
working together

the aliens roaming the city weren't actually visible to the people currently residing in it, neither were kurono and the others, all what civilians could see was a peaceful day suddenly turning into a bloody one without any notice part of houses started to fall, cars started exploding, people were dying, and so they escaped however for them it was unknown whatever they were fleeing from.

"hey don't ignore me, you... yo_" jessica was shaking, she couldn't hold it anymore as tears began dropping on her cheeks, she really can't be blamed, anyone on her place would start freaking out as the situation was that horrible.

it wasn't an hour ago since she talked to her teammates or to the now ex teammates, the ones who died one after the other in less than two minutes, at first they were full of courage and hoped to fastly gain that one hundred points, so they tracked the aliens.

she realized how ridiculous the idea sounded now, they were never the other party's opponents as they were utterly defeated, her will to fight was destroyed, she doubted she will ever be able to face an alien again.

but this wasn't what bothered her and it certainly wasn't the reason she was furious, instead it was the fact that the cold blooded man in front her who was one of the reasons for the others death was acting like it had nothing to do with him.

"jessica, calm down" louis spoke in a hushed tone, he was also affected by the others death however he had to remain calm as the monsters weren't that far away from their location, he didn't know if they will be able to notice them after all they were in the insides of a large building but he didn't want to risk it.

"i_i.." staring at his eyes she turned her head looking down at ground before she leaned at the wall beside her sliding on it she sat on her butt.

"what should we do? we have to kill at least one of them to complete the mission?" after a long silence louis finally dicided to speak as he directed his words toward kurono.

hearing what he had to say kurono smiled.

'they don't know that i already finished the mission by killing two of them' he thought

the gantz mission was to kill at least one of the ape monsters, he had already finished off two of them when he encoutred the other hunters, so the mission should be considered as finished, they only need to wait and survive until gantz summon them back.

however surviving wasn't kurono's goal at all, his goals are beyond that, and so he decided to remain silent about that matter

'i certainly won't be able to take on all the monsters, i'll need their help' his back facing them he thought.

"don't worry i already know what we should do" he turned back staring at the trio before him, he explained "they have already been separated after entering the city, their power as a group is gone, we will pick them up one by one just like they did to us and we'll kill them, we are the hunters now"his face and his tone of speaking showed extreme confidence as he talked.

'i need to motivate them first before the fight'

"i don't think that's a good idea even if they are separated, one big howl and the others will come running " after pondering for a minute louis opened his mouth to speak but surprisingly it was Jessica who said those words, apparently she had already calmed down after sitting and thinking things over.

"i didn't say there was no risk involved, fighting them will certainly be dangerous, but don't you want to take revenge for your late friends?" a confident smile was plastered on his face as he continued"don't you want your freedom back? you need points for that, even if you don't care about your life what about your cousin's?"

Jessica remained unconvinced through the whole conversation, yet when she heard his last words it was like a bolt of lightning had struck her as her eyes turned wide and her face became grim.

"what should we do?" she had finally made up her mind.

kurono didn't answer, he was waiting for the other two to speak.

"i guess we don't have a choice we have to at least kill one." Louis chuckled as he also agreed to fight.

"i won't be of much help to you guys, but i'll try my best"gritting her teeth she looked afraid yet she decided to help them.

"good" kurono smiled.

' i'll make sure to get one hundred points this time, the missions are becoming harder and harder'

" what now? you don't expect us to just charge against them right?" jessica snorted even tough she accepted his proposal she still found this fellow hateful.

"do you know what is that outside"pointing at the street he smirked, all this time he kept his calm and confident appearance because of the thing he was pointing at.

following his forefinger with a confused face ,they stared in shock at the gantz bike that remained intact after all this time, he left it there so he could enter the forest however he didn't think it will come in handy this time around.

"and what are we going to do with it? impress the aliens with our moves?" Jessica said she didn't miss the opportunity to mock him.

'this woman is getting on my nerves'tough he thought that he responded quickly "two of us will ride it to attract the apes attention and direct them to a secluded place."

"you mean act like a bait? "louis asked uncomfortable about the idea, while jessica looked at him suspiciously.

"don't worry i will go first, the next one will just have to copy my actions, we'll take turns so we all could gain points."he wasn't a kind hearted man, helping them to amass points wasn't his goal, but he needed their help, if he did it alone like last time the same scenario will repeat itself and he may even die this time.

"wish me luck" he nodded toward them before he hurriedly exited the building and with a jump he landed beside the bike.

fortunately the aliens were scattered searching for them but unfortunately a lot of those monsters have swallowed a significant number of human beings, their abilities activated as their skin turned blood red.

he didn't search for long before he found his first target, sadly it was a red one, however he didn't hesitate before he approached it fastly, driving the bike he reached it and proceeded to pass it before stopping in for a second daring it to attack him.

the alien became enraged as it growled madly dashing toward him, he immediately left the place using the bike he headed for the agreed location.

"it's here"nora yelled as she approached louis and her cousin, the trio were armed with the gantz weapons, each of them was holding x-guns in both hands, as the alien was running fastly toward them they held their weapons in attacking position and fired repeatedly


kurono took a turn to the left so he won't be in harm's way, the alien evaded lot of the shots yet two of its arms were hit turning them into a bloody mess.

this only drived it more insane as it jumped on top of a building pushing with its legs and its other two remaining hands it appeared before the trio in a second, just when it was about to smash them a large sword seemingly coming from nowhere dropped from the sky and with a slashing sound it separated its head from its body.

sorry for the slow update

B_imocreators' thoughts
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