
This Is Just the Beginning

Hearing her name, Qiuyue took a deep breath and approached the bed that was soaked in Yin Qi and Yang Qi.

After lying on the bed on her back, Qiuyue lifted her legs high into the air and held them with her arms, provoking Su Yang with her beautiful butthole.

Su Yang's burning hot rod twitched a little at this sight, and he immediately approached her tight rear end with his stiff hot rod.


Qiuyue moaned in a surprised voice when she felt something massive and hot spreading her cheeks and entering the cave between them.

"It's so hot!" Qiuyue's body trembled, feeling as though all of the coldness in her body was being absorbed by Su Yang's hot rod that was inside her butt.

A moment later, Su Yang began moving his hips, shoving his hot rod in and out of her body.


Every time Su Yang moved, Yin Qi would gush from Qiuyue's front entrance and drool onto Su Yang's hot rod before quickly evaporating from the profound heat.

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