
Who Is Her Boss?

Hiding behind the dumpster, three men jumped out to tie and wrapped Cree up when they saw he fell down unconscious.

Su Na puked, feeling gross that she had to touch the disgusting bastard in order to subdue him. Chill ran through her body, the thought of being in the same room, breathing the same airs as him, let alone being close to him at such close proximity make her felt repulsive.

"Eww... disgusted bastard!" She cursed.

Sadden that his boss has to go through such an ugly ordeal, a man reached out an alcohol sanitizer bottle, "Here, boss. Wipe yourself clean. We're sorry you have to get dirty."

Su Na took the sanitizer bottle, unscrew the bottle and poured the entire content all over herself, making sure she killed every microbe that belongs to Cree.

After wiping herself clean, she ordered the men. "Take him to the hideout and make sure he never sees the day of light. It'll take another 12 hours before the drug wears off."

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