

Lu AnLing had a reason to dislike her mother. After all Lu Xiaoling did to her, it would take a saint to fully forgive the woman but, even so, her mother didn't deserve to be disrespected by a brat like Tang Yiling, who didn't even know how to respect her elders.

Seeing Lu AnLing, Tang Yiling smiles with disgust. "Of course you're the one who did this to me. You're so poorly raised, but what can I expect from a second class citizen."

Tang Yiling was not always so direct. She was usually calmer in public but when it came to Lu AnLing, Tang Yiling could not hold herself back from throwing insults.

Hearing such things, Lu AnLing didn't even bother to reply. When it came to things such as status, Tang Yiling thought that she was the apex and Lu AnLing did not plan on breaking her delusions as of yet.

Though, the way Tang Yiling was was a good thing in Lu AnLing's opinion...

Tang Yiling knew no fear. So she would never know what was coming her way.

Unlike the calm Tang Bingyi, Tang Yiling felt like she was above everyone.

Because she was a Tang, Tang Yiling thought that she could say whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted without fear or restraint. She was a child of one of the greatest families in T City, after all.

Putting her hands on her hips and holding herself erect like a queen, Tang Yiling could not care less about the eyes of everyone in the restaurant, which were concentrated on the three women.

In fact, it seemed like Tang Yiling revelled in the spotlight.

"Aren't you ashamed that you raised a thieving daughter?" Tang Yiling said to Lu Xiaoling with a laugh.

Lu Xiaoling was not sure what Tang Yiling was talking about so she looked to Lu AnLing, who said,

"Thieving? And what, pray tell, did I steal from you?!" Lu AnLing said with disgust.

Hearing this, Tang Yiling rolled her eyes. "Even If I told you I bet you wouldn't remember. You're way too used to stealing others things!"

Due to those words, something snapped in Lu AnLing.

"Stealing. Others. Things?" Lu AnLing's voice was dry and her jaw was clenched. She was completely done with listening to Tang Yiling. The volcano of emotions within her was bubbling over, but Lu AnLing still had the strength to keep it down and even speak civilly, "If I may ask again... what did I steal from you?"

Hearing this, the owner frowned and then he stepped in front of Tang Yiling as if to protect her from Lu AnLing.

Seeing this, Lu AnLing almost scoffed.

The owner then frowned at the girl and said, "Who do you think you are talking to Miss Tang like this?!"

Looking at the owner, Lu AnLing frowned. She had no want to reveal her relationship with Kang Jun just to oppress this man. She didn't want this to be the reason why people feared or respected her so instead, she said,

"Miss Tang and I are just having a civil argument."

The owner opened his mouth to complain but Lu Xiaoling would not allow this. Lu AnLing was facing the girl who stole everything from her and Lu Xiaoling would not allow anyone to interfere so Lu Xiaoling brought herself to the man and spoke.

Lu Xiaoling: "Has my daughter done anything wrong? Is returning the rudeness she was dealt a crime!?"

Hearing this, the owner frowned but he did not know what to say to Lu Xiaoling. Meanwhile, Lu AnLing and Tang Yiling faced each other.

As she put her hands on her hips, Lu AnLing lifted her head up arrogantly in Tang Yiling's direction.

Lu AnLing: "Are you going to answer me or not? What did I steal?"

Looking at Lu AnLing straight in the eyes, Tang Yiling sneered.

"Isn't it obvious? You stole my marriage to Kang Jun. If you had just stayed at the bottom of the food chain and not seduced Kang Jun, I would be Mrs Kang right now and not you!" Tang Yiling said with pure annoyance.

Hearing this, Lu AnLing frowned and then she rolled her eyes. How delusional could Tang Yiling get?

Lu AnLing: "Wrong. He would have married Feng Yan."

When Lu AnLing said this, she shot Tang Yiling a gaze of distaste. When she saw this, Tang Yiling crossed her arms over her chest.

Tang Yiling had a great life. She was rich and beautiful, but truly, the girl somewhat felt empty. She didn't know why this was so but it was what it was. For a long time, Tang Yiling felt like she was at an impasse. She wanted more out of life. Something that made life worth living and then, Tang Yiling had seen Kang Jun's photo with Tang Bingyi and she knew what she wanted. She wanted a man to look at her the way Kang Jun stared into the distance.

Tang Yiling wanted to be loved...

But not loved by just anyone but by the most powerful man in T City; Kang Jun.

But before she knew it, that love that she had wanted from Kang Jun was swiped from right under her nose by Lu AnLing.

And this caused Tang Yiling to develop an immense dislike for Lu AnLing. So seeing the girl act arrogantly in front of her, Tang Yiling's face twisted.

"Because you're probably a commoner you might not know how this works." Tang Yiling said arrogantly. "The Tang's and the Kang's are the two most powerful families in T City. It's only natural for us to pair up. In fact, I was one of the candidates to be Kang Jun's bride. Sadly, I was rejected. But I know that no one in their right mind would reject me over you. So, your seduction of Kang Jun is obviously the reason behind it. Don't even try to hide it. I guess it's a suitable thing to do for a lowly thief like yourself!"

Hearing the word thief, Lu AnLing frowned.

Lu AnLing had no idea that Tang Yiling was friends with Ning Jie and that this was why, Tang Yiling was calling her a thief and frankly, she would have never even assumed such a turn of events so she just continued to probe the issue.

"Thief this, thief that, what are you talking about?!" Lu AnLing asked. At this point in time, Lu AnLing was a bit exasperated. She did not understand what Tang Yiling was talking about. Lu AnLing had never stolen anything from Tang Yiling.

On the contrary, If someone had stolen something, it was Tang Yiling who had stolen something from Lu AnLing! Namely her father and her status within the Tang family.

In technical terms, Elder Tang thought that Lu AnLing was a stranger and that Tang Yiling was Tang Yian's daughter but this was all a lie.

Lu AnLing wondered what would happen if she revealed her true identity to Elder Tang. Would he accept her?

Lu AnLing knew little about the man but for all she did know, she understood the man's character. If he noticed that Lu AnLing had been wronged so many times by the people he called family, he would surely take her side...

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