
Chapter 3 - Crisis with the Land of Wind

Chapter 3 - Crisis with the Land of Wind

Minato kept on with his preparations for his son's birth. Minato was reasonably comfortable with the progress but he was still concerned. Kushina was due in a couple of weeks, so he didn't have much time. Anything could go wrong. It was so hard to plan for every contingency. Still, he had to get it right. Too many lives were on the line if he didn't. He could lose them all, especially the two that mattered most to him. It was a lot of pressure.

However, the current situation pulled him away from her. Recently, the Leaf had been receiving a lot of contracts. They were known for their prowess and efficiency. Their power was almost unmatched. Which was great for the money situation, but not so great for keeping the peace. A lot of contracts came their way. Too much in fact. They were starting to have to turn away people. They simply did not have the man power to fulfill all those contracts.

That was bad enough but it wasn't all of it. They were starting to anger of their neighbor and ally The Village Hidden in the Sand. Contracts were being taken away from them and given to the Leaf. Minato didn't want to take those contracts but he had little choice. He couldn't reject anything that would be a windfall for their village and their nation. They couldn't afford to look weak to the other nations either. However, he threw what he could their way.

This process angered the Sand. Their pride was hurt by losing those contracts. They were infuriated to receive the Leaf's Leftovers. Something Minato hadn't intended to do. He understood their rage but he had to somehow stop them before it got to war. The last thing that the Leaf needed right now was war.

The Leaf's numbers were depleted. War had taken it's toll on the village and it hadn't recovered yet. Despite the appearances to the contrary, the Village Hidden in the Leaves was far from what is was before. They were not ready for war. They could not maintain a sustained conflict. It would mean disaster. Minato did not want war.

Minato didn't want his son to grow up knowing war either. It had been an integral part of his childhood and he didn't want it be part of his son's. Both of his parents died in that accursed war. They left him alone at early age. He didn't want Naruto to know that pain. He didn't want him to fear the passing of his loved ones or friends. He wanted his son to grow up happy.

So, he had to deal with this situation quickly. Before it got any more out of hand. Still, Minato didn't know what to do. He couldn't figure out a solution that would avoid war and save face. Minato was stuck. He felt so useless. He had to protect everyone from that horrid fate. He just didn't know how.

Normally, he would turn to Kushina when he struggled like this. While she may or may not actually have the answer she would help him find it. He was stronger with her around. He hoped that she realized how grateful was to her for it.

Right now though, Minato didn't want to bother her with his troubles. It was far too important to keep her calm. The less she knew, the better. That way neither the seal nor the baby would be affected. He wouldn't forgive himself if something happened to them. Besides, he was the Hokage - he had to deal with it.

What Minato did not realize that it was effecting her anyway. Kushina knew her husband. She knew that something was wrong. She just didn't know exactly what it was. And that bothered Kushina more than knowing. There was something wrong and she couldn't help. It ate away at her until she did something. Which meant confrontation.

One day at breakfast it came out. She couldn't stand that horrible look on his face any longer. He was so troubled, so lost in thought that it hurt. That made her angry. Kushina pounded the table then stood up.

Her eyes locked with his. "Alright, OUT WITH IT! Tell me right now what is wrong!" She yelled at her surprised husband.

Kushina stopped when she saw his reaction. She saw his usual panic spread across his face whenever she got angry. She hadn't intended to scare him. She just wanted to know what was wrong! She was so worried that it was killing her.

Still, she had to know what was wrong. He had to tell her. So, she continued in a quieter, more subdued tone. "Minato, please tell me what is wrong." She placed her hand on her stomach, "Is there something wrong with the baby?"

Minato got up and rushed to his wife's side. He took her hand into his then he reassured her that the baby was fine. He assured that they had everything relating to birth under control. That both her and Naruto would be alright.

Kushina reached up with her other hand and cradled his face. He closed his eyes for a moment. She continued, "If it's not the baby, then what is it? I want to help, you know!"

"Kushina . . ." Minato felt so ashamed. He shouldn't have kept his from her. You can see right through me, can't you? He had to tell his wife everything. He could see how much it was hurting her. That was worse than anything else. So, he did exactly what he didn't want to do and told her - everything. He left out no details. There was no point in hiding it now. She would only force it out of him later if he didn't.

As he talked, Minato began to feel better. All the tension he had been holding released. He could see that Kushina didn't understand all of it, but she was trying. When it was over Kushina was silent. It was so unusual for her. He could see her thinking, see her wheels turning. And a for a few long minutes she had nothing helpful to add.

She looked down at the ground. She wanted to help him so badly it hurt. But she had no idea what to do. Finally, after a long silence, she spoke. "I'm sorry, Minato, but I don't know. I'm not good at stuff like this." She chuckled a little, "I'd just provably burst down his door and yell at him. But that's not going to help. It would just make matters worse. I mean a Hokage can't do stuff like that . . ." Her voice trailed off.

Minato thought about her words. She would do that. He thought as he stared at her. She's right though, it isn't good diplomacy. Terrible in fact. He smiled at her. But it might work. She was so honest, so simple that it was hard to believe sometimes. She was often right though.

Minato wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. "Thank you, Kushina."

Kushina twisted around to face her husband. "For what?"

She had absolutely no idea what she did. It was so cute that Minato almost laughed. But he didn't have time to sit around. He had plans to make. This war was going to end before it started. His son would never know the terror that war brings. He had to move quickly . . .

Minato kissed his wife again. He told her, "For being you." Minato pulled away from his wife. "I'm sorry but I have to go. But I'll be back!" He called out as he teleported away.

When he was gone, Kushina sighed, "Oh Minato."

What will happen next? Find out next week.

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