
Blue rose- Part 2

"It happens sometimes," Katie replied awkwardly.

She wasn't a clumsy person but she didn't know why she always ended up falling or tripping when the Lord was around. May be it was a good thing, she thought to herself, if it weren't for him she would have fallen face flat or broken her head.

Like her, he was drenched from head to toe. His skin had turned paler bringing out the rich color of his eyes which was deep, dark red in color. In the empire, one could know the status of a vampire by the color of the iris. Though some hid their identity by suppressing their eye color, others didn't mind flaunting it. Each class of vampires possessed different shades of red and the Valerian Lord happened to have the darkest iris Katie had come across until now.

"Do you like the rain, Lord Alexander?" she asked.

"Doesn't everyone?" raising a brow he questioned her question.

"Dorthy doesn't like it," she replied making him nod.


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