It's been 12 years since the nuclear war broke free. In order to save humanity, Joel Hawkins need to travel 12 years back into the past and stop the war, but things didn't go as planned.
Ding Ding! Who is it? It's the mail man sir there's a letter for you. U must be at the wrong house. U are Joel Hawkins right? Yeah that's me. yeah I'm at the right house. Can u sign here sir, thank you sir.
A letter for me I asked myself. *Dear Joel Hawkins I'm sending this letter to you because u are the only one who can save the world. There will be an nuclear today at 12:23pm sharp. The war will kill 87% life on earth. U need to travel back 12 years into the future and stop the war. Use the second time machine from my lab.*
Dr Dawson
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