
I am no longer Alone.

Raion "So do we know exactly what this person looks like the one who's giving us the Wistle rub?"

Veter "Now that I think of it Shiri never did tell us who to look for."

Baskia "Then tell me how are we supposed to know who to get the Wistle rub from?"

Veter "I guess will know when we see him."

Raion "That sure does help a lot. What even is Wistle rub?"

Baskia and Veter "Beat me."

Raion "Great, none of us know who to look for or what this stuff was! Did any of us think to ask her?"

Baskia "To be honest I was just trying to get our if there as quickly as I could during the time. She really gave me the chills."

Veter "Trust me she's not that bad once you get to know her."

Baskia "Says you."

Veter "Well we better ask around maybe someone will know who this man is."

Baskia "I agree let's head more into town."

Baskia, Veter and Raion head to the town where the man carrying the Wistle rub is supposedly living.

Veter "Baskia you come with me and Koron and Raion you ask around the shops see what you can find out. But remember stay hidden don't let them see you. "

Baskia "If anything happens come straight back here."

Raion "Jeez don't have to treat me like a child."

Baskia "You are one."

Veter "Okay enough let's go."

They both go their separate ways.

Raion "I really hope we can find him in time. Fourth just wait for me. I'm coming. "

Koron "Why is this Fourth you speak of mean so much to you?"

Raion "He's my family that's why. He was there with me for well as long as I can remember. We may not be related by blood but he's my brother and I'd walk through fire and back to save him."

Koron "I see. How long did it take you to come to this?"

Raion "What kind of question is that? I've known for a long time. The day he saved me was the day I knew everything was going to be alright."

Koron "What happened?"

Raion " I lost my parents I remember that much but I don't know who they were, to be honest. I knew I had a mother and father just like everyone else but they were never around. I always had other people watching after me. They came and went none staying for more than a month."

Koron "So what did you do?"

Raion "Well I was about five when I got word that my parents had died. I didn't know how no one knew. but after that, the people who were hired to watch me just kicked me out. "

Koron "Out of your own home?"

Raion "Yeah, what was I to do. I was five. I was alone and afraid no one wanted a boy whose parents had died. "

Koron "How did this make you feel?"

Raion "Worthless, alone, afraid, and as if I meant nothing to anyone. You know a fine-year-old should never have such horrendous thoughts. it was until the day where I met Fourth."

Koron walked closely next to Raion listening to tell his story.

Raion "He saved me, it might sound strange coming from a five-year-old at the time. Fourth was the only one who actually looked at me like I mattered. His smile I still remember how it made me feel. I'm not sure what made him come to me but I'll never regret the day that I finally let someone him in."

Koron "What happened after?"

Raion "He came up to me with that smile and said to me "Are you alright?" at that moment I could no longer hide torment I felt. I just let it all out. He then pulled me in for a hug and during that exact moment I knew I was loved. After that day he had brought me back to his family. He's older than me by eleven years so of course, he still lived at home. His entire family was just what I needed. They took care of me like I was their own. And well here we are now."

Koron "You may think that I don't have a heart or that I'm just some creature but I do Raion. "

Raion didn't need to say anything he just knew.

Koron "Anyhow, how old are you exactly?"

Raion "Nineteen."

Koron "So that makes Fourth twenty-nine."

Raion "Yes it does."

Veter "Let's head in here and ask."

Baskia "Whatever you say, boss."

Veter "This is starting to get old."

Baskia "My bad boss."

Veter "Baskia can you not."

Baskia "Got it, boss."

Veter "Baskia! I said enough!"

Veter pushes Baskia back during the moment Veter touches Baskia his hand turns white causing him to freeze part of Baskia body.

Baskia "What the fuck?! my shoulder it's frozen solid?!"

Veter stumbles forward. "Baskia!"

Baskia looks up at Veter. "So that's who you are."

Veter "What do you mean?"

Baskia "I now know why you want to see Wen for."

Veter turns away "I have no idea what you are talking about."

Baskia stands up "I see it's slowly starting to defrost, yet I'll be left with an ice burn."

Veter glances back at Baskia. "I didn't mean for this to happen. This always happens." Thinks Veter.

Baskia "You have the Burakku aisu no noroi."

Veter "It's true."

Baskia "How long?"

Veter "Since I was seventeen, so twelve years."

Baskia "Twelve years?!"

Veter "I know it's a long time."

Baskia "How could you go on for that long?"

Veter "I asked myself that every day."

Baskia "I mean that curse it changes you."

Veter turns to face Baskia. "I realize that." Veter begins to unbutton his coat.

Baskia "Veter, what are you doing?"

Veter doesn't say a word he just continues to unbutton his coat letting it fall from his shoulders. His coat hits the ground and Baskia sees it."

Baskia "Are those?" He says to himself.

Veter then starts to unbutton his shirt. At this moment Baskia can see everything that Veter has been hiding.

Baskia "Veter, you don't have to do this."

Veter "You need to see."

Baskia "I don't."

Veter gets to the third button on his shirt. Baskia can see how badly his chest is.

Baskia "Veter! I said I don't need to see!"

Veter "I'm telling you that you need to how much pain this curse caused me." as he gets closer to unbuttoning the rest of his shirt Baskia jumps in and quickly wraps his arms around Veter pulling him tightly to him.

Baskia "I said I don't want to see it Veter!" Tears begin to form on Baskia face.

Veter looks down at Baskia who has him in a firm grasp.

Veter "Baskia?"

Baskia in a muffled voice "I don't want to see the burns from the man I'm starting to fall for. I can't bare to see the pain you endured. You are not your curse. You're Veter the man who's going to find a cure!

Veter stands there in dismay for a brief moment. He then lifts up Baskia chin.

Veter "He's falling for me? Why haven't I noticed before? I mean his powers don't work on me. I guess he's really good at hiding things." he thinks to himself.

Veter "You're falling for me?" he says arrogantly.

Baskia "I.. I only said that so you could stop." he says sheepishly.

Veter "Is that so?"

Baskia pushes Veter away. "Yes, it is."

Veter "Then why don't you make me believe it."

Baskia just stands there.

Veter "As I had thought."

Baskia "We ah should get going now."

Few hours had gone by and Raion and Koron finally had some type of lead.

Raion "You can be serious! Tell me you are joking!"

Gentleman "I'm sorry to upset you young man but the man who sold the Wistle rub is dead."

Raion "But the witch? she said to get the Wistle rub from him."

Gentleman "I don't know when she told you this or how long since she needed it but he died two weeks ago."

Raion "That old hag! Now, what am I to do. I need to let Baskia and Veter know."

Koron and Raion eventually find Baskia and Veter.

Veter "We are really in trouble now."

Raion "How are we supposed to get the Wistle rub to Shiri when the only person we know of is dead!"

Koron "I might be of some assistance."

Raion "Really? How so?"

Baskia "What is he saying?"

Raion "He says he might be able to help us."

Veter "He can help us find the guy with the Wistle rub?"

Koron "I can do you one better."

Raion "He says he can do us one better."

Baskia "One better what does he mean by that?"

Raion "I'll ask him. Koron what exactly does that mean?"

Koron "I can lead you to where the Wistle rub grows."

Raion "Are you serious?"

Koron "Indeed but on one condition."

Raion "What do you want?"

Veter "What's happening now? What does he want."

Raion "He said he'd help us find exactly where the Wistle rub grows but on one condition."

Baskia "One condition of what?"

Koron "I want you Raion to take me to the Tsuki no kurai yama."

Chapitre suivant