
Return With a Deity's Corpse

As Moranti reappeared within their strategy room, he waved his arm to open a rift. To the surprise of the gods present, Sterfen calmly walked through the rift, completely drenched. And behind Sterfen was the lifeless husk of the former Molten God. 

They already knew that Sterfen wouldn't have tagged along with Moranti without good reason, but such a fast outcome was more than startling. Witnessing the deep cut across Sterfen's chest only made them more curious as Sterfen had returned soaked from head to toe, not helping such a serious injury.

Adding the corpse to the surprise was beyond jarring. Not only was that once the second strongest holy god and the fourth-strongest overall, but Naparn's body was riddled with cuts, gashes, torn flesh, broken joints, and more.

While Lunara immediately threw her arms around Sterfen, Dragas and Guuro both started to use holy magic to heal the gaping wound.

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