
Chapter 309: As thick as a glacier!

"Hm? Might I know who you are elder?" Duan Li glanced at Cheng Mao's 'uncle'. Even a blind person could see that this elder was extremely haughty from his facial expression and tone.

Unwilling to lose out, Duan Li clasped his hands behind his back, looking unperturbed despite the obvious hostile stare that was directed towards him.

"Hmph! I am Cheng Chi, the Supervisor for the Blue Swallow Trading Company!" the elder said, exuding a lofty aura as he spoke.

Trading company? So they are a group of merchants!

His intention was as clear as day by stating his status towards Duan Li. Unfortunately, how can he compare to Duan Li?

No matter how important the status of this old man in front of him might seem, as the Imperial Overseer, a single word from him would be all it takes to cripple the entire Blue Swallow Trading Company.

But Duan Li was a magnanimous man, he could not possibly be so savage as to immediately shot the bird before shaking the nest. At least, not yet!

"I see, so Elder Cheng Chi is a merchant! However, I haven't heard of this Blue Swallow Trading Company before..." Duan Li tried to probe their background by being suspicious. After all, the more someone try to doubt another who thinks that they are someone big, the more would they try to brag out everything about themselves.

And as expected, Cheng Mao's uncle immediately frowned in displeasure upon Duan Li's query.

"You don't know?" he said, before nodding in realization. "Well, this is to be expected as someone who knows nothing, evidenced by you assaulting my nephew so carelessly."

He then continued, "We, the Blue Swallow Trading Company are one of the twelve merchants allowed to trade outside the Doulou Empire. It is out of the benevolence of our leader that the Jiu Empire was even able to collaborate trading matters with the Doulou Empire and form an amiable relationship. But this incident today, unless you were to punish yourself accordingly, might cause some trouble between our two empire."

The crowd that heard this immediately gasped. Almost everyone here knows about the Blue Swallow Trading Company. They were the only merchant known to trade valuable herbs and medicinal plants with the Jiu Empire in huge quantities. If what the elder named Cheng Chi said is true, then provoking them would truly be a disadvantage towards the people of the Jiu Empire.

After all, cultivators and normal people alike consumes herbs and medicinal plants as part of their daily necessities. If the Jiu Empire were to suddenly have a shortage of important consumable products like this, everyone would be affected!

Thus, they could not help but to turn towards Duan Li with a worried expression. Although they were unwilling, when it comes to something like this, it was better for one to back down for the greater good.

However, the crowd did not know that the one with the mask was Duan Li, their Imperial Overseer! If only they know, they would find their worries to be completely unfounded!

The Tian continent was extremely strict on propriety, such that it was normal for someone to be pummeled because they disrespected people of higher status than them. Therefore, if they know that the person standing at the center of the crowd was their Imperial Overseer, not to mention that Duan Li could beat them up as he like, they might even volunteer themselves to pummel these people more harshly without any sorts of repercussions at all!

To Cheng Chi's surprise, instead of panicking, Duan Li only replied with a short sentence, "Ahh, is that so?"

Enraged that the other party was too clueless, Cheng Chi bellowed out, "Are you still not admitting to your mistakes? How dare you try to cause trouble for your own empire? Do you have no honor?"

Shen Lu and Guo He that watched this fiasco from the sidelines could not help but to shake their heads.

Bro, you are digging your own grave!

Hearing this accusations, Duan Li's brows twitched under his mask, and he had the urge to immediately slap this elder before him. However, his clone - Utmost Being, that was currently in the Imperial Palace was able to understand the whole situation through Duan Li's thoughts as they are always connected, so Utmost Being told him how he should reply.

"I seem to recall that your rank is only a supervisor? Isn't that someone whose job are only to oversee a transaction being made successfully? Do you even have the authority to cancel a trade between two empires? Isn't this a breach of jurisdiction and a misconduct of disloyalty? Are you trying to say that you hold the same power as the leader of the Blue Swallow Trading Company?" Duan Li calmly retorted, each of his words carefully voiced out slowly so that others could hear them.

As expected, Duan Li's words caused Cheng Chi's face to immediately contort for a moment before forcing himself to calm down.

"Hmph! What do you even know? Although I am just the supervisor, I could file a report of this incident to our leader, that you disrespected the Blue Swallow Trading Company, causing us to lose some precious time to make a successful transaction, which made the transaction a failure in the end!" Cheng Chi answered, his words also fluently voiced out for all to hear.

But inwardly, he harshly cursed Duan Li.

Bastard! This damn brat is unexpectedly good with his mouth!

Although Duan Li's words clearly highlighted that he was abusing his position as a supervisor, the way he answered was in such a way that it was the half-truth and half-lie of the current situation, which would favor him more!

Unexpectedly, Duan Li's next answer destroyed his calmness.

"If that is indeed part of your job, then just do it! As for me wasting your precious time, you must be mocking your leader's intelligence! Do you think that, once you submitted this report to your leader, causing him to suffer a massive loss from an unsuccessful transaction, that he would remain idle and continue on with his life? Once he investigated, don't you think that it would all be revealed? By that time, your head would definitely roll on the ground!" Duan Li harrumphed as he tilted his chin up.

This was a simple fact, but it was apparent that the old man in front of him had already gone senile.

"Impudent!" shouted Cheng Mao that had long hid himself behind his uncle as he pointed towards Duan Li with a trembling index finger, angered by Duan Li's words. "How dare you talk to your elders like that? Where is your respect?!"

His uncle was his support so that he could be as brazen as he wants. Together, they had done many unspeakable things by using the prestige of the Blue Swallow Trading Company to blackmail people! If their leader were to truly investigate this case, their previous heinous crime would also be swiftly uncovered.

By that time, they would truly have to forfeit their lives!

No matter what, they had to silence Duan Li using any means necessary!

"Shut your mouth stupid kid! Is this the time for you to be running your mouth when your elders are talking? This is blatant disrespect!" Duan Li bellowed.


Cheng Mao felt his face was slapped as his own words was thrown back at him in an instant. It was only now that he realize what Duan Li had said was correct. Although they couldn't see Duan Li's face, judging by Duan Li's composed attitude and voice, it was obvious that the masked figure before them was at least in the 20s!

Damn it!

Cheng Chi stared at Duan Li with a murderous gaze before his lips curled into a sneer, "I guess you are right. I truly did not have any authority nor excuses to see this transaction between our empire turn to become a failure. But since I don't want to waste my time any further in dealing with you, and you did not want to admit to your mistakes, I am helpless and therefore have to eliminate you for the sake of our empire."


With a single step, he was able to cover the distance of a few meters between him and Duan Li in an instant, even without using any sorts of skill arts!

Appearing before Duan Li, he casually jabbed his right hand with all five fingers extending out, akin to the tip of a spear!

"Oh no!!" the crowd grimaced as they could tell what Cheng Chi was about to do..

He was trying to kill Duan Li with a single move!

"Die." Cheng Chi said coldly with an indifferent expression.

He himself was a Golden Core realm expert at the Pinnacle stage, just a step away from reaching Nascent Soul realm. Thus, how could someone of Duan Li's caliber, who was only at the Core Formation realm, be able to make him panic?

In his eyes, Duan Li was already a dead man!

"Don't blame me on this, it was you who forced my hand!" he said inwardly, looking at Duan Li with disdain.


The crisp sound of bones being shattered echoed in the marketplace, causing the place to become deadly silent as people stared in disbelief!

The scene where they imagined Duan Li's body being penetrated by Cheng Chi's hand did not happen! Instead, it was Cheng Chi's hand that was distorted into a hideous state!

"AHH!" Cheng Chi screamed, his face pale as he retreated a few steps, gritting his teeth to suppress the pain!

The tens of bones in his right hand was utterly shattered into bits and pieces when it collided Duan Li's body.

How could someone's body be so strong??

It felt like I just tried to jab my hand into a thick glacier!

Isn't he one realm weaker than me? How is this possible?!

What's going on?

"Uncle!" Cheng Mao dashed forward to help his uncle, his face was similarly pale in shock seeing his uncle injured to such a state.

"Hais! Elder, your bones are already so brittle at your age, you musn't exert yourself too much and move like that! Look at your hand, that must've been so painful!" Duan Li wanted to laugh out loud, but he managed to suppress it somehow and said this with a concerned voice of a junior.

Then, turning his attention to Cheng Mao, he harshly berated the other party.

"You bastard! Unfilial nephew! You should've served your uncle a few gallons of donkey's milk everyday so that his bones will always remain strong! Look at him now, you beast!"



Lol it seems that the pair of father and son are quite famous among you lol. They will appear again in the next chapter and in time, their names would be revealed! Enjoy and thanks for reading! ;)

_Ram_creators' thoughts
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