
What the hell just happened!

The next day at school was busy for Lillian Grey. She was summoned to arrive early and start preparing her list. Lillian Grey roamed busily with students occupying her in giving their signed forms and emergency contacts.

The entire morning session had worn her out with her classmates paying her visits regarding the trip. Everyone agreed to come to the tour, and no one was left behind. Ivy insisted Bridgette to come along with Sara and Carmel.

As of Giselle, she submitted her form along with Anna and Diego. The kids were seen pretty excited about the tour and looked forward to it. During the intermission time, the students would discuss the trip and have fun with it.

Anna requested Giselle to accompany her with the tour shopping. Meanwhile, Lillian Grey didn't have the time to interact with her friends. She concentrated on accomplishing the task Mr. Seth has given her. All in her mind was completing the job without any blunders. She wanted to make herself valuable and prove that she's a capable student on her own.

Regardless of the past where Lillian would get caught during Seth's class or fail the math tests, this time, Lillian Grey vowed to perfect the job he entrusted upon her.

Even during the lunch, Lillian ate her food quicker and left the cafeteria to work on her list. Seeing her trying hard, Anna and the gang didn't bother her either. Often, Giselle would offer to help her, but Lillian turned it down. She wanted to do this herself.

After unwavering concentration and hard work, Lillian Grey completed her list with every single student details and their contact information. It took almost the entire day as she was able to complete the task during the afternoon break interval.

'Finally! I finished it.'

'All that's left is to shove it on Mr. Seth's face, make him realize that I, for once, did an outstanding job.'

Lillian boasted herself from working so damn hard.

By the time she finished, the school had ended, and she didn't have time to play with her friends. Noticing how tired she appeared, Diego suggested that they all leave today and let Lillian take rest. Anna and Giselle agreed to his decision.

Despite not completely agreeing to Diego's suggestion, Lillian did obey his words. She waved goodbye to her friends and waited for Mr. Seth, who is now in an emergency tour meeting with Principal, Chester Clarence.

The meeting was to finalize the financial requirement needed for the trip. Mr. Seth notified the authorities about his proposal and the amount presumed to be required. His plan was reviewed and agreed upon with minor changes to it.

Soon, the meeting ended on a happy note with everyone leaving the place. Seth didn't return to his desk instead stepped outside the school campus. Upon hearing that the meeting ended a few minutes ago, Lillian went to search for Seth and found him nowhere. She reached the staff room and inquired about Mr. Seth's whereabouts. She learned that he had gone out and will return soon to the campus.

Unable to wait anymore, Lillian Grey resolved to submit the list while meeting Mr. Seth outside. She knew he must be nearby the campus and had not left far away.

Lillian Grey packed her bag, preparing to leave. When she reached outside, she couldn't locate a trace of Mr. Seth. After roaming outside the school campus, Lillian got tired. She decides to get off the steam by treating herself to a drink. She spotted an unfamiliar café at the backside of the school campus.

The café looked old fashioned. Lillian had never seen it before since her way back to home has always been ahead of the campus and doesn't involve going through the backside.

Lillian Grey decided to enter the place it is only during that moment she noticed the familiar figure sitting inside the café and leisurely enjoying his drink.

It's Mr. Seth with another person.

Assuming herself that it might be his blind date, Lillian neared the location and found out that it was a guy that Mr. Seth was accompanied with, face-palming herself, Lillian sighed heavily from her misjudgment. She didn't have the energy to stress anymore.

However, the evening time was perfect for stalking, and so, Lillian began her journey to try to pry on her Math teacher Seth, along with his company. She bought a hotdog from the nearby stand to eat while enjoying the stalking.

Seth appeared to be smiling a lot, and they were chatting happily. Lillian had never seen Seth this comfortable and peaceful. He used to be very enthusiastic and passionate when teaching and possess a stoic personality other times. It does make him look like a villain, but Seth is known to be one of those types of teachers, who don't take one side but analyze both the ends to make an impartial decision. He is never seen supporting the nerdy kids and hating the notorious ones, or being unfair or, sparing students.

Fairly characterized as possessing the cold personality, Lillian found him for the first time smiling brightly.

Occupied in her world, Lillian Grey didn't notice the two, headed out together. It took her several seconds to realize and act quickly. She took cover in the nearby store to see what happens next.

Seth is seen closer, to this person, and they held hands together. Dumb Lillian appeared bewildered when she saw Seth hugging the other guy and sharing a kiss.


"The hell just happened now.'

Unable to react, Lillian felt distressed as she started running away. Her hiding spot discovered by Seth when the girl caused uproar while running away. Seth saw Lillian Grey and her appalled face.

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