
Planned visit

Edwin prepared the dinner and set it on the table. He then called for Lillian but heard no response.

He repeated for a few times eventually giving up.

"Lilly?" Edwin knocked on the door.

It was soundless, but the lights were still on.

Panicked, Edwin kept knocking on the door. After a few seconds, Lillian came out rushing, to see her dad's worried face.


"I dozed off while studying."

"I'm sorry," Lillian felt bad to frighten her father.

Only after seeing his daughter's face, Edwin's temples relaxed. His face returned normal, bearing a charming smile.


"Dinner's ready come on, let's eat together."

Edwin and Lillian reached the dining table. Edwin cooking, as usual, looked mouth-watering. Lillian sat down to dig in when the doorbell rang.

"You eat sweetie. I'll answer it."

Edwin said and went out to answer the door.

Lillian served herself the delicious shepherd's pie and started eating. She heard her father's voice, being unusually happy in a high tone. Giselle took that it might be Edwin's friends. After her father returned, she took notice of the guest he brought in, it was, Anna.

"Come on, Anna."

"Have some Edwin's style of Shepherd's pie."

Anna gasped. Even though it was an unexpected visit, Anna was lucky. After seeing the beautiful pie in front of her, her stomach started growling.

"I'm sorry, Edwin, for suddenly visiting," Anna expressed.

Edwin disheartened.

"Now, don't go talking like someone else. You're family, Anna. You are welcome to come to visit us anytime."

"Come on, now Sit down, and I'll bring you a plate."

"Lilly, save some pie for Anna too," Edwin mocked, trying to lighten the mood as he noticed the tight air between Lillian and Anna.

"I think its opposite dad. She should save me some pie."

Lillian's comment triggered Anna.


"I don't eat much."

She declared.

Lillian chuckled.

"Alright, only when Edwin cooks."

Anna admitted.

Both knew that they enjoy Edwin Grey's cooking and that he loved serving the kids. Edwin thinks he's lucky to have them always ready to eat the food he prepares because Edwin's passion for cooking developed immensely and he couldn't stop it anymore.

"Stop bickering, you two."

"Here, Anna. Let me serve you."

Edwin served her the fresh hot pie, and Anna immediately went in, she ignored the purpose of her visit and enjoyed the dinner.

Apart from Pie, Edwin also made fried chicken, mash potatoes, kale salad.

"So, why are here?" Lillian asked while biting into the crispy fried chicken.

Anna remained calm and only ate her food.

"Spit it out Anna, What are you doing here?" Lillian charged.

"To talk to my friend Lillian Grey."

Anna's response indicated the reason behind her visit. Lillian Grey understood and didn't bother with follow up questions.

"Did something happen between you two?" Edwin asked.

Anna and Lillian exchanged glances instead of answering. Edwin noticed them behaving strangely.

"Now, I don't want to get into your high school weird arguments."

"Whatever is it, Anna is your friend Lilly and so is Lilly to you. So, sit down and talk it out."

Edwin's comment flickered both out of their stillness. They both nodded in agreement.

'I don't know Mr. Grey. Your daughter is going crazy for some reason.' – Anna thought.

The dinner ended. Lillian is helping out with the dishes while Anna cleaned the table.

Edwin rewarded them with chocolate chip cookies.

Grabbing them, Anna dragged Lillian to her room.

"I'm sorry, Edwin."

"Thanks for the meal. You know, you're the best. I loved the pie. You have to make some for mom and dad too. And-"

"I need to borrow Lilly now."

"Good night and rest well."

Anna yelled while taking Lillian to the room.

Edwin waved to the girls before they appeared out of his vision. He then moved to the living area to watch the television.

"You found her. That was an actual relief. But guess what?"

"It was you from the beginning. No- no- no-"

"It was Giselle from the start."

Anna grunted.

"She is the one who confessed to you and that you rejected her."

"And now, suddenly you're this savior from heaven."

"Since when did you start worrying about Giselle? You rejected her and yet you wanted to help. Do, you have any idea of what you're doing?"

Anna yelled at Lillian, all the time she had kept quiet but not anymore. As her friend, Anna demanded answers.

"I'm just helping her out. You saw her, didn't you?"

"You saw what they did."

"You saw her in that state and yet you want to know my reason."

"Not only her, but I would also have helped anyone in that place."

Lillian declared, raising her voice.

"Tell me," Anna commanded.

Confused Lillian looked at Anna.

"Tell me everything, Lilly."

Lillian sighed. She sat down on the floor while Anna stood in front of her yielding the foreign aura that Lillian fears.


"I really can't hide it from you."

With that, Lillian began the story of what exactly had happened over the past two weeks.

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