
This. Is. AWESOME!!!!

I flew around my room with my new wings, doing loop-de-loops and dive bombing my pencil jar. Carolinia was checked herself out in the hand mirror in almost disbelief. We were now three inches tall and had wings on our backs. Mine were were golden and sparkled in the light like they were made of glitter. Carolinia's were pink and had a floral pattern in them.

"Hey. Check this out." I called.

They turned to look at me.

"I have my own house." I laughed. I was now able to fit inside my dollhouse. Something I had always wished for. I was currently in the armchair pretending to watch TV. Carolinia flew in with me and began pretending to serve tea.

"Would you like one lump of sugar or two?" She asked very seriously. Then we started laughing. Rain seemed to be getting a little impatient with us.

"Come on you guys! Stop messing around! We have some important business to take of. Remember?!"

"Right." We both said in unison. We were having fun though.

"Fun can wait. This is important." Rain exclaimed almost as if she could read my mind. She was right though.

"Ok. But we need a plan."

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