

For the rest of the day, and accompanying evening, Vahn spent most of his time recuperating from his mental fatigue. This was often where his children came into play so, as the sun crested over the horizon, Vahn had gone to pick up Mordred, Sakura, Mash, Zoë, and Astrid up from the Clock Tower. Afterward, all of the children were gathered together for a massive slumber party within the eastern section of the Inner Sanctum; the place serving as both a playroom and daycare.

Vahn worked alongside his children to construct a rather massive fort using furniture, cushions, and a few supplies obtained through the system shop. Sophia was the one to design the layout and, with most of his children being remarkably talented, it didn't take long for them to come up with a faux-fortress that could even accommodate adults. Then, after a series of games, everyone slept inside of the fortress' main chamber; each of Vahn's children, without exception, wearing some form of animal pajamas...

With the night's in Avalon lasting upwards of three full days, it was almost like an extended camping trip where they all role-played together. Though there were a few hiccups along the way, it was yet another pleasant memory that Vahn safely locked away amongst those most precious to him. He felt blessed by the fact that his children loved spending time with him, often setting aside their personal differences for the time they were together.

Were it up to him, the day where his children's path diverged from his own would never come but, in order to allow them to spread their wings and follow their own path; Vahn cherished these moments, knowing he couldn't make them last forever. It was a little sad to think about but, imagining the lives his children would go on to live, the grandchildren they would bring back, and the mark they would leave on history; it filled him with a swelling sense of pride...

Still, even if his children chose to never grow up; deciding, instead, to stay within the comfort of the Inner Sanctum; he would support their decision. It didn't matter if his children were three or three-thousand, they would always be his darling little angels. He was over one-hundred-and-fifty years, a God, and an Emperor. In spite of these things, he could unabashedly wear animal pajamas alongside his children; expressing a degree of self-assurance he would like his children to have in the future...

Unfortunately, Vahn was, once again, reminded that happiness had a propensity to be fleeting. If he wasn't sensitive to such things, Vahn could easily be convinced that a person's happiness caused the flow of time, imperceptibly, to accelerate. Happy moments seemed to come and go like the tides, taking with it: hours, days, and even years with each transition. Still, just like watching a sunset on a beach, feeling the waves flow past your feet, Vahn was learning to enjoy every moment; the natural beauty of life leaving such a deep impression on him that it made even the heaviest o burdens feel inconsequential...


After having been pestered ceaselessly the previous night, Vahn decided to allow the children a day off from their studies in order to watch the aptly named 'Contest of Emperors'. They would normally have to show up for class around 0700 but, in order to give them time to enjoy themselves, Da Vinci canceled all morning lectures. Though they would still need to return after lunch, this relatively short period of time translated to thirty-five hours within the Projection; effectively making it an extra day off.

Unlike the previous tournament, this event would be an in-house competition and, as an Emperor himself, Vahn would be participating alongside Artoria, Nero, Ozymandias, Alexander, and, though she was historically recognized as a King, Attila. After all, she was the most famous ruler of what had become known as the Hunnic Empire so, even if it was posthumously; she was more than qualified to display her prowess within the coming competition.

Though the main reason for Attila's participation was to ascertain just how strong she was, this didn't particularly matter to the other contestants. Rather, Alexander and Nero would jump at the chance to prove themselves against just about everyone in the Empire; a testament to their fearlessness and, in many ways, their hubris...

When it finally came time for the event to begin, everyone gathered together in the center of a vast expanse of grassy plains; courtesy of Arcueid. She was more than willing to help out, providing both the venue and the means for others to witness the coming battle.

Upon seeing the lack of theatrics, Nero was the first to issue a mild complaint, her arms akimbo as she stated, "For a battle between emperor-grade existences, this is turning out to be a rather plain affair. Umu, this is unacceptable. Allow me to infuse some artistry, after all, we have an audience to entertain~"

Without waiting for anything like permission, Nero followed her words by spreading her arms wide, a brilliant smile on her face as she exclaimed, "Behold, my fellows of Imperial descent! Bear witness to the manifestation of my greatness; a beauty and extravagance beyond compare! Come forth, my magnificent theater! Let us dance upon the grandest of stages~!!"

Accompanying Nero's 'chant', a rippled flowed out through her feet; spreading through the vast plain with tremendous speed. Rose petals danced around them, propelled by an invisible force that also caused everyone's clothes and hair to gracefully flow. At the same time, a massive structure of gold had encompassed the entire area; its appearance similar to both a coliseum and a theater. Even the floor was covered in marble that seemed to be infused with gold-dust; adorned with lavish red carpets trimmed with golden fibers.

Upon first seeing the multi-tiered theater, set with viewing stands that could easily accommodate a crowd of several thousand, Alexander couldn't help but laugh out loud before exclaiming, "Though it lacks the charm of a real battlefield, I can't wait to lay waste to this excessively extravagant place~!"

Seemingly unperturbed by Alexander's words, Nero crossed her arms proudly, nodding her head in agreement as she said, "An Emperor must embody the absolute ideals of their people. Others seek extravagance so an Emperor must be the most extravagant of all! Umu, feel free to destroy this place as you please. After all, that, too, is an Emperor's privilege...!"

Alexander seemed to find everything Nero said amusing so, in the same way as before, he began to laugh enthusiastically in response to her words. As for everyone else, they were busy looking around at their new stage; Vahn included. He could easily imagine Luvia fainting upon witnessing an entire theater constructed from purified, magically enchanted, gold. He could even imagine her asking him to build something similar in the future; a surprisingly simple feat with the combination of Maxwell and [Das Rheingold]...

Before Alexander could wander off to literally start breaking things, Vahn took the initiative to state the rules of their competition, explaining, "I don't doubt everyone here enjoys a good battle but, in order to make things more interesting; we'll be playing with stakes involved. Each of you has things you desire: be it freedom, power, authority, etcetera. With that in mind, the victor of this competition of ours will be allowed something their heart desires; so long as it does not directly conflict with the interests of the Empire. Do any of you have issues with this arrangement?"

Hearing Vahn's explanation, Alexander wasted no time in answering, "I have no problems with that. The real question is, what do you expect to receive upon winning? We've all seen your memories at this point; you're a real monster, aren't you? Is this how you intend to keep us in line, using our pride to force our acquiescence after stealing victory for yourself...?"

Rather than outright refute Alexander's accusation, Vahn returned a smile as he explained, "There is only one thing I truly desire; something obtainable only through personal effort. I am participating in this competition for personal reasons. If you come to respect me by the time things come to an end, that is a decision you would have made for yourself..."

Seemingly unable to help himself, Alexander began laughing in response to Vahn's words. As for the others present: Nero bobbed her head with an 'umu', Ozymandias crossed his arms, Attila stared off into space, and Artoria smiled approvingly.

With no one else having anything to ask, the event, rather unceremoniously, proceeded to the next stage: battle. They would be doing a round-robin style competition as, with only six people, brackets would be pointless. This event was basically just an opportunity for each of them to show off so, with that in mind, Vahn took the initiative to secure his participation in the first bout, opening the floor to all challengers.

Without missing a beat, Nero was the first to react to Vahn's words, her mouth forming an excited smile as she instantly exclaimed, "I will have the honor of issuing the first challenge! Umu, prepare yourself, my Master, as I will not hold back. Rather than a bunch of random memories, I wish to see for myself how powerful you are!"

In timing with Nero's outburst, Vahn felt the energy in the surroundings shift slightly and, while it was almost impossible to notice, even the fluttering of the rose petals became more chaotic. This theater was similar to a Reality Marble but, instead of overwriting the texture of the world with a new one; Nero's ability seemed to build upon the existing world. Even if she stopped powering it with her energy, Vahn was certain the theater would continue standing; must like the Hanging Gardens.

Though he was slightly curious about the nature of Nero's A-Rank Noble Phantasm, Vahn knew he would soon find out about its abilities first hand. Even if it had the ability to seal away opponents, he was confident in being able to come out ahead; securing victory and elevating his status in the eyes of his fellow Emperors and Empresses...

With this in mind, Vahn adopted a similar smile to Nero's, one that showed off his excitement as he unhesitantly replied, "It is our honor to accept your challenge, Nero...shall we dance?"

Laughing in response to Vahn's question, Nero gestured for everyone else to clear out as she said, "If this was a competition of the arts, I fear this wouldn't be a competition at all. Umu, it is fortunate for everyone else that this is merely a contest of strength and skill; a brutish but effective way to display our individual prowess~"

Since Nero had regaled him with tales of her various talents the previous day, Vahn knew that she genuinely considered herself peerless in the arts. It didn't matter if it was painting, song, dance, or even displays of martial prowess; Nero considered herself more skilled than Apollo, more beautiful than Venus, and a greater charioteer than Sol; something the latter would vehemently disagree with if not for the face she had been summoned as a Shielder.

Without minding Nero's taunting in the slightest, Vahn leaped back so that he was about halfway from the center point of the theater. This action was mirrored by Nero and, for a brief moment, they just observed each other as the others found seats in the Imperial Seating Area. Since there was only one Throne present, the atmosphere above became somewhat tense until everyone ultimately came to a silent agreement; deciding to observe the battle while standing...

There were no official rules for the contest so Vahn had also forgone the selection of a referee. This left things somewhat ambiguous, leaving it to the contenders to decide when to start. As a result, Vahn and Nero continued to stare at each other for nearly a full minute before a single rose petal, which had been dancing near the center of the arena, settled on the ground. The moment it touched down, Vahn's and Nero's figures both disappeared; their battle officially having started...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'What truly matters most...','Vahn's heart has only ever desired one thing...','The opening act is preempted by the prelude~')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


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