two took priority, and Lillian went back inside to shut the door locked.

Crossing the foyer, Lillian saw the two already feeling extremely comfortable with the place.

Anna was storming the refrigerator while Jake sat on the couch, spreading his legs on the table and joining to watch whatever show was already airing.

"Why are you two here? Shouldn't you have had a party at your place with all guests and friends?" Lillian asked, agitated from their intrusion.

"You are also friend- like family, if I say so," Jake replied, and his eyes still set on the television.

"You suck! There is no candy in this house, not even spare ones. It's fine if you don't celebrate Halloween, but not having chocolates-" Anna expired resentfully and closed the door hard that it made a loud noise.

"Be careful not to break it," Lillian growled.

Anna left to join her husband, and the two watched the ongoing special documentary on crocodiles.

"What the hell! Change it to something, Jake," Anna said, and Jake operated the remote on her command.

Lillian had enough of these two having fun trespassing her place.

She went and stood in front, blocking the Halloween exclusive program that Jake chose to watch.

"Why are you guys here?" she asked again.

"Move," Anna tried to push Lillian, but it did not work.

Following many attempts to ward off this evil, Anna still couldn't succeed. She finally yields to her failure.

"Alright! We came to invite you to our Thanksgiving dinner!" Anna said and now exerted a force to push. She succeeds, and Lillian breaks away from their sight.

She wondered if it was the only reason for their visit, or is there something suspicious going on behind her back. She questioned her fears and received an offhanded, laid-back response.

"You guys always call me a few days before the actual dinner. So why the unexpected call is what I would like to know! We almost have another month to go before Thanksgiving!" Lillian challenged again.

"Are you implying that we aren't allowed to visit you?" Jake asked, hopefully baiting her to fall out of concerning herself with unnecessary qualms.


"Then?" Jake exclaimed.

Unable to get a rule over these two favorite people, Lillian looked away, "Whatever," she whispered.

"Do you guys want something to drink?"

"We are crashing at your place, so, yes to alcohol!" the two sang together to piss off their dear friend and the resident.

"Is being here at my place is so much fun?" Lillian asked in disgust.

"Yes." the couple sang again.

Lillian made drinks for her guest, and while at it, she raised a few more questions.

"Did you call Diego too already?" she asked.

Anna panicked. They did visit him first before heading to Giselle, but having convinced Giselle already bothered Anna to lie to her friend.

"We- we are just coming from his place!" Jake stepped in to assist his panicking wife.

The answer did not raise more suspicion, and Lillian went to join them as they watched the movie, chattered in-between while sipping the drinks, and ordered pizza for a late-night snack, and ate together.

When Anna started to doze, Lillian signaled Jake to take her to the room upstairs. Jake, feeling the fatigue, thanked Lillian for letting them crash here and carried his wife carefully to Lillian's room.

"It appears that I have to crash here again!" Lillian moaned and changed the channel to the documentary and saw it ended already.

With nothing else to capture her interest, she switched off the entertainment. Lying on the couch, she thought of the unusual invitation to the dinner. Part of her hoped if Anna is playing behind her back, but it seems too dramatic to believe. Working her mind exhausted her finally, and she slept off in the same place.

Quarantine is testing my patience!

How you guys are holding up?

It's early morning here, so good morning!

Have another silent day!

Be safe and stay strong!

ljack_acecreators' thoughts
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